Some complaints: Network + B team

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Slipplaysmc, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    Let me just start by saying that I've been playing on the mym network for a very long time on and off, and I've enjoyed my time here very much. I'm not making this thread just to harass the staff team unnecessarily, I just feel like it's about time that some of these things should be mentioned. Most of these criticisms are not very subjective and completely legitimate, so hopefully some of these things can be looked into.

    For starters: Staff activity. This issue mainly concerns B team as that's the server I play on now but it does also apply somewhat to crash landing and some of the other smaller servers which seldom have staff online. I've seen someone bring this up with staff members in-game before, to which they responded by saying plenty of staff members are online every day. This is true, however, the staff members that come online usually come online in groups, resulting in 4 staff members being online for 1-3 hours, then there being no staff online for the rest of the day. I get that it's very unrealistic to expect 100% coverage 24/7, but as it currently stands, there are no staff members online most of the time, even though B team is one of the larger servers on the network. I don't think that individuals necessarily need to increase their playtime, but perhaps it's time to consider expanding the staff team a bit. Sidenote btw, I live in the Pacific time zone and to my knowledge mym is in UTC +1, so I understand that it's probably very late for numerous staff members when I'm online sometimes. Regardless though, that doesn't change the fact that there are very large periods of staff inactivity spanning throughout the day.
    I think it's also worth mentioning that when admins are online, it's practically the equivalent of having no staff online. I know that when they're online they are usually there to do administrative work whereas the moderators moderate, but sometimes it almost seems like they intentionally ignore the chat and what's going on. Earlier today someone was griefing someone else's claim, and the admin online didn't do anything about it, despite the situation lasting roughly 30 minutes. Anyways, the point of that story is just to further illustrate that admins usually don't moderate the chat much, and as such, it's alike to having no staff on to begin with. Also, sometimes staff members come online for literally ~5 minutes, making it look like they've been active recently when such a short period doesn't really count for much.
    In contrast, however, the staff team as a whole is very respectful and when mods are on, they do their job very well. In my own experience, I've found that corruption and player preference is the biggest problem on networks of this size, but I have yet to encounter any form of either of those yet. I also recognize that relatively, mym doesn't usually deal with a ton of player issues every day, so it's not the end of the world if there are no staff members online for a while.

    Next, everyone's favorite topic: Lag.
    Please don't dismiss this without considering what I'm saying; I've seen people bring this up a couple times, and it usually gets shut down for a multitude of reasons. I'm somewhat familiar with hosting, and I know lag isn't usually as simple as people think.
    There is no doubting that B team lags significantly, and earlier today, it was getting pretty ridiculous. It took me roughly 20 minutes to mine 10 obsidian blocks with a standard Efficiency 1 pickaxe due to block lag, and it made the server almost unplayable for me. Recently, block lag has been getting pretty insane, and it makes it really difficult to play, depending on what you're doing. Aside from block lag, there is also usually occasional lag spikes. While those don't prohibit you from playing, they are still a massive inconvenience and therefore strongly unideal. Recently too, the server has sometimes lagged so hard that it crashes, but I'll speak more about that a bit later. Anyways, it's been like this for some time. I know B team is a complicated modpack with lots of complicated elements, but surely something can still be done. For the first time ever today, I actually saw a moderator that was investigating people's claims to see where the lag could be coming from, which I think is great. I'm just surprised that it doesn't happen more often, and that it takes so long for anything to be done about it. If item ducts or some other block is the problem, it would be a very good idea to put some restrictions and rules around item ducts / said block. They don't necessarily have to be very strict, but just something that limits a player from unnecessarily placing an extremely excessive of any block that causes lots of server-wide lag. If the issue is not specific players and specific blocks, then something should be done about the server's hosting allocations, because sometimes the lag is borderline game-breaking. Coupled with occasional rollbacks and crashes, sometimes the block lag makes me want to quit and find another b-team server - By the way, your response to that should not be "Just leave then". If you value your playerbase and their suggestions, you guys should look into solving this issue.
    Again, as mentioned, I saw people looking into this today, and I really appreciate that.

