Done [FTB Beyond] Problem with Environmental Tech Mod

Discussion in 'Beyond' started by Tomuchan, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    10:20 PM
    My friends and I are having a problem with Environmental Tech. To keep our server footprint low we are trying to keep our whole base inside one chunk. As a result our solar panel is sitting at Y=254 and our void ore miner is sitting at Y=4. When we are at the top of our base our void ore miner doesn't work, when we are at the bottom of the base our solar panel doesn't work. It looks like there is a limited range that players must be around Environmental tech machines but I can't find any information online.

    Is there a solution to this?

  2. ProZed

    ProZed Active Member

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    Make them next to each other. Having your base in 1 chunk might actually be causing more lag
  3. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    We know that they work when they are close, that's beside the point.

    I don't know where you got the idea that 1 chunk bases cause more lag. Stretching AE networks over multiple chunks is known to cause tps drops which is what we're trying to avoid.
  4. It's true, having everything in a chunk is laggy. Try to keep multibock structures in a chunk though
  5. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    I kinda get the impression you guys don't know what lag is. Are you talking about client fps? server performance? connection speed?

    Rather than discussing 1 chunk bases I would like to get back to the main topic/problem.
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Can you please reproduce this in a single player setup? That will let me know if I should go look at Sponge or Environmental Tech. Screenshots of the setup in single play will help also as I have not yet explored the mod.
  7. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    Thats pretty sure serverside... same happens with Forestry Treefarms.

    Probably the Slowdown is now a block and not a chunkrange....
  8. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    No, the problem does not happen in singleplayer. Just so the numbers make sense: the Tier 4 void ore miner with full speed upgrades should take about 31krf/t and the Tier 4 solars should produce about 46krf/t at its peak.

    Here is the setup in singleplayer:
    Bottom: Y=3 Here we can see the solars are inputting energy properly
    Top: Y=255 *input is at 30krf/t because the capacitor is full but the void ore miner is drawing power

    Here is the same setup on MyM:
    Top: Y=255 Void ore miner is not drawing power
    Bottom: Y =64 Solars are not producing power
    Middle: input and output are close to zero because we are out of range of both machines:
    I think so too but there is no information about it from the MyM admins. My only solution right now is to keep one person at the top and one person at the bottom which is a bit ridiculous.
  9. That does not makes any sense at all :v minecraft working stuff by chunk not block range, strange
  10. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    @Tomuchan thank you. Ill test and figure out what is going on tonight.
  12. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    We've contacted the mod author on their Github to see if this was an intended feature or a bug. Thanks for reporting it, now we wait patiently for the mod author's input on the matter! :)
  13. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    Hi Tuffnoodle, thanks for the response.

    I don't think it's an issue with the ET mod because it works in singleplayer and this bug is also affecting our woot farm, forestry tree farms, etc which are separate mods. As @Ben85 says we think it's something to do with the mym server itself.
  14. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    Whoops, thanks for reminding me, I'll need to specify that it works in single player and that it's an issue on the server.
  15. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    10:20 PM
    Has there been any progress on this case? I researched it further and I still think this is a server side problem not an issue with the mod itself. Could we keep this open until its resolved?

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