I have the current book for warhammer 40k d&d and is playing whit 4 others iam not the dm but its good i have played d&d a few times before i love it
I have always meant to try d&d out (it seems like a perfect game for me) but I have never really had time is it easy to learn?
I think what's more important is having people or a group willing to teach you, the rest just falls into place. I've been fortunate enough to recently join some D&D groups that have players who were patient and willing to play with me with zero experience. They definitely have made all the difference in this learning experience! I also tend to feel like I'm learning something new every session ^^ This thread and the discord channel seems very welcoming to new players with patient experienced members, so I think you will have no problem catching on
Version also makes a difference, with 5th Edition being the newest, but many older gamers still prefer older versions. I personally prefer 3.5e as I find 5e too watered down and simplfied, which can be a good thing for some people, but not to my liking.
All are welcome to give it a go, I enjoy showing new players into it. Anyone who wants to give it a look feel free to use the link I have pinned in discord to create a character through dndbeyond, and also can read up the free rules too. If you have any questions just ask. An idea was suggested to start a short campaign, (just a couple sessions) where you start out not knowing anything about your character, and learn about it as you try to do things. I am working on making it make sense, as well as throwing in some fun extra mechanics, but it might take a bit of time before it is all put together, or enough to just wing it. I have a general idea, but balancing is going to be important to figure out.