    This is more of a case-specific issue, but it struck me as fairly odd. The other day, B-team crashed. However.. it didn't start back up normally. Instead, it was down for a whopping (almost) 3 hours. Under certain circumstances, I understand that this is inevitable, but what happened this time was very odd. I came online to play as per usual and saw that the server was down, but I thought that perhaps it would be dealt with soon, or that it had only been down for a few minutes. Eventually, after about 15 minutes, I went on the mym website and checked out the server stats, where I found out that B team had actually been down for 2 hours and 30 minutes at that time. From there, I decided to take the issue to discord. I asked a moderator about it directly, and posted about it in the support channel. The moderator told me that it was currently being looked into, so I waited another 15 minutes (Interestingly, the moderator I was talking to actually deleted their message from yesterday. I don't know why, but it seems awfully suspicious. If you'd like to know who the moderator is, ask me in pm; I don't want to give them any unnecessary negative attention). More people were joining the hub waiting for B team to start again now, so I got some of them to start discussing the issue on discord. As I expected, because more people were talking about it, we got a response from luk who told us it was being looked into, but this time, within 3 minutes, the server was back up.

    The important part about this situation is not that the server was down, no. That's pretty normal. What I found irritating is that it took the staff team 2 and a half hours to address it, then they seemingly were able to solve it in just a few minutes. There were no rollback issues once the server was back up either. Adding to that, the first moderator I talked to presumably didn't mention the issue to the staff team. In summary, the two issues here is that the B team server was neglected and nothing was really done until I actually got some more people to start complaining about it. Nobody responded to my first message in support, but literally within seconds of more people complaining, we got a response, and it just makes it seem like certain issues are ignored if they aren't getting enough attention. This seems to be somewhat prevalent with the lag issue too. One or two people complain, nothing is done. One person makes a thread, and nothing is done. When several people complain however, it appears that it's suddenly worth dealing with, and a staff member starts looking into it. It's very obvious why that happens and it makes sense, but it awfully seems like the staff team intentionally ignores issues they don't feel like addressing unless the players actually force them into talking about it.

    The last thing I'm gonna talk about here is the filters. Just as an overall criticism, the stance the network has on swearing is very strange. The demographics of modpacks and by transcendence the mym network is obviously greater than that of the general minecraft demographic. I understand common filters on explicit swear words, but there are just WAY too many examples of the filters being ridiculously strict. For example, "idiot", "moron", even "noob" and numerous other words are banned. I've noticed there are two filters applied, possibly by different plugins: One is for actual swear words, whereas the other one is for words like "idiot". The filter that restricts the softer words is borderline broken, as you can still say the word by implementing a space or by adding a letter at the end of the word. The actually bad words, on the other hand, can only be said if you add spaces. Adding to both of those issues, the filters seem to be fairly inconsistent. "Idiot", for example, is banned, but "loser" is not, and this is common with lots of the banned words and their similar counterparts. In my opinion, neither "idiot" or "loser" should be banned, but regardless, the restricted words should be somewhat consistent. Also, I've seen people bypass the filters on both the bad words and the not so bad words, to which the staff team responds very diffirently, indicating that they are completely aware that some of the filtered words are very unreasonable.
    In conclusion: The filters are way too strict, they don't actually work very well, and on top of both of those, they are inconsistent. I understand why you guys would apply filters to begin with, but sometimes it seems like not a lot of thought was put into planning out how filters should be used. If you don't want to change the filters, they should at least be fixed in terms of consistency and actual functionality, and if you think it's about time the filters are reformed, consider hosting some kind of poll for the players. The poll doesn't necessarily have to dictate what is done with the filters at the end of the day, but at least it can give you an idea of what the players actually want.

    Anyways, those are my grievances for now. There are a few other things that I didn't include that I might bring up at a later date. Each of the issues I brought up here are things I've heard other players complain about too. To reiterate what I said at the beginning, I am a long time player, and I still love the mym network. The staff team is generally great and the server is very fun to play on. I'm a fan of the mym network, but like any fan of anything should, I want to see the network be the best it can be, making any reasonable adjustments to better suit the players. While the complaints I made in this thread were somewhat large, they aren't particularly difficult issues to solve, possibly with the exception of the lag issues.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this thread; I'm hopeful that some changes can be made to make the mym network even more enjoyable to play on~

