Information Hello again my lovely MyM Community! After a lot of testings and a lot of server configuration, I am proud to Announce Donor Kits for our 1.10 servers! If you are curious about what is in your kits, you can go to this link as it will show you exactly that! Just make sure you select the tab with the server you are playing on. A notable change about the kit system on 1.10 is that the items will go directly into your inventory and not give you the chest with the items in it like our 1.7 & 1.6 servers. How to Guide So, how do you redeem your kits? It is a little different from how you do this on our 1.7 & 1.6 servers. First you can list your available kits using the command /kits. Make sure you don't forget the s at the end of kits . I believe you can also use the /kit list command to also see your available kits. Next you can either click on the text of your kit listed in /kits and it will automatically redeem it. The other command you can do to redeem your kit is to use /kit <kitname>. So for example if you have the resource donor kit, you can use the command in-game /kit resource and it will redeem that kit specified. Once you redeem the kit, it will go on a 24 hour cooldown for that server. When you redeem your selected kit, all of the items will go into your inventory as I mentioned above. If your inventory is full, the kit will not be redeemed and will throw you back an error saying so. So make sure you have enough inventory slots. Warning If you notice something not right with your kits or kits in general, please create a ticket in-game using /ticket create or create a private bug report here. I would really appreciate it if everyone would report any and all bugs that might come with this new system as this is experimental.
just tested on dw20 Works perfectly, thank you for finally getting the kits for 1.10 i know myself and a lot of donors have been waiting for them and we really appreciate the hard work you have put into getting it fixed
Thank you i wondered who was going to be the one to set up and create these kits and it was you and for that I thank you
Thanks for the hard work getting kits onto the 1.10 servers, now after a 1.10 hiatus i might be tempted to get my ass back on DW. Although right now i'm un-pausing some things on infinity >.<
Awesome, now I never need to go mining on pixelmon agiain Just a heads up though I found a error on the MYM kits page. For the pixelmon 1.10 tab the resource kits is wrong. Spoiler: Picture As this is what you actually get. Spoiler: Items But the old pixelmon tab is right. Spoiler: picture
Are the contents of the kits locked in, or are they open to suggestions? honestly I've been thinking that the kits could use a refresh for a long time now (even the 1.7.10 ones).. For example /kit resource(+) randomly having silver and lead but not other metals like copper or tin, or possible addition of 1/2 wither skulls to mobdrops(/+), and perhaps some pack specific additions like a diamond hammer and basic extra utilities watering can in /kit tools and a tiny progressions watering can in tools+ for sky factory 3, or changing the golden bag to a more useful (upgradable) iron backpack in packs that have it, etc.
small bug report, nothing major but when i redeemed the kit armor it deleted my jetpack and boots that i had equiped.
I would very much look to here more about this. Do you mind filling out a Private Bug report? I would like to solve this.
Please make a post in this section of the forums and provide as much detail as you can. Hopefully I can reproduce this and fix it.
Ok. I have run into a slight problem with the 1.10 kits. I am used to the donor kits being able to be retrieved once every 24 hours. The first round of kits went as planned two (?) days ago. The /kits list showed all the kits available to me. However when I logged on today and tried to list my kits, one of them (armour) is missing, and the system tells me I do not have permission to use the /kit <> command. Soooo...are the 1.10 kits every 24 hours, or are they a one time thing for the 1.10 servers. Also why is my /kit armour not showing up?
They're every 24h, but all kits are currently disabled due to a bug. Info - Global Changelog | Page 10 | MineYourMind Community -V
any information whatsoever yet on when we can redeem our kits again? having trouble getting the resources and tools in pixelmon, i dont do much mining in pixelmon. xD