Info Space Station Issues (for everyone)

Discussion in 'Age of Engineering' started by Aidoneus, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Yorinar

    Yorinar Well-Known Member

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    7:22 AM
    My changes earlier today have survived 3 reboots so far.
    Aidoneus likes this.
  2. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    12:22 PM
    All that we placed in space is now gone. So not solved.
  3. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    5:22 AM
    What server and when did it disappear?
  4. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    Node 2: between yesterday night (CET) and this morning (CET)
    My guess is that now we're in the another server (swapped between main and backup?) since also the moon base was not there.
  5. Tapercrazy_jay

    Tapercrazy_jay Well-Known Member

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    11:22 AM
    hi there it seems the saving of the space station is not working as i build mine yesterday n went though 2 restarts of the server n it stayed n now i come on n everything i placed is gone. it seems to of gone back to when i first built my station is there anyway of getting this stuff back or not ta this is on node 1 ta

    iv done a 2nd test to see if the station is saving right n i found it is not saving my station as i put a iron block in there last nite n come on not long ago n found the block is now gone 3/10/17 15.50
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
  6. Yorinar

    Yorinar Well-Known Member

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    7:22 AM
    Things seemed to be going well, but made some changes to my station today and they did not survive a few reboots later when I checked again. Node 1
  7. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    5:22 AM
    So, the space station dimension is still there, but the blocks in it aren't saving? Am I reading that right? I am trying to pin point exactly what is happening.
  8. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    12:22 PM
    There are 2 scenarios that we have experienced:
    1.- The blocks are there, in a previous or alternative version. E.g. we built something, claimed it, and they disappear. Then we built another one, claimed it, and mysteriously the previous version pops up.
    2.- The blocks are gone. The claim and the blocks are gone
  9. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    12:22 PM
    my space station disapeard on a server restart. so what now?

    i build a space station on the groun plased it in the satelit bay and sent it up, i followed in another rocket but the satation did not build so i build it on a angel block. i plased down a chunk loader and did /sethome. everyting is fine and i can go home and back. but then the server restarted and now i cant use my /home xxxx anymore. i tryed to use the rocket to get ther. i got the screen thats telling me im switching dim. and then it started the disending. everything looks fine but sudnly i switch dim again and it land in my front yard wher i left from. so i cant get ther anymore. i did never see the space station after the restart so i dont know if the blocks ar gone or not. ps it was claimed..
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
  10. Tapercrazy_jay

    Tapercrazy_jay Well-Known Member

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    11:22 AM
    hi there is there anyone looking in to this still as the other day friday around i think the 530pm server restart i lost everything on my station angin lucky i got the the right planet i wanted to n i built everything a gd 2 or so hrs before the restart as well
  11. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Sinces the space station issue is not likely to be getting fixed
    I cant progress to beyond the moon
    Here is My suggestion what about paying whit the warp fuel stuff to Open a portal to the next planet if we know the cost of each jump to the other planets
    For the ores and such
  12. gueritol

    gueritol Well-Known Member

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    You can always go to another planet.
    Just after reboot build your station (in space with the angel block) and launch yourself to the planets.
    With the gold shovel save a 10x10 in each one, return, pick your stuff up and you can /claimlist TP to the planets
  13. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Its not that iam lazy but that takes a Lot of timeing iam not always on before a server restart.
    But I see where your going whit it.
    It just shud not be that hard to go to the other planets or galaxies in aoe but I Will try what u suggestd when i get it allready
  14. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    5:22 AM
    Been working on a mass space station on node 3, no problems so far. been using RFTools Matter re-locators to get to and from my station. Its been a good week so far.
    [doublepost=1509028136,1508998741][/doublepost]I say this only to find the work I did yesterday undone. What have you guys done to me? D:
    My first thought is that dimension has problems if you log in/out while still inside it. I will try only logging out at my base and see if that helps.
    Rohen likes this.
  15. xDeutschesReichx

    xDeutschesReichx xDeutschesReichx

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    I think we can build cobblestone platforms in space station worlds and stand on different places on the platform to see if the player and chunkloading has anything to do with it.
    [doublepost=1513457868,1513420001][/doublepost]ye turns out not all chunks delete things.... gonna do some more experiments then II'll check back in with ya
    I lost my warp core to it too
  16. _Cilo_

    _Cilo_ Patron Tier 1

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    11:22 AM

    Thought I'd add this here to add to the information being collected.