    (Just in case you guys think I didn't notice btw, the colors of the paragraphs are not meant to be in correct order according to the color spectrum ;P)
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2017
  2. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Staff activity, well let me throw it out there again, we're all volunteers, always keep that in the back of your mind when it comes to staff, for the Jr. Moderators right up to the administrators and managers we're here because we like to help. That being said, a vast majority of us have responsibilities outside of the network, personally I have a wife, two children, a practice to run, I'm studying full-time for a master’s degree, developing a mod pack for MyM so I do the best I can to do other support work when I have the time. It's not an uncommon story throughout the network, our younger (retaliative to me) are college students, the slightly older staff are normally people with full time jobs as well. So that's why we can't cover every server all the time. Staff are also players, so if you see a bunch of staff clumped together on a server, much like players we do play on servers, some of us are there working at the same time, you can never really tell. My standard when this becomes a question is, if you want to help out you can apply to work here too! I started on regrowth here as a player and I thought I could help so here I am years later answering your questions.

    I checked the status of crashlanding, and there hasn't been anyone visible there in a few days, so no admin was ignoring your chat, there simply wasn't anyone on. If there's an issue of some griefing you can always create a ticket in game, or pop into our discord and let someone know. There's the forums and teamspeak as well.

    Next, I think you are misunderstanding our roles, just because I'm an administrator does not mean I ignore chat etc, as a senior staff member I can, and do everything the rest of the staff does I just have a larger toolbox at my disposal. If a staff member comes on for five minutes there's a chance they are there for a support issue, if they're visible then you can ask them anything you want, either in chat or message them we're here to answer questions etc. There's also the issue of visibility, you mentioned it before, yes sometimes we are online and you can't see us while we are working, while I understand your frustration it is necessary at times to resolve issues.

    As for mod pack favoritism, we try to find staff from every modpack, but tastes change players move around and so do the staff. Crashlanding is a good example, I'm probably one of the few staff that has an island there which could be why you don't run into a lot of staff playing there and they only show up to resolve issues. B-Team also has a few staff members that play their constantly, but again that is more of the exception than the rule.

    We actually do deal with a lot of player issues on a daily basis, most of our work is done behind the scenes and the only ones who are aware are the victims and the naughty players.

    There's another misconception here, we're aware of the lag issue on B-Team, while what you again saw through the prism of the world was a single moderator. When in reality Sirwill has been working on the issue for some time now. Again, we don't announce everything we do, but don't assume we don't care or aren't working on the issues. B-Team is a 1.64 pack, that might not mean a lot to the average player, but I can assure you in terms of performance it is nearly as poorly done as 1.10 from a server side. You can go look over my previous lag post explaining most reasons why it happens. 1.64 is a special beast at to how it loads and unloads things, a "lag spike" could and normally is someone's large base loading or unloading while we throttle the unloading server side it doesn't mean it is unnoticeable, couple that with the fact the server does backup every now and then results in a slight dip in performance. We do have rules in regard to ducts, loops etc and they are reported in chat for everyone to see who's been a silly looper.

    If a server is down for more than a restart, about two minutes, then chances are we are working on something, in this case it was to address the lag issue as noted above. Not to pull the curtain back too much, but a moderator might not know what is going on with servers being taken down, so if you ask them they normally ask us and we can tell them if it wasn't announced to staff prior to that.

    There's no conspiracy, Sirwill was working on the issue, sometimes the issues take a few minutes to resolve, such as a crash due to a block interaction other times they take hours to handle, the server may be down for you, but running or we could be doing something else in the background that requires the server to be stopped. This was indeed the case in this incident. As for staff not responding, they might not be looking at the channel at the time, I'm a fine example I might be in discord, but not active I have it open in the event that I'm around to be alerted, and I belong to multiple discords as well. Staff have a much more effective method of getting in touch with me.

    The filter we know isn't the best, I've heard it before, it comes from a general dictionary style filter and needs updating, the issue of finding the time to address such a small thing in the grand scheme of things is pretty much what holds it back. There's words in there that probably shouldn't be in there, there are words that probably should be but aren't.

