I would like to request the use of colors, italics, bold letters and i guess underlines when changing your nickname with /nick. No &k for the randomly changing letters in nicknames. That just makes nicknames to sometimes fail when whispering someone and some people just go crazy with it. I know colors are allowed in chat and on signs but sometimes you would like some flavor in your nickname with some eye catching colors. If this is to get accepted then T5 would probably be a good place to allow it for, since T4 gets /nick.
Hmmm I would hope our donators would be responsible, but I can already see people changing their colors to Moderator blue or even Admin red and picking on players who don't realize there's no staff tag on em. Just something off the top of my head.
Yup, that's precisely the reason that nick color support has always been disabled and every request for it auto-denied
All the colors have specific uses, we normally don't use the same color for a different use. Allowing different colors in names will exactly cause this. It will also change the chat into a color mix which we always try to prevent. Example:
True in the fact that people will try mixing colors but you always have the rank tags to determine admin from normal player if someone is unsure then they can just do /online I believe and they will get proper list of online players along with what rank they are with staff being top of the list. EDIT: I am not sure on this but I think nicknames are not show when a person holds tab to see online players. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Best option is to set up a filter for / nick to prevent people from doing [Staff Rank] or with the use of () or {}. Just like how you are not allowed to use foul language with in you nicknames. Some servers also done this neat thing that if you have a record of impersonating staff members then colored nicks are to be removed as an option only to retain non colored nicks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
T5 donator here, and been for the past year or two, and i stand with Tuff and Sirwill on this, I know, colors in nicks would be nice, not gonna lie i was thinking about it once or twice, but I quickly realized how much it could be abused if we did get it, and now i see just how bad it could be, with sirwill's picture. Just to note, that was only 2 people that caused that much color in chat, mainly just one actually. So imagine our tens, if not one hundred donators with nick-able teirs and color access being able to do that? it would be insanity! I would like to say this would be possible, but it really isn't, and I am sorry it must be like this for us, but some people would just not be responsible enough with it.
Patrons in servers also have a unique rank before their name which says Patron. If you fear for patrons giving back hate for loosing their uniqueness then how about having colored nicks being added to patreon subscribers instead. Now that is an interesting idea. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think you just need to drop this already, we've already explained precisely why this would be more trouble than it is worth..
We've already had to remove players who thought it would be a good idea to nick themselves, mod, admin and owner so imagine the ability to change their colors to match?