Done The mystery of the missing squid!

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 3' started by Mantralord, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    11:20 AM
    Last Millenium has a separate portal.
    Also sorry for suggetsing "/island warp brandonlk", it's a warp to the island everyone uses for bats on ozone kappa. Forgot to check what pack is the issue on. :p
  2. Mantralord

    Mantralord Active Member

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    11:20 AM
    Ah I see :p
    Yeah the last millenium portal block seems disabled so im still not having a solution to either bats or squid lol... im starting to think no one has ever tried created the angel ring on my server... I have built a vibrant jetpack so I can at least fly for now, but i do want that creative flight and draconic armor is not close to happening =/
  3. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    11:20 AM
    If you go to the Nether and wait for a lot of time you might be able to get a tear or two. If I remeber correctly, it's also possible to get some from fortress chests and lootbags (if lootbags mod is in the pack).
  4. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    4:20 AM
    yes lootbags are there
  5. Mantralord

    Mantralord Active Member

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    11:20 AM
    I need an actual ghast damaged down to 2.5 hearts in a cursed lasso as part of the recipe for the angel ring... and a bat in a golden lasso.
    Thats why I need those guys to spawn, I have no need for ghast tears at the moment, but yes you do get them from loot bags and I got a couple from my automated mob farm / bag opener setup already.
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    Why do you keep commenting when you clearly don't even know how the pack works, Last Millenium isn't in the pack or even in the mod for that matter, it wasn't kept in when Ex.U updated to 1.10.. also they need a lasso'd ghast not just ghast tears.

    The "passive mob limit" has very little to do with it, when i was trying to get squids to spawn on my island I had pigs/cows/sheep/horses/chickens spawning constantly, it is ONLY squid that aren't spawning, if the global passive mob limit was to blame then no other passive mobs would be spawning at all.
  7. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    11:20 AM
    Because the thread is mainly about a mob spawn issue which is related to pluings and Minecraft, not the pack and I was trying to help without even checking the pack.
    Because the thread is mainly about a mob spawn issue which is related to pluings and Minecraft, not the pack and I was trying to help without even checking the pack.
  8. Mantralord

    Mantralord Active Member

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    11:20 AM
    Still no answers? =(
    I made a ticket but it was closed since i already made this forum thread, it would be nice to get an answer from someone from MyM since it clearly is a server related issue, im fine with if you guys have disabled bat and squid spawning because of reasons, but please do tell me if that is the case so I can stop building giant pools and dark rooms everywhere in the hope to spawn them and instead start doing something else in my base :p
  9. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

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    2:20 AM
    Okay, so @hihello0773 and I did extensive testing over the last couple days and found that squids indeed do NOT spawn, even with a spawner. We tested length, width, depth, Y level, lighting, blocks, and spawners and got nothing. Our @Administrator team may have to look into this.
  10. hihello0773

    hihello0773 Well-Known Member

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    5:20 AM
    To add onto @Tipsied , the only way we have found that squids can exist is by using a spawn egg. We tried the spawners and the entire pools in an Ocean biome as well and we didn't get any results :(
  11. Mantralord

    Mantralord Active Member

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    11:20 AM
    Ok, good to know that its not just me going crazy :p Ill just hold off on the angel ring for now then.
  12. Kaymax

    Kaymax Well-Known Member

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    11:20 AM
    As squid spawning is disabled, our great Administration team have enabled the Squid Bait, and since it wasn't showing up on JEI, they made a custom recipe for it.
    You can read about it in the changelog.

    Marking this as solved!
  13. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    3:20 AM
    OK, I need to clear something up about this, Squid Spawning isn't technically disabled. The problem with the overworld is the biome type which doesn't allow for squid spawning. This is why we re-enabled the SquidBait.

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