Done Server upgrade for infinity not showing from last night

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Ubidibity, May 24, 2018.

  1. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:20 PM
    Last night I tried to order the change spawner server upgrade. I see the ten euro charge on my paypal account transaction id 6KF64980DK843921G.

    I didn't worry about it, but I'm sure between last night and all day today while I was at work the server restarted at least once, but I only see two active server upgrades one for fly, and one for a resource kit.

    Did I do it wrong? I don't recall it asking my which infinity server, but I did put in my player name. Maybe I messed that part up.
  2. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:20 AM
    Hello Ubidibity, Thanks for contacting support, did you activate it in the /menu? Let us know!
  3. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    6:20 PM
    I must be blind, stupid, or both. I'm not seeing it though. I typed /menu (In game I assume), In the shop window I have an ender chest, gold shovel, ledger, iron block, emerald, tag, book, and comparitor icon. They correspond to Random items, Claim Blocks, Mym's, Chunkoader Tickets, Tokens, Rank Titles, Achievements, and Settings.

    The only two that sorta make sense are the last two, Achievements only has two green dyes 'community member' and 'Vote 50 times'. I hovered over all the grey ones a couple times and didn't see anything spawner related.

    I checked settings, forumfeed news enabled, FF community enabled, Forum notification enabled, Vote notificaiton enabled, Global Chat enabled (at least I know that now), and none of those seem to help.

    What should I see when I type /menu?
  4. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:20 AM
    Hello, Thanks for getting back to us, the emerald switches the shop for different stuff, i think its the one with just the chest in the shop.
  5. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    6:20 PM
    I thought you were on to something, and I admit I never noticed the third packages screen. But the Shop with the single chest just seems to have quick start icons in it. I read through each one a couple times to try to not be hasty and miss it, and I'm not seeing anything. I assume it would be a single item called "Change Spawners" or something like that?

    It also says Available Packages: 0, so maybe I should have lead with that. I'd think that should probably say Available Packages: 1?
  6. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:20 AM
    Ok, so i asked another staff member (as i havnt bought one yet) but there is different icons for each one, since you bought the Change spawner the icon should be a spawner (thats what i got told) can you check for one by pressing the emerald a few times and looking at each one carefully (incase it isnt a spawner and its something else)
  7. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    6:20 PM
    I suppose while I'm double checking everything I should bring up another error I think I made. I notice this thread has the server selection "Infinity Expert N". But I've played Expert, and I'm not on expert. I checked my game (when I selected that) and saw '' so I selected infinity 6. I didn't pick up that there would be more than one infinity 6. So if that makes any difference I'm playing on infinity6 normal...
    [doublepost=1527124036][/doublepost]I'm tempted to just buy it a second time. But maybe I should log into the other infinity servers first just to see if I sent it to the wrong place.
  8. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:20 AM
    Yes, i would do that, let me know how that goes
  9. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    6:20 PM
    well it's not on,, or I wonder now that I rechecked the shop if either my browser silently blocked the cookie (I would have thought I'd get a error), or maybe I did something stupid entering my name...
    I went into internet explorer, and I explicitly put that in to 'allow' cookies regardless of setting and went ahead and bought it a second time (pay pal xaction 60P991972P696663V).
    I made sure to type my name exactly as I saw it on the log in screen, and I didn't see anywhere else through the entire purchase that allowed me to pick a server (nor indicate that it's somehow restricted form redeeming on infinity 6).
    I guess I'll wait and see if this second one comes through. When I went through the server list for infinity I didn't see infinity6 hard, there was a different url for that, so that's just confusing too. But anyway, I guess there's nothing to do now but wait (some more).
    [doublepost=1527125523][/doublepost]well it's not on,, or I wonder now that I rechecked the shop if either my browser silently blocked the cookie (I would have thought I'd get a error), or maybe I did something stupid entering my name...
    I went into internet explorer, and I explicitly put that in to 'allow' cookies regardless of setting and went ahead and bought it a second time (pay pal xaction 60P991972P696663V).
    I made sure to type my name exactly as I saw it on the log in screen, and I didn't see anywhere else through the entire purchase that allowed me to pick a server (nor indicate that it's somehow restricted form redeeming on infinity 6).

