Done Difficulty growing Prunae Seeds

Discussion in 'Age of Engineering' started by Cragmire, Sep 14, 2017.

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  1. Cragmire

    Cragmire The Legendary Laugh

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    9:31 AM
    I built a Basic Greenhouse that doesn't have any trouble growing standard crops, but won't let Prunae Seeds get past the first growth stage. It seems that when the plant tries to grow to the next stage, it breaks, dropping the seed in the Greenhouse and not in the I/O chest for the Greenhouse. Sometimes it takes two minutes, sometimes 20 seconds. Also, when I put a Prunae Seed in the Greenhouse to be planted, if I add any other crop seed, the Greenhouse tries to plant the new crop where the Prunae plant is and both crop seeds break in the Greenhouse where I have to pick them up manually. During about 30 minutes and 20 or so attempts, one plant managed to get past the first growth stage and get harvested like normal, but I haven't been able to reproduce that result even with a single Prunae plant in the Greenhouse.

    Any help would be appreciated. I looked around and couldn't find this exact issue on a forum or google search, so I have no idea what to do.

    Edit: This is on AoE Node 3

    Edit: CO2 level was low the whole time. I'm experimenting now by raising CO2 levels before planting, will update with results.

    Update: Still getting very inconsistent results. Now common crops are acting similar. I'm going to try and reproduce in SP. I'm beginning to think I might just be bad at this machine, but there's not exactly a lot of helpful documentation for Calculator...

    Conclusion: Welp, I'm dumb. Turns out the light level was not high enough for plant growth. The Greenhouse worked just fine with the Lantern on and stopped working when the coal I threw in burned out. I'll mark this as done, but leave the post here, just in case anyone else has a brain fart this bad...
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  2. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    9:31 AM
    what nod because that would greatly increase help
  3. Cragmire

    Cragmire The Legendary Laugh

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    9:31 AM
    Added to main post.
    [doublepost=1505428570,1505422338][/doublepost]Thanks to KaidoSecurity for kindly reminding me that light can be a helpful thing when you live in an underground workshop...
  4. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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  5. Cragmire

    Cragmire The Legendary Laugh

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    9:31 AM
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