Done Stabilized spawners not working (even though they should)

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by _gonefishing_, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. _gonefishing_

    _gonefishing_ Well-Known Member

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    1:01 PM
    Actually Normal node 6 but that isnt in the List

    So my spawners were working normally when I took a break (logged off).
    When I came back, the spawning particles were there, but I didn't see any spawn, so I relogged
    This didn't help. After I consulted the global chat for help I checked if too many mobs were nearby (not the case)

    The spawner is a Stabilized spawner with
    a wyvern core
    an awakened core
    a notch apple (ignore spawn conditions)
    and a nether star (no player required)

    I also tried relocating it, but that didn't change anything either
    Now the spawners closer in my base also stopped working...

    I thought maybe a restart would help, but that's apparently 2 hours away

    What should I do?

    edit: it's restarting now.. Dont have time to rejoin until the morning

    edit2: decided to stick around to check... and they all work again :)
    edit3: nvm
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    7:01 AM
    Sometimes the chunk gets "stuck" just moving to spawn for a few minutes or in this case a restart normally gets it back to being operational.
  3. _gonefishing_

    _gonefishing_ Well-Known Member

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    1:01 PM
    Yes that works, but now every time I get close to the spawners, or log off, the spawners stop working..
    This is especially sad because they are part of my Blood Magic Altar, which i'm trying to fill with blood

    edit: upon further investigation it seems like it spawns the mobs once, and not anymore after that, until I go to spawn again and reload the chunk....

    edit: the setup I have is a Blood Altar tier 6 with a Well of Suffering underneath, and the villagers spawn on top of the altar
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  4. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    1:01 PM
    Try this:
    1. Give the spawner a redstone signal. (so it stops spawning).
    2. Remove your chunkloader. (even if its an iron one).
    3. Log off for about 5-10 minutes. (go grab a coffee or sandwhich).
    4. Log back in.
    5. Re-enable the chunkloader.
    6. Re-enable the spawner.
    7. Profit!
    This used to do the trick for me on many occasions. If this doesnt help you, unfortunately waiting for a restart is all you can do.

    Also make sure there are no other mobs spawning in any of the directly surrounding chunks. Entity limits prevent spawning of mobs in a 3x3 chunk area over 16 i believe (could be wrong). This includes subterranean spawns from zombies and skellies in cave systems under your base.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  5. _gonefishing_

    _gonefishing_ Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    1:01 PM
    thanks this worked :)
    edit: aaand right as i wrote this it stopped

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