NEW Crash Landings Minecraft Modpack and more on MineYourMind

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:19 AM
    NEW Crash Landings Minecraft Modpack and more on MineYourMind
    Hello and welcome. I am IMPA, or, to be more precise, Intelligent Multi-Purpose Assistant. I am here to aid and guide you in surviving on this hot, dusty planet. The good news is that you seem to have survived the crash landing fine. The bad new is that the shuttle most definitely did not. You are stuck here for the foreseeable future. Speaking of which, you might want to get started setting up a camp. Gather what supplies are left in the wreck and then see about finding water. It is mighty dry out here.
    With these words does the new modpack “Crash Landings” from Iskandar begin and sets you into an empty world of dust, besides the metal scrap that is left from your shuttle. In order to survive you need to reinvent the wheel from literally nothing. But at least you got a good education and a “Multi-Purpose Assistant”, let´s just hope to survive the next day.
    We have spent quite some time making this primarily singleplayer modpack which is similar to Agrarian Skies, into a multiplayer compatible pack and finally succeeded after a few days of hard work. We would like to invite you to begin joining and battling the quests, always in the fear of dying as you don’t have multiple lives like in Agrarian Skies and must instead rely on your wits and later the sync clone mod to keep your crash site from been reset upon death.
    Show us that you have the skills and motivation to survive and live another day!
    IP: (of course it is also available via the MyM-Launcher which you find on our website)

    We think it is time to make a poll about our network in order to see what the majority thinks and which direction we should put our focus. Please take the time, fill out the poll and show us how you see us and what you would make different. The username field is not required but recommended for possible check backs from us. Submitted content will not be published in combination with your name unless we get your approval.
    MineYourMind Player Poll

    We are thinking about helping to sponsor a few player driven projects. We would love to accommodate original ideas you might have! Please post your innovative ideas in the Suggestions and Feedback section of the forum for the relevant modpack. If you need us to monitor a Town/PvP arena or whatever we would be willing to help out where we can and get the ball rolling on it. We would work collaboratively, you and the MyM Administration to make these project happen. Please be detailed and organized in your post, we will be looking through all ideas but only choosing a select amount so as not the spread ourselves too thinly. We can’t wait to see what you guys have in mind! The MyM Community is always surprising us and we look forward to even more surprises in the coming months! Take a look at Kingdom of Trudor by Zeltchoron for a general idea

    New SSL Certificate:
    Our current ssl certificate is expiring next week. A new one has already been ordered. But there might be a few days where the website gets flagged with a big red warning while we switch to the new certificate. This is nothing you should be concerned about.

    New Servers:
    Along with the Crash Landings server we opened a B-Team PvE 2 and Agrarian Skies 3 server last month. These servers are the same as their brothers but were needed in order to keep up with the rising number of players and hopefully maintain a lag-free experience for you all.

    Staff Changes:
    A lot of changes recently with our current Staff List and it'll continue so for the next couple of weeks. Most importantly we would like to congratulate Chaosblade3 for his recent promotion to Administrator. His hard work and dedication to the server hasn't been overlooked and the Administration team welcomes him with open arms.
    As usual, We would like to welcome the following moderators onto the Staff Team:
    @Zeltchoron (Agrarian)
    @ctacuk (Monster)
    @mrgreenly (Agrarian)
    @Ginabrik (Monster)
    @Fowah (Agrarian)
    Thank you for showing your support to the Community and taking your time to help out where it's needed.
    If you're interested in applying for a the Moderator position then feel free to click the link below and check it out yourself.
    Apply for Staff

    NEW Hardware
    Not many noticed it as we moved all servers to new dedicated servers overnight. We now have 5 x E3-1270v3 with 32 GB ECC Ram and a I7-4770 with 4 TB for backups. Server Usage

    Server Performance

    For quite some time I have been creating a system that tracks the performance of all our servers in order to be able to focus on our weakest ones. I got a moment and made two basics charts public on the website. If you are looking for a new server/modpack to play on, this might help to choose the best performing server to join. Server Performance
    As always if you have any issues, ideas, suggestions or complaints please talk to us via the forums and don’t keep it to yourself. Our network has reached a level of size where changes don’t happen as fast as we would like them to but we always appreciate and carefully consider all of your feedback nonetheless.
    I need to say this again, please really talk to us. There have been so many issues that might have been fixed much sooner had they been reported to us via tickets or forum posts but instead went unsolved because no one told us about them. Use the forums for anything which doesn’t fit within the character limit of the ticket system and if you feel something is going unsolved then don’t just give up after one try, as long as you stay friendly and use common sense you don’t have anything to fear from us. We build this community and its servers for you all not just for us and we want you to enjoy them to the fullest!
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
    YourMCGeek and Mijikai like this.
  2. night3y3s

    night3y3s chaotic constructor

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    10:19 AM
    this is great news, and I'm more then likely wanting to test the new modpack out. It sounds very interesting and challenging... see you on that dusty planet :)
  3. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    9:19 AM
    Amazing updates, can't wait to try out this new Modpacked server!
  4. firewall43

    firewall43 Active Member

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    10:19 AM
    yay ctacuk :3
  5. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    4:19 AM
    Yay fowah!!!!
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    9:19 AM
    Yay ME! ;)
    Demonica6666 and Mijikai like this.
  7. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    4:19 AM
    True Dat. @chaosblad3 can I talk to you on horizons
  8. ZombievsSlayer

    ZombievsSlayer ZombievsSlayer

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    3:19 AM
    I actually think I'm going to play this...
  9. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    9:19 AM
    I'm afraid i won't be able to get in game tonight, my work requires me to stay away from home every Saturday night so I only have my laptop on hand which can barely handle minecraft, so I mostly just attend the forum and shizz.
  10. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    4:19 AM
    Ok thats fine...
  11. Puzle

    Puzle New Member

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    11:19 AM
    Time to land a crash!
    Mijikai likes this.
  12. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    3:19 AM
    This looks great
    Mijikai likes this.
  13. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    9:19 AM
    see you soon! Just read the brief now, and I'll be on today once I find a texture pack!
  14. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    3:19 AM
    Kool, I will work on my Castle Wednesday and Thurday I am crashing lolz
  15. Octav14n

    Octav14n Well-Known Member

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    10:19 AM
    Just to let you know: On Linux (and probably Mac too) the MyM-Launcher will download "zMineTweaker-1.6.4-2.3.1.jar" twice.
    One is called:
    zMineTweaker-1.6.4-2.3.1.jar and the second one
    ZMineTweaker-1.6.4-2.3.1.jar (capital "Z")

    On Windows those two would be identical (since Windows isn't case sensitive) but on Linux I have to manually delete one of them.
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:19 AM
    Oh, thanks for reporting it. I removed the duplicated mod.
  17. Fez__

    Fez__ Well-Known Member

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    9:19 AM
    Is there going to be a forum section for Crash Landing? also has a mod list/changelog been set up for crash landing too? Shop items for crash landing similar to Agrarian skies?
  18. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I created it now. I was not sure how we should change the tabs. That's why I didn't created it :p

    If you mean reward bags, you can get them if you run /is and click on buy perks.
  19. Fez__

    Fez__ Well-Known Member

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    9:19 AM
    just wanted to know what sort of items are coved with the donator ranks for Crash landing, would guess they are very similar to AG skies
  20. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:19 AM
    Nothing atm.

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