So I see you updated to 1.7.0 on node 6 among others.... Damn it I need some help downloading the correct version of the modpack as the twitch launcher only supports and endorses the 1.7.1 launcher. I'm decent with computers and can figure it out with clear direction. Ty and don't steal my stuff pls. -Delta
Update, with some prowling around the forums I have seen that SirWilli himself posted a link to a changelog for the version, i have downloaded and placed into the correct appdata folder. Gonna need some help retrieving it to get into that version of FTB
Update 2 I have prowled around the twitch launcher and have noticed that there are other versions avaliable for you to download at all times. I has figured it out so if anyone needs assistance with the twitch launcher and has not been able to log in using their current version, open the changelog and select version 1.7.0 and download. TY chugga for giving me the idea for this! -Delta