    • 2 hours ago
      Oh, and we have tried the process in creative on single player game and it works perfectly, so we are following the correct process.
    • 2 hours ago
      Update: When our rocket goes to the space dimension to build the space station, all seems to go as planned. It starts to descend to the space station location (or where the space station should be built). Then when altitude reaches 0 we are switched back to the overworld and the 23 seconds to start descent screen. We return home with no space station module and no space station.
    • 1 day ago
      We are onto our 10th Space Station. We built our first Space Station, launched it into space, built it in space and it was working fine. Then next time we tried to reach it, it appeared to be gone. So, we built another Space Station and launched it. Our rocket went up, appeared to go to a new dimension to build the Space Station, but after a few seconds, we reentered earth atmosphere and we land with our satellite bay empty. No space station in orbit and none in our bay. We have tried over and over again to reach it using the space station id_chip with no luck. So we tried with more space stations and more chips, but we cannot get another space station to build in space. Im tired of wasting resources and time on this. Please advise what we should do. Thank you.
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    AFAIK, last I checked with the space stations, there were a few issues for a few reasons:

    1. The main issue was that when sending up the original space station, it would create the dimension fine, but it would not load anything and therefore not place the blocks
    2. The next issue is dimension culling, apparently there is/was some bugs in the dimension culling, most likely related to #1 that caused deletes with space stations, this culling only appears on 1.10, it seems, as galactic science (even back when I was a (private) beta tester) did not have such issues
    3. The stations do not have their own dimension, if, say, a space station SOMEONE ELSE OWNS moves into another planet's orbit, that moves the entire dimension, IIRC, it's been two months since I got a new laptop, so I haven't been playing much for a long while, so correct me on this if you want
    4. In relation to #3, the easiest way to solve #3 is to have the EnderIO telepad that is coordinate bound to your space station, meaning that if THAT doesn't work, then the station is definitely gone
  18. xDeutschesReichx

    xDeutschesReichx xDeutschesReichx

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    12:22 AM
    Actually we need more people focusing on this issue. Presumably we need a team with enough resources to target this issue.

    Lets first organize what we know.
    1. Space Station do not deploy in orbit.
    2. Some chunks in a space station world can be cleared occasionally during restarts and crashes.
    3. Unmanned rockets are stuck at world height.

    For number 2, it looks like there are many variables to determine whether a chunk clears or not. Chunk loading seems to be one of them, I'll test that out.

    Edit: I did several tests that found out that chunkloading is indeed one of the variables. At least in my case, no chunkloading = no work undone

    Number 1 is maybe due to the space station deleting, and that is fairly easy to test. Just launch a rocket carrying space station into an existing space station to see if the existing one is deleted.

    Not sure on the dimension part, but afaik, star ship warping doesn't move anything.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
  19. hunky524

    hunky524 Active Member

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    5:22 AM
    I don't know if this thread is still active, but this problem is still happening. I had to use angel blocks to make a space station. When I jumped off my rocket above max build height, it got stuck above the world height. Most annoyingly, chunks will randomly be deleted in the space station. Here is an issue I haven't seen mentioned yet. Mechanical blocks (ie, multi-blocks, furnaces, ic2 machines) will randomly be deleted, but the rest of the blocks in the chunk will remain; in other words, the chunk won't be deleted, but the functional blocks will be deleted. Wondering if there are any status updates on this issue, and if there is anything on the server to help people progress through space.

    This happened on Feb 3, 2018 in case anyone needs a general timestamp.
  20. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    5:22 AM
    dont set a base in space. not a functional one anyways. stick with only the bare minimum, make a small 6X6 platform, set up some RFtools teleports, maybe a solar panel or 2. make the warp core (Or whatever it was called) and then warp to planets and set up teleport pads on each planet.Besides those 3 or so machines you do not need to risk any other resources.

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