Are you a Colorblind player?

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by Tuffnoodle, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    Hello all! Just recently a player had asked in our support discord channel about resource packs to help colorblind players, I poked around for some packs and realized we probably have many more players that could use the info!

    Now to start, there are many forms of color blindness, making it so certain colors are harder to see depending the colorblind type. This makes it so quite a few of the materials in the default textures very hard to differentiate from one another! I can only imagine how frustrating this is!

    I could not begin to accurately begin to describe the different types of color blindness, so here's a good website to explain it if you're interested: Types of Color Blindness

    Unfortunately, doing a simple google search will bring up color blindess simulators...which doesn't help much obviously! Not many current, findable, resource packs seek to balance out colors for color blind players; however there are some that alter the texture shapes to help the player differentiate between the different ores and items:

    Both of these packs are by kyctarniq, they replace vanilla textures with different shapes to better differentiate ores and items:
    1.10.2: Visibility 2 Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.10.2 | MinecraftSix
    1.6.2 - 1.7.10: Visibility Texture Pack

    Here are some non-Minecraft tools you can also use and see if they help:

    Links provided by one of our own, Krhymez!
    Enchroma: Color Blindness Test | Enchroma
    Vision - Chrome Web Store
    5 Free Computer Software for Color Blindness
    Upcoming Win10 update: Turn On or Off Color Filters to the Screen in Windows 10 Windows 10 Customization Tutorials
    Color Enhancer - Chrome Web Store

    Like I said, many packs for "color blindess" are just simulators unfortunately. On the upside, if any players know of any resource packs/shaders to HELP color blind players I will add them to this post! I know our player base is chock full of resources to help each other!

    Also, if any of you are artistically inclined, those simulators are a good way to see what your textures look like in a color blind person's eyes. One of the most popular simulators: Alvoria's Color Blind Simulating Vanilla Shaders - See the World Differently!

    Let me know in this thread if you have any information to help! I'm sure our community would appreciate it! :D

    Disclaimer: This is not a MyM project, or any sort of project altogether, this is just an attempt to bring together our wonderful community to help our fellow players that happen to be color blind!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  2. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    I can make a very long essay about colorblindness and how it's a pain in the behind to live with, so instead of torturing everybody with the facts, until I'm asked, I shall simply say, I have colorblindness, and the easiest example I can think of, to explain how minecraft can be difficult, especially the modded minecraft, is for instance, in the AOE modpack, (Age of Engineering)Iron, Tin, Aluminum and Lead.

    If you place them together, I can see the difference in the shading and the tints, etc. However if you took them apart, I wouldn't know which is which, because they all look the same if I can't compare them to eachother. I have to pick them out of the barrel, to be able to figure out what they are so I can use them.

    I really appreciate you trying to find a texture pack and shaders to help us, however it will not be an easy search, because there are a LOT of different types of colorblindness, like a lot can be filtered into red-green colorblindness, and etc, however that's not just it. There's different levels of it as well, so someone can be the same kind of colorblind I am, but on a more severe level, or on a way less severe level. It's sort of like wearing glasses, but with colors. It's very rare to find someone with the same prescription glasses as you, and even if they're close they can still be off by a tiny bit that just makes your eyes hurt.

    I really look forward to seeing if the search brings up anything useful for me to try out on 1.10 modpacks as well, I'm looking forward to seeing if I can play without being hindered by the secret curse of colorblindness.
    PotatoWithHat, Rohen and Peace7904 like this.
  3. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    That's part of the problem, a lot of people think being color blind as the red-green variety. I was actually surprised to see the simulator I linked included other types as well! It'll take a lot of digging to see if anyone's made a real attempt at a colorblind friendly pack, for any of the types. I really want to believe they're out there.

    The severity issue is an interesting one as well, it'd be a good feature to be able to adjust (like by slider) the saturation/intensity of the colors to something that suits you. That's something to think about.

    With this thread I'm hoping to bring together our resources as a community, someone here might have some insight or knowledge of a pack/shaders that could help!
  4. JasonCastle

    JasonCastle Patron Tier 2

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    I would be happy to go through the process of helping make some colorblind-aiding resource packs!! However, one I would need to know which ModPacks people have requests for and two I would need some decisions as to what types of colorblindness our actual player-base have. If you don't already know making a resource pack for a mod intense pack, such as Infinity or AoE, might take some time. I would love to put in the time but I would also hate to go through the time only to find out I'm not actually helping anyone specific!!

    I recognize, as mentioned above, that people may be affected differently, similar to a glasses prescription; however would I be correct in saying if you tackled it from a objective perspective, you could make a difference? Back in high school, I remember my teacher used to use blue markers in place of red, and orange in place of green. If I went through a pack like AoE and simply did something similar, would that be beneficial to anyone??