    Any other concerns you have feel free to share them with everyone here I like reading player concerns.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Hi Slipplaysmc,

    thank you for providing this thorough feedback. I will go through these points and share some background information. Please don't take this as neglecting the issues or waving them under a rock. We take feedback very seriously since we are concerned about providing quality, otherwise we would have never grown to this size :)

    One of our main principles is quality throughout the entire network. This includes support and therefor staff. We set high requirements and expect a lot from staff, to represent the network in the best way possible. Unfortunately the downside of this is, that many applicants do not qualify for the role. Our acceptance rate is at around 30% while probably only half of these make it out of the Jr.Moderator position. Usually this is due to them noticing it is nothing for them/not fun or out of inactivity.
    While having more staff on board would definitely be great, we value the quality of representation at a higher level.
    In order for the staff to achieve the best, we do not set any requirements on what packs to player or where to show presence. It is important that every staff member likes to come online, since otherwise the volunteer interest fades and the quality staff activity decreases.
    Due to this our servers are rarely moderated by staff presence but we provide quick options to get a hold of staff (discord, ticket system, forums).

    Therefor we highly drive on solid applicants, if you (everyone) encounter anyone who you think would be a perfect fit for the team, please suggest to apply or let us know about them, so we can reach out.

    @SirWill (one (if not the) most experienced person on the network regarding these issues) has been working on this issue for a couple of days, now. I see that this wasn't communicated clearly and therefor it is causing a lot of frustration. I'm sorry about this.

    The issue is not related to any specific player or base. For some odd reason the GalacticCraft Energy Network is going crazy in the Promised Land. Even after deleting the promised land so it generates a new (empty) one (without any galacticcraft items in the world), this issue returns. While we had +10 B-Team servers over the years, this was never an issue before.
    Because we do not want to disable either the promised land or the galacticcraft energy system, we haven't found a solution for this yet.

    The only people able to recover a server if it corrupted (can't start without restoring a [partial] backup) are Admins, while we have good coverage, there are always a few hours a day where no one is available. This can cause a server to be down for couple of hours. It could be that at this time no one was available to take care of the issue. But even if this was the case, the matter was not communicated properly, I'm sorry about this. If you don't mind, please let us know about the staff member, so we can provide some guidance on these matters (the staff member won't get into trouble for this). If you do mind, please contact the staff member directly and let him know that you would have wished for better communication and reference this thread :)

    Another of our principles is a family friendly environment. We have good amount of parents playing together with their young children, which is something we encourage.
    The goal of the language filter is not to prevent any time of cursing (which is impossible), it is there to remind the community about this rule, which is often overlooked or forgotten in the heat of the moment. We receive reports about people bypassing the filter intentionally on a daily basis. These intentional instances give those people a break from the network.

    Again, thank you for the very thorough feedback, it goes a long way. Even if some points are due to different expectations/goals, they always let us rethink the state of our foundation (does it still reflect our values, did values change..).
    Slipplaysmc and wyndman like this.
  5. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    I think it's pretty apparent that the staff members are volunteers on here just like they would be on any server, and as I said, I don't believe it's an individual problem. My suggestion was that the staff team expands a bit, which for now anyways would just require one or two periodic announcements saying help wanted and a link, or the odd administrator mentioning it in the chat. I'm sure we're on the same page that there are segments of the day that are somewhat understaffed.

    I wasn't talking about crash landing at the administator segment, that was still about b team - It was unclear, that's my bad. On B team there was no doubt that an administrator was on and wasn't afk, and meanwhile there were 3 of us talking about this guy getting griefed, and it seemed they didn't notice at all. Again, we didn't explicitly contact them, but it was still kind of odd that they didn't notice the situation at all.

    I'm aware that admins can still fulfil moderator duties, it's just common for admins to stick to bigger jobs and the moderators to handle moderating, obviously due to the power difference, and as such, it can result in admins neglecting the chat or smaller issues. It's a pretty common problem. I know that the admin could have been busy, and it wasn't a very big deal, it was just one of the situations I observed.

    I know that staff preference varies, and I also know it's very unrealistic to have 24/7 coverage on all the small servers, but adjustments could still be made. For example, you could add a policy where every 30-60 minutes, staff members could quickly take a peak on each of the servers, just making sure that there are no major issues. It wouldn't take a lot of effort and would be very effective. That's only a suggestion btw, it isn't necessarily a perfect alternative.

