soooo make ages im used to play with AE 2 .... known everything and all.. brag about it... aaaand fail i noticed... that i might been doing something wrong with the storages bus + deep storage ? soooo example... i have a deep stroage connected to my Me system by a storage bus.... some cobbles goes in ... as its automated and goes directly in the deep storage... buuut that cobbles that goes through the me system first... don't end up in the deep storage... and yes its on BiDirectional ... i think im doing something wrong :I some tips please ? <3 btw im playing on Sky factory 2.5 ... if that can help o3o thanks for helping \o/ O ! wait i just thought of it... could it has something to do with priority settings ? o3o
Can always set them to 100 or so just in case you set priorities on something else so it'll go there before anything else. Otherwise, no problem. -V
i tend to use a me export bus into the deep storage aswell, so that way it takes it out of the computer (esp if there is already 100k of something in the system) so that way if it ever goes into the ME, it will get exported
but ! i jut found my problem ... if theres any type of this item in a disk already... all items will go through the ME first... sooo i'll have to empty my disks into the DSU first :I but thanks for the ideas \ o /
Well, no since the export busses will do that for you just stick max speed upgrades in them it it will go by like a charm
nah too much problems :3 i prefer emptying my disks <3 ... well thats gonna be a pain tho :I i have like... 48x10 disks xD ... well no wait... 24 are for liquids and essentia... welp :I still 24x10 tho xD
48 me drive bays, Damn, how do you have the channels for it Also i completed the game with like 5 me drive bays XD
well i actually have 64 :I 32 on each sides devided by two being 16 on each side of a 32 chanel cable... xD
Top fact hat i learnt, a P2P tunnel can actually transfer an INFINITE amount of channels (controllers also provide infinite) but because the biggest cable is 32 channels that is the max (also it's a shame you can only use the 16 channel cable on the line between P2P tunnels making it so you can only have 8 full P2P lines) Also quick question, why wont my 2nd assembler form correctly ;/ Also, i made a HUGE assembler consisting of at least 64 of the 64k storage and the co-processors, why can it only make 1 thing at once?
its because co processing are Ks storages are for... example processing ulterior crafts .. like a long... long.. long crafts thats need many other crafts before will be made all in that one
because when i tried making 1 flux infused jet plate it still took a second for everything to make such as leather, iron, chain ECT so it took about a minute to make, also when i tried making 1024 storage module thingys it took FOREVER to make (1024 seconds to be more precise)
Take all your drives out and leave only external storage connected and put them inside a network I/O. Should filter any items that are in there that are supposed to be in DSU's to there and leave the rest alone since there's no specified place for them. -V