I remember ignoring hungry nodes entirely because primordial pearls can give huge amounts of aspects to nodes quickly as well, I set up a farm for primordial pearls and use them instead of hungry nodes because that's an infinitely better setup
and how would you even farm primordial pearls ? :I they are not plants u know and you can,t soul trap a thaum boss :I i tried [doublepost=1499048619][/doublepost]and with only 1 portal per island that only reset on saturday its a pain to farm :I
nah u can't on Sky fact 2.5 x) [doublepost=1499052518][/doublepost]also... why would i trust chugga >.> !? the primal pearl could also make my node worst ... dude i don,t wanna lose my 500 of each aspect xD and i don,t wanna lose the hungry node either x) its a pain to find
ye but Nets won't work either i tried once ... well it was the eldritch construct tho >.> [doublepost=1499052812][/doublepost]also.... will chugga be a mod soon ? x) he should
i'll try on the other boss first and second... why not ?! well u have a bad reput... >.> but u still are helpful ...
Every time I've applied for moderator anywhere i've been banned before the process was finished for one reason or another, with 100% perfect rate so far
XD WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thats harsh :I i've only been banend twice in my life >.> once here.... for reporting my self cuz i was being an arse.... and... once on ... another server... i forgot what it was.... well i outsmarted the owner and he got mad XD freakin dumb.... [doublepost=1499055400,1499053703][/doublepost] and holy shit i just noticed ME 4 ''M'' of knowledge... don't u think u're being a bit... too much there ? XD [doublepost=1499055442][/doublepost] and also... does that means u only know 64 things... but u know an infinite knowledge abuot these 64 things ?!
I think there was a bee for it. Im not sure. [doublepost=1499090535][/doublepost]The outer land is the dim of the Three Thaumaturgy Champions: The Taintacle The Eldritch "Master/Champion". and the Crimson Portal with the Crimson Praetor.
SHAME ON YOU !!!!!!!! >:^( [doublepost=1499102649][/doublepost] 4 actually theres the eldritch construct , the taintacles , the crimson portal , and the champion guardian
In my research, I have come across a few ways to satiate a hungry node. There is consensus among thaumaturges that a node may only have a single base type, commonly labelled "pure", "tainted", "hungry" or "unstable", alongside a strength of either "bright", "pale" or "fading". Most conventional node curing techniques therefore aim to modify the base type of the node, either clearing it entirely or replacing it with another type. Ideally these methods also avoid deteriorating the node's strength, at least irreplaceably so. The standard method of satiating a hungry node, in which it is infected with taint in order to combat its hunger, tends to be quite reliable, despite the obvious danger of infecting a large breach in the world with taint, but I have also noted that this method doesn't work at all in some worlds where the taint is, for unknown reasons, much relaxed compared to normal. In these situations, I have instead found it necessary to use more technological means to purify nodes, with some devices exploiting a fluxed form of the redstone common to these worlds in order to coax a nearby node's type to change. I have also heard of electrical devices whose use of unusual frequencies can modify the elemental configuration of a node, although I have not seen these first-hand to verify such claims. There has also been talk of the use of creatures such as bees, whose unique affinity for magic is well documented, in order to influence the strength, type, and even aspect content of nodes. While the theory on this is relatively sound, I have no idea as to how well this will work in practice, especially given the fluctuating nature of these worlds.