    So in the time it took to write a response, the second one is already available.

    It works exactly like you said, I go to that shop page, click the emerald a couple times, and now there's a spawner there. It does also show Available Packages: 1.

    Is there any way for me to figure out what happened to that first one? Maybe if you can just confirm the transaction went through and enable that for the server? Since it's not tied to a specific user I don't see why it would be a big deal for you to flip that on once the shop payment is verified.

    If you can do that then I'll just hold on to the second one and redeem it in a different month.
  10. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:20 AM
    Hmm ok, i will hand this off to our @Founder 's to handle as its out of my tool kit now. Please be patient while they look into it. Sorry i cant be of more help.
  11. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    6:20 PM
    That's fine, thanks. The whole point was to try to help out the server. I'm not in any hurry. The more I think about it the more I think it must have been a denied cookie. Maybe as a suggestion if there's some way you could incorporate a 'test cookie' button, though I realize the buildcraft domain isn't yours maybe if I could at least see cookie rejections from (or then I could presume that it would fail on the shop. (I mean, assuming that's what even happened).

    In any case, Thanks for all your time today.
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    3:20 AM
    I can't reproduce the issue you are having, can you please post a screenshot of the /menu?
  13. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    6:20 PM
    I can do that when I get home, but the second purchase went through normally and showed up as expected though, so I'm pretty sure it must have been some cookie issue or maybe I dyslexicly entered my username.

    I provided two transaction numbers, one for the previous evening when I had the no spawner issue, and the second one from the next day that worked normally. I'll provide a screenshot when I get home that shows 1 available, when at this point it should be 2 (or 1 and 1 active on the server)
    [doublepost=1527204542,1527182528][/doublepost]Ok, so to recap. I ordered the spawner package. I had no idea how to claim it. I thought it'd just pop active on my server. I opened this ticket the next day (probably 12-16 hours later). I was directed to /shop, and there was no spawner.
    Twisty convinced me that it should be there, so I stepped through the process a second time very carefully paying attention to each step. I don't see where I could have gone wrong the first time (except maybe that the second time I did add an explicit allow for cookies).
    After the second purchase I then had the spawner, and the screen shows 1 upgrade available (at this point it should be 2).

    I'm not saying that the shop doesn't work, or even that there's a bug.

    I'm just saying I didn't get the package I bought.

    You should be able to see the same paypal account paid both those transactions above to the server account. You can also see that none of them were redeemed (and it's not active on any of the servers).

    I really think it comes down to either I somehow spelled my name wrong, or my browser somehow refused the cookie (without an error).

    I'd be perfectly happy if you just activated it on the infinity6 server, and then I could hang on to the second upgrade and redeem it later (0r possibly on another server). The money was paid for a server perk, and that perk doesn't benefit any one player over another so if you can just confirm that the perk was paid for then enabling the perk shouldn't be a big deal regardless of who paid for it. Should it?

    I only mention that because I think it might be easier than giving me a second credit, and it might be easier for you to confirm the first transaction was paid but not fulfilled...and not get hung up so much on literally giving me the credit just so I can turn around and redeem it. But then again I have no idea how that interaction actually functions...

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  14. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Local Time:
    3:20 AM
    You used the wrong name for the first payment ("Ubi"). I transfered it to your correct account.
  15. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:20 PM
    Sorry this was such a pain. I'll be more careful on future purchases, and I really appreciate knowing where it went wrong. I must have typed in Ubi and hit tab expecting it to autofill. I guess where money's involved I'll have to be more careful. Thanks again! And yes, I see two spawners now.

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