A Server for Modern Skyblock?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by TheEmosewaPixel, Apr 10, 2017.


Should Modern Skyblock get a server?

  1. Yes, it seems interesting

    30 vote(s)
  2. No, [reason in the comments]

    5 vote(s)
  1. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    3:17 PM
    Hey there! I was wondering if anyone would like to see a server for this: Overview - Modern Skyblock - Modpacks - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge
    To put it shortly it's a skyblock, but not your average one. It's for MC 1.11.2 and uses, unlike other skyblock packs, a different mod for obtaining resources, Sky Resources. As it currently is 47th place on Curse, I think that it's about time for it so have it's own server, but you guys check it out and vote. After that we'll see what turns out.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2017
  2. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    10:17 AM
    Looks interesting to me, one question; how does this sky recorces mod work?
  3. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    3:17 PM
    There's an in-game guide and the first chapter of the achievement book is oriented towards it (as some things in the guide aren't listed by order).
  4. ProZed

    ProZed Active Member

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    10:17 AM
    i dont want to portray myself as a filthy casual. but its missing a few mods like applied energistics 2 and Draconic evolution imo :p
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    1.11 is quite new and we would probably be one of the first public servers. This usually means that it is quite unstable as it has not been tested and debugged by others before.
    Therefor it is something we can look into, but can't promise and not with highest priority. :)
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    10:17 AM
    I've spent some time with your modpack, here's the first round of my feedback.

    Things like the Island guide should be more pronounced, they are easily missable if you aren't reading chat you might be left without any idea what to do, including a manual for that sort of thing as part of the starting inventory might be a good idea.

    Sand Island: Add a note that you need to leave no less than FOUR sand to progress, I changed my sand to snad to grow cacti only to find out without a block of sandstone it is game over. I also found that it was common for sand to go flying off along with cactus while harvesting it, not entirely sure what you can really do to change that, but it is worth mentioning someone may lose their starting goods if they aren't quick.

    Wood Island: This was an exercise in frustration and boredom. Being forced to fish to even start the island was mind numbingly boring. Worse after a minecraft day and then some (roughly thirty-forty minutes) I still hadn't produced a single block of dirt. I threw up my hands in discuss with this one having an inventory full of random garbage and no alternative other than to keep fishing if I wanted to progress.

    Snow: I've only briefly fiddled with this one so I reserve judgement.

    Grass: Seems like the traditional island, I've not had any time with this one yet.
  7. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    9:17 AM
    I would love to see a pack that didn't include Draconic Evolution
  8. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    3:17 PM
    ProZed, the reason for that is that those mods haven't yet been updated. I'll add them as soon as they do. When it comes to AE2, well Refined Storage is replacing it.

    Wyndman thanks for the feedback. I too wanted a more detailed guide so it's time that I told the creator of Sky Resources about it. When it comes to islands some may be harder than others in a grindy way and depending on what you do you could fail from the very start. Listed starting from the easiest they are: GoG (not mentioned in the guide), Grass, Snow, Sand, Wooden island (mostly depends on luck).
  9. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    9:17 AM
    Didn't realize this thread was here, so I posted in your other thread. For reference, I'll copy down what I put there, with one addition:

    I played it, and so far I'm liking it. It's a pretty unique way of working a skyblock that gets away from the typical ex nihilo methods. There are a few things I don't like though.
    1. The achievement book looks like it's ripped straight out of SkyFactory3 or something. Very generic and more like a task list than a quest book.
    2. The main mod "Sky Resources" feels like it steps on itself at Stage 2 when it has you transition from the crystal shard processing to crushed rock. At that point, I'm still using stone processing machines for crystals, but since crushed rock is so much easier and produces all of the same ores, I don't see much of a point in continuing with the higher tiers of crystal shard processing.
    3. Mystical Agriculture is in the pack, but without any foreseeable way of getting prosperity shards, I couldn't do anything with it (wanted to make some super fast furnaces)
    This one isn't necessarily a negative, but more an observation: Ore production aside, the rest of the pack doesn't seem too different from a typical skyblock map, and the lack of a tiered quest system makes this pack more open ended like SkyFactory3 and less like Project Ozone 2. I prefer the tiered quest system personally, but I know alot of people like open ended packs too.
  10. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    Not exactly. If you look in the achievement book you will find: Mine Prosperity Ore. It can be found in the End, Beneath, custom dimension or with an Orechid. I just made it a bit mid to late-game.[DOUBLEPOST=1492070889][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyways we now have a 9/10 PG Rating. Isn't that enough? :)
  11. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I has been hoping that I would finally find a modpack without Botania. I have been disappointed again. (No for this pack from me)
  12. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    Is the Botania starting island the problem, as there are other islands?
  13. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    9:17 AM
    Did you try the pack? Kinda crappy to downvote simply because a modpack HAS a mod in it, rather than something being excluded. It's not like you have to use botania if you don't want to.
  14. PhishTahkoh

    PhishTahkoh Patron Tier 3

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    I didn't upvote or downvote, just stated my opinion.
  15. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    7:17 AM
    I have not played this pack yet, but I'm sure I will after my flight arrives home. I do agree, this would be very interesting as ed nehilo currrntly dominates all skyblock packs. But sometimes, interests can come with a few problems. MYMs knowledge about 1.10 and above isn't the greatest, and I also agree it would not be very great to open a 1.11 pack to the public, as it will come with many many bugs, which might make it hard or almost impossible to play, depending on the bug. I'd say give it time until the Mym staff members have a better grasp of 1.11 servers.
  16. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    3:17 PM
    Well even if they don't, I'm going on a 4 day pack making marathon to make a 1.10.2 pack that will surely be popular. I wish I was in a pack making competition as it would probably get #1.
  17. Robbo1

    Robbo1 Member

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    2:17 PM
    Sorry @TheEmosewaPixel but I voted no. from looking as your issues page it looks like if any issues arise and the mod owner doesn't help you can't do anything. E.g. extra utilities problems which there seems to be a few of. This doesn't help the longetivity of the pack. You've also closed issues on your support page that actually are still in the pack which isn't reassuring.
  18. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    Figured that there'd be one person to point that out. A few of them I'm even sure if they still exist and others just sadly aren't fixable for now, I guess I should test every single one one more time to be sure if they still exist.
  19. Robbo1

    Robbo1 Member

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    I'm sorry if my comments are coming across as really harsh. I worked as a Op/dev on a small server for over 6 years where we mainly done tekkit classic and tekkit lite. once the modpacks stopped getting updated to fix bugs a few years back it took up almost all of the op teams limited time fixing bugs that would pop up on a weekly basis. in comparison whenever we tried to launch other servers having an active modpack author and mod authors also working on the problem made a massive difference. if you want any of your modpacks to reach that next level you could try fixing bugs yourself while waiting on the mod authors response. a simple example of this is the quest book & sky resources guide, you could easily spend a few hours editing them yourself to help the players currently trying out your pack :)
  20. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    9:17 AM
    I can see that if you are running a server and have a team of people working on it, but in my opinion, debugging someone elses code and fixing mods you aren't familiar with is outside of the scope of a modpack creator. Sure fix the bugs that you created but you can't realistically expect a modpack creator to be capable of decompiling/de-obfuscating/fixing bugs on every mod in his pack. Some of the simple things outside of the code, sure.
    Robbo1 likes this.

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