Please Consider Removing Blue Power Mod From Tekkit Legends.

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by lilsaint123, Dec 26, 2017.


Should the Blue Power mod be disabled on Tekkit Legends?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. lilsaint123

    lilsaint123 Well-Known Member

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    10:28 PM
    The mod Blue Power seems to be the cause of multiple server crashes everyday. The console is constantly shouting about massive lag being caused by Blue Power. I think if it was disabled the server would run much smoother and have less crashes. I think many people on the server would agree with me, though they may not all voice their opinions on the forums.
    Thanks for taking the time to consider this issue.
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    4:28 PM
    Better idea. Get rid of the pack and get one that is better.
    mrminesheeps, elemage, Rohen and 2 others like this.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    It's part of the mod pack so to remove it would cause more issues. Booker's suggestion is more likely to happen before we disable a mod that is built into the pack.
    Datsaltysnek and Monkey_Banana1 like this.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It is our main source of new players ;) Any idea on how we could efficiently redirect players to the better modpacks?
    wyndman and Monkey_Banana1 like this.
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    9:28 PM
    I think a large problem for redirections will be a lack of similar packs. Tekkit Legends caters for more casual players, as the midgame is short to non-existent so lategame content can be much more easily reached, allowing players to then play around in what is functionally a restricted form of creative mode. A more modern equivalent would be something like FoolCraft or maybe TrollCraft, both of which have available a shortened and simplified early-mid game compared to other 'kitchen sink' packs, although not quite on the scale Tekkit Legends does.

    If you have the stats available, you will likely find that a large portion of Legends players don't try any other packs on the network for more than a few hours, and of those who do, the majority will move to the kitchen sink packs, with a small minority moving to challenge packs. Encouraging these players to move to other servers on the network would probably require a 'gateway server' of sorts, with a pack like Foolcraft which provides a recognisable name to those outside the r/ftb crowd with a short early to mid game, as well as some of the wider mod selections and late-game challenges common to other packs on the server.
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    4:28 PM
    @The_Icy_One, is it really that though? Or is it more so of the fact that it has EMC in it? That is the question we have to ask when looking at a replacement pack.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  7. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    9:28 PM
    The EMC is certainly part of it, but it is also an aspect that doesn't tend to be available in other packs, except in more expert-mode ones where it is limited to the lategame. If there was another popular pack that included relatively early access to EMC, with a wider mod selection than Tekkit, it would probably be the ideal pack for those coming from Legends. Unfortunately, I don't know of any for which that is the case.
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    4:28 PM
    .... So am easy mode style emc pack? Other then tekkit.... Hm....
  9. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Really, ProjectE could be added to any current kitchen sink pack and it would fit that bill, although it would then outpower anything else in the pack.

    Even a pack of that style on 1.10/1.12 would be a bit of an improvement.
  10. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Project Ozone Normal mode has EMC.
  11. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    How do you know it is caused by BluePower without access to data like that?
    I checked the recent crash reports and not one was caused by BluePower.

    The main issue seems to be Logistics Pipes and Project E vein miner.
  12. lilsaint123

    lilsaint123 Well-Known Member

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    It was pure conjecture, Will. My only information to go on was the constant Console messages flagging Blue Power and other players complaining about it in chat. I had no evidence beside that, so I came here to see if I could learn more. Now that I have some facts, I'll be able to head back over there and ease everyone mind about Blue Power being some kind of monster. I still have no plans on using it as TL is solely my building server and not tech., but I'll at least try to get people not to rag on the players who do use it. Thanks all for the clarification.
  13. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    9:28 PM
    But this is relatively lategame on a challenge-style pack, both aspects which IMO put it at quite a distance from Legends.
  14. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    As it stands, we don't see the need to disable an entire mod because of a lag message that is often false. If you have any suggestions of modpacks that include ProjectE or EE3 than we are open to them. We also won't add mods to existing modpacks as that will destroy their purpose.
    lilsaint123 and Monkey_Banana1 like this.
  15. Pitboy88

    Pitboy88 Well-Known Member

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    10:28 PM
    Hello, I am not interested in the alleged lags caused by Blue Power. I just think it's a pity that the mod doesn't work properly in general. Cables do not connect properly and building circuits with them is therefore unthinkable. I loved to use this mod in Tekkit Classic but it is not usable here. I had hoped to find information on this but found only articles discussing the lag. That's all, then. Love Pitboy88

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