    I still think that most of mym or more specifically B team doesn't face many player-relation problems. I was speaking relatively, by the way. During my time online in the last week and a bit, there have only been 2 player relation issues, and over a month on crash landing, I never saw one. I know that there are other problems that I wouldn't see, but most servers have to deal with way more public chat issues than B team does, for example.

    I'm aware of all of that, and I don't think staff members should have to immediately respond to everything on discord. Regardless though, Luk and the other moderator were both around when I sent my first message in #support, and they were also around when it started getting more messages. My presumption is that they did get a notification about mine, but because it was just a single message, chose to wait before responding to it. Mind you, there were other staff members online too, so props to luk for actually dealing with it.

    That's really great to hear. Honestly, I thought my input on the filter was going to be rejected. To my knowledge, the filter has been like that for a very long time now, so perhaps the community should start discussing filter alterations now~
    I had no idea the acceptance rate was so low, thanks for telling me. I think it's great that you guys are so picky with your applicants; as mentioned, it's the best way to uphold your high staffing standards.

    I didn't know any of that, thanks for sharing. While I don't think you necessarily have to apogize for it, you're correct in saying it wasn't communicated. Moreover, it didn't have to be explained in full, but it was just ignored. There were a number of us complaining at one point when the block lag was really bad while 2 admins and 1 or 2 mods were online, and it was just ignored. Something like "Someone's working on fixing the lag" would have sufficied, and while it doesn't explain in full, at least we'd be aware that something is being done. When multi-player complaints about lag are ignored, it kinda gives the impression that not much is being done. Again, thanks for informing me about the current situation involving SirWill

    I'm not necessarily concerned about them getting punished or anything, and I still don't think they would be, I just didn't want them to get any negative feedback before I got any responses to the thread. The first moderator I talked to was Greywolf11, and the one that later delt with #support was luk.

    I get what you're saying in the first part about why the filter exists, but at the end you kind of say the filter is inneffective on purpose. Two alternatives include altering the filters and making them less strict so that players don't necessarily need a break from the filter, or a filter could be imposed that only enacts word restriction if a certain word is said in excess.

    Thank you @wyndman and @Slind for taking the time to respond to this thread

    Nope ;P ur just gonna have to read the whole thing
  6. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    I would like to also add some statistics on our staffing, to perhaps paint an even more clear picture to you, and the community. :) No opinions here, just the facts.

    Regional differences are working against us, and are one of the main causes of few people being online due to timezone differences.
    • Current Staff:
      • 72% : Americas
      • 25% : Europe
      • 3% : Australia
    • Applicants
      • 63% : Americas
      • 31% : Europe
      • 4% : Australia
      • 1.45% : Asia
      • 0.5% : Africa
    As you see, even in applications, there is a a major disparity in where people are located. For example, during the time the BTeam server was down for nearly three hours, it was around 2 or 3 AM where I am located, and where the vast majority of staff members are located as well. I was blissfully unaware of the issue that arose, until I woke up later that morning.

    As Slind said, only about 30% of those who apply are accepted. We're very selective in our hiring process, as we must have a great degree of certainty that they will act responsibly, and represent the network professionally. Of those 30 percent, only close to half show up for training. Of those who do make it through training and become a Jr. Mod, a generous half make it to be a full Moderator.

    While I won't speak for others' situations, I, myself, am currently working, going to college, shuttling my mother back and forth to the Doctor/Hospital, and handling all the little things that crop up IRL, alongside MyM. I'm sure there are others here in similar situations. Some days I manage to be here for a few hours. Some days I only manage a peek in, at work.

    Over the last week (7 days), our staff members have responded to a total of 211 support requests (tickets/forums), along with an uncountable number of messages in our support channel in Discord.

    From creation, to today, the latest ticket number is 22,932.

    If you have any questions about staffing, feel free to ask. I'll be happy to answer them as best I can, just understand some info must be redacted or omitted for privacy and security of our staff members.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2017
  7. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    Thanks for sharing all of that information. The only thing I find odd is that only half of the people accepted show up for training, perhaps there's a reason for that (?)