    Also my Minecraft name is JasonCastle, I recently changed it and I haven't updated my forum profile accordingly yet, if I reply later under that name or you'd care to chat in game or on discord with me.
  5. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    Love the enthusiasm! It's indeed a whole 'nother beast altogether to attempt a resource pack for a specific modpack, most resource packs in general focus on vanilla blocks/items. Popularity also shifts greatly as new packs become available and people eventually flock to them, so trying to focus on a modpack would be a time-intensive endeavor. Not that it wouldn't be helpful, it definitely would, but a resource pack that can be used across modpacks (replacing vanilla textures) would have a longer life and possibly reach more people over time regardless of pack popularity.

    Added a disclaimer to the main post: This is not a MyM project, or any sort of project altogether, this is just an attempt to bring together our wonderful community to help our fellow players that happen to be color blind!
  6. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Hmmm il help but if we got a Lot of players and diffrint players whit Color blindness and meybe a programmer we could make a Color blindness mod where if its plossiabel we could make a mod that has sliders for serverty and then a picking of what type of Color blindness that player is

    I know it would take a Lot if testning and codeing and time but if we could get it done just whit standart minecraft and get it working good then a team could try to make modpacks addons to the mod

    Il help il Will help a Lot...
    Iam curretly lerarning eclipse but I find it hard and brain twisting whit MC forge and such and ui and urghhh but il help code it if its needed
  7. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    I like your ideas, how I believe if we tackle this issue from a different angle, we might be able to find a better solution. Making a texture pack to help people who are colorblind, will only be helpful if it's made specifically for that person. Because of this, I think we should take a more customizable approach.

    Not only would the texture pack need to be customized for that person's eyesight, but it would be a pain setting it up for every modpack. Not to mention it will need to be altered for every type of colorblindness. I Really liked Fireforce's idea, a "Color blindness mod" with its ability to be customized based on the severity of the person's colorblind problems.

    I think instead of making a texture pack, we should be finding a way that changes the way the screen itself looks with sliders to customize how much it is changed. Because my eyes receive more green and not as much red, I went to the settings in my screen and raised the Red slider and lowered the green slider. The screen changed to look a tiny bit different, but it wasn't really "wow I can see everything differently" I still had problems with seeing what they were. I think if we can improve on this and make it for people who suffer for colorblindness based on this concept, I think we might not only help the MYM community, but all of the minecraft community.
    Tuffnoodle and Fireforce like this.
  8. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    You're right! Texture packs are pretty much a bandaid when we're talking about modded Minecraft! Some mods have a color blind setting from what I remember (Thermal Ex maybe?). Something like this would require someone who has experience making mods and would know the process.
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I am colorblind, but i use a program to fix my PC to make me see all colors.

    It is called "Vision"
    There is a plugin for chrome if you only want it on your browser.

    Chrome: Vision - Chrome Web Store

    Try this test with the plugin first: Enchroma: Color Blindness Test | Enchroma

    If you want a software that works on all apps, check this site: 5 Free Computer Software for Color Blindness

    Windows 10 Fall update will have a built in colorblind filter; Turn On or Off Color Filters to the Screen in Windows 10 Windows 10 Customization Tutorials

    I honestly can not wait for this feature. It really hurts to look away from the monitor after seeing the world in full color.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I thought glasses existed which are able to help with all of this?
  11. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    There is! But they are rather expensive at the moment, I'm sure they'll come down in price eventually as more products become available. Discussions like this are good to share resources that players already have access to, since they already have a computer (since they play on our network :p ) they can use whatever internet resources we can find. :D

    That's so cool! Thanks so much for sharing, I'm sure this will help a lot of players! :D
  12. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    Currently from my research, I found glasses for $300 (when not on sale) and it can only help 30% of its target audience. Glasses are cool but, glasses are the same as texture packs.
    [doublepost=1505497113,1505439640][/doublepost]And glasses are impossible for people who already wear glasses for bad eyesight
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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  14. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    Added this and the links from your previous post into the original post! :D
  15. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    For those curious, but not invested enough to install the resource pack, I've compiled some images from it in each mode, labeled for each mode available.

    Tuffnoodle and Slind like this.
  16. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    Also, if you want to try the built in colorblind filter in Windows before the update drops in the official release, it is available in the developer build slow release ring for the Windows insider program. If you're okay with the potential for minor system instability, could give it a try.

    I've been using it for a few days now with no trouble or system instability, but folks with different hardware/drivers (may) have issues. If so, it's easy to revert the system.
    Rohen and Tuffnoodle like this.
  17. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    COFH has a color blind mode.

    Look for the file Config/Cofh/Client

    Then look for this line
    Render {
    # If TRUE, Color Blind Textures will be enabled in CoFH Mods, where applicable. [default: false]

    Set that to true
    Rohen and Snowfoxs like this.
  18. AmeliaFireFox

    AmeliaFireFox Well-Known Member

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    But it may not help everybody who suffers from different variables of colorblindness.
  19. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    CoFH's colorblind mode doesn't change the colors of color-reliant features, instead it changes the texture entirely.

    See photo:

    Left: Normal
    Right: Colorblind Mode
    Lawmonark likes this.

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