So while playing on the infinity evolved 1.7.10 modpack, I was experimenting with mirrors in the Witchery mod, I attempted to go into the mirror, as you can in the mod, but upon entry, crashed. Any time I try to load in, I join for a second, but on my screen I am still in the loading screen, then, crash and leave. If a mod or admin can come on and teleport me to my base when I am in the stage where I am online, I believe that will help. The server that I am on is the Infinity Node 4
for issues like this i dont understand why people dont use the ticket system, since this forum did not really need any public people since it was just a "can you tp me to spawn" plus the ticket system was designed for people so they could gain access from mods heal easily (also jr. mods need to answer like a ticket a week so they dont get demoted)
I tried to file a ticket, but I was unable to find the ticket forum, and the only other way I knew how to was to go on a server, well, I couldn't log on so I was unable to file a ticket.
tis not a forum, but at the top of the page there is a button that says "ticket system" that might help you in future endeavours