How does the /et command work? I've looked into it a bit, and according to the shop I should have 5 power, (I'm tier3) which I would assume means 5 max enchanting lvl, but I type /et and I get max lvl 10... Also why not just make it lvl 30? Or make tier5 lvl 30 (why 15?) I get the idea of better and better advancement at higher ranks, but enchanting tables aernt that hard to make especially with the armor and/or recourse kits, and there is no advantage in 1.10 to having a lower level table, since it costs 3 lvls no matter what for the highest level...
The "Enchanting Power" I believe refers to how many bookshelves the command makes the virtual enchanting table think it has around it, so power 5 = 5 bookshelves = level range 1-15, power 10 = 10 bookshelves = level range 2-23, and power 15 = 15 bookshelves = level range 2-30.
Would it really be that hard to make the power just mean max enchanting level? (maybe rounded up to the nearest whole bookshelf needed) It would be much less confusing...