    Also, I did expand what I meant when I said that mym doesn't have to respond to a ton of player related issues: It was relative to player counts and other minecraft networks, and more specifically, public chat related issues. I have no doubt that there is a large number, it just is relatively smaller than that of other servers, at least in my experience. 221/week or 31.5/day is fairly low for the whole network, considering how many servers there are + the fact that you included forum support. That means B-team, for example, constitutes only 2 support issues per day due to it harboring 7% of the player base. 22,932 tickets over the last 5 years is also low, averaging 12 tickets per day. I've seen and played on networks of similar sizes that have to deal with 100+ issues every single day, and again, I was speaking relatively when I said that.
    Anyways, all of this is obviously not a bad thing, it just shows that the mym community gets along well, and that point actually works against the idea of having more staff. And again, thanks for taking the time to respond.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2017
  8. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    You are absolutely correct, and that reason is this:

    After reviewing applications a letter is sent to those accepted. We ask that they RSVP to allow us ample time to make sure they can attend the intake that we personally schedule when more than one manager is online so we can usher them into staff.

    Half respond to their forum letters here they receive saying they will attend. Another fourth says they cannot make it and we reschedule them. More times than not they do not RSVP or show up a second time. The final fourth of applicants just don't reply.

    We have an intake every week, with the exceptions of every two if there is a holiday, re-schedule, or not enough applications.

    What is that old saying... You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

    That applies here.

    Seriously though, anytime anything like this comes up with the "not enough staff" issue... I refer people to this link that I myself submitted on that very issue.
    WTB Staff?

    Note the date, and also.... never hurts to be a part of the solution.

    ~Link below under my sig is our application. Feel free to be Dorothy seeing the wizard behind the curtain.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  9. Minnow91

    Minnow91 Retired Staff

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    Am not going to say to much....more so that I cant type or follow a conversion for more than 3 mins before losing my marbles. I have to agree with a point being made by Gamrmom and was something I was thinking myself when reading this earlier today. If you want to see what we go through on a daily basis or lend a hand in the areas that concern you by all means apply for staff with all the passion and the bible you typed out it is clear to me you care and might do well here.

    Best of Luck what ever you decide.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  10. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    Thanks for the positive feedback, lol. I do care about mym somewhat, but I also happen to have a very extensive history with other networks and forums. Long forum posts like this aren't very foreign to me, and I already have a very good idea of what a staff member's jobs entail, so I wouldn't apply just for discovery purposes
  11. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    (Apologies for how this post may turn out, currently on my phone) Like Snow said, a lot of us have IRL to deal with. Myself personally am taking time at my work to write this post. Granted I do have a spare minute but that's besides the point. I'm going to put out there some personal info on me and my job. I work for a private college in a little town in Virgina as one of our Made To Order Chef's and one of the best employees here (Not a personal opinion an actual statement from management, the students and a lot of them are regulars who know my name and I theirs, and our Dining Service Committee of Students or whatever it's called). I basically take a menu item I am given, good example are omelettes, and I make them to order however the customer wants with whatever they want in it depending on what I have out to serve it with or if I'm feeling nice and letting them pick off our salad bar two feet away. We are just now coming out of homecoming weekend, along with 8 different catering events in the span of 3 days, 6-7 different sports teams all having games (literally 4 in one day) and the shift I work is from 11:30am until we close at 8:30 (depending on the amount of students that come in, this time can change). I get almost no time to play anymore and when I do it is usually when I get off work and at home at 9. I wish my activity was what it used to be back when we had summer vacation but it won't spike again until thanksgiving and then Christmas break. Our IRL does dictate a lot of what we can do and for how long. I wish mine wasn't as demanding but nothing I can do about it unless I find a new job.

    As for the announcement, I saw this get overlooked but there is one that appears in the chat every so often on all of our servers and can sometimes be triggered by keywords such as mod or staff. I see it all the time when I'm playing and someone has a question about how (insert name here) mod works and the announcement pops up. It comes with the short link that leads to our application page.
  12. Snicklefritz113

    Snicklefritz113 Well-Known Member

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    I applied to be a mod :)

    I am well aware that there is a two week waiting period on applications to get a response on becoming a staff member or not. I appreciate that staff members are carefully chosen and only 30% get accepted and the time and dedication the staff members put into this server. The information on this thread is a huge eye opener in my opinion to what you the staff see on a normal basis.

    Thank you for the valuable information.

    Look forward to getting my letter on if i got accepted or not. Regardless will still be a loyal player and contributer to the MYM network.

    Best regards,

    MrsFaithfyre likes this.

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