A new type of map option

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Sniper_Granny, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Sniper_Granny

    Sniper_Granny Frequent Player

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    5:22 AM
    I think it would be kind of cool to have a different option of a map, I was thinking that being able to start in a arctic environment would be awesome, where theres lakes of freezing water and large glaciers all around you. You'll have to get a source of heat so you dont freeze to death, and getting food would be even harder. Not exactly sure how replacing dust would go though, maybe have the first ten blocks down be snow and ice, then from there its dust or sand.
  2. fry_lad

    fry_lad New Member

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    it's the modpack it's self that does the generation I believe so staff would need to change it manually.

    I'm in favor of having an option for different world types (I just want a flat world option though so it doesn't look like hundres of creepers went off everywhere.)
    Mijikai likes this.
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Hm, I like the idea but it would require another server for each map. Otherwise it would require a rewrite of the plugin and one world per "theme".

    Flat world is boring :p
  4. fry_lad

    fry_lad New Member

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    but I like boring, it is actually harder.
  5. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    nah, I have to agree with Sirwilli, flat world is boring.
    + too easy to navigate.

    e.g easy to spot mobs
  6. Sniper_Granny

    Sniper_Granny Frequent Player

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    Well im not saying it has to be flat, im just throwing the idea of different climate areas around.
    I was thinking that its just snow and water, and then in the water theres large chunks of ice.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    Mijikai likes this.
  7. _Thorius_

    _Thorius_ Well-Known Member

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    I thinked about something like this too and started to read about terrain generation an then i understood why Iskandar had sooooo much trouble with this. ^^

    terrain generation is math like hell. yes there are mods for this so you dont have to write it yourself but it doesnt decreases the math and time you have to put in a project like this.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    while the math part is not the biggest problem the issue is - as sirwilli said - the system is only build for a single world with single worldgen.

    It would be no problem to add different types of buildings in the same worldgen but adding different worldgens would either require different servers or a rewrite of the core of the island plugin as all the data storage and functions have been written for a single world.

    There are also other aspects like the water, the default biome "desert" does give the salted water, as soon as the biome is different it gives normal water, which removes one of the bigger parts of the game.

    Atm. we are working on the shell constructors (~20-40% usage), premium perk implementation and a third crash landing server, depending on this weekends online players.

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