Story Time

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by chaseB2, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Ooh lovely artwork there :D nice
  2. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    To start the second week off and celebrate the success of this thread, I've got a special treat for everyone. I've written a special story involving some members of our amazing staff team! Please read the disclaimer below before reading the story.

    This story is purely a work of fiction and as such, the characters involved, while loosely based off their actual counterparts, are in no way meant to represent them in actuality.

    The young pup gazed out at the starry sky with wildly curious eyes. So many adventures waiting to be explored. Kay, the Elder Doggo, descended down the rocky stairs behind the pup, “What is it that you see my young pupil” He asked.

    The young pup turned to look at Kay, “What is our purpose here Elder Doggo? What are we meant to do?”

    The Elder Doggo smiled, “I can not say what we are destined for, there are some things not even us doggos could know. Now run along young Willow. You have studies that need your attention.” He shooed the pup away and back up the stairs, into the night. Kay sighed and looked over up the great tower to where a figure sat perched on the precipice of the stone ledge. “What do you see Master Grey of the Wolves. What do you see I wonder.” Kay turned away and walked along the balcony away from the figure.

    Grey looked down upon the great city below, watching silently as street lights burned out. He glanced down to see Elder Kay watching him briefly before walking away. He grumbled to himself, “Where have the others gone Elder Kay. Where has the young blood come from. Can they even be trusted in our deepest sanctuaries?” Something in the night streets below caught his attention. He peered down into the night to find two figures coming up to the great castle he stood guard over. Quickly he disappeared back into the tower.

    Several knocks came from the large doors at the front of the castle. Willow, the castle’s attendant, came to the door to find a comrade to the doggo family. DerEchte, the friendly gangster. He was accompanied by an old man who seemed barely conscious and clutching a crumpled piece of parchment. DerEchte looked at Willow with desperate and worried eyes, “No time to talk, we need to get this man inside, it’s urgent that I speak with Elder Kay.”

    Willow ushered the two inside and let the large wood door slam behind them. “Who is he and what is that paper he’s holding?” Willow asked curiously.

    “I can’t explain now. I need to speak with Kay first!” DerEchte struggled to hold the old man up as they quickly walked to Kay’s study.

    They burst into the room to find Elder Kay sitting at his desk reading from old books. He looked up over his glasses at them. “Ah, DerEchte, always a pleasure. Who might this be?” He asked, gesturing to the old man.

    Without saying a word, DerEchte set the old man down in a chair in front of the desk and grabbed the paper out of his hand and gave it to Kay. The old man mumbled, “They’re coming. They tried to warn us but we didn’t listen. It’s too late. They’re coming…” He slumped down in his chair, unconscious.

    A voice behind them spoke up, “You know what he means, don’t you. I can see it in your eyes Elder, you know exactly what’s about to happen. What do you plan on doing about it?” Everyone turned to see Master Grey leaning against a shelf of books. He pushed himself off of them and strolled over the join the rest.

    Elder Kay stood up slowly from his desk, “Master Grey, it’s nice of you to join us.” He paused, took his glasses off, and began to pace behind his desk. “The doggo’s have been a long standing family here, we have never been brought down. We have always prevailed over the opposition. Whoever or whatever this is, we will stop it. The fire’s of war are brewing, it’s only a matter of time before the fight begins.” He dropped the paper on the desk, a faint inscription of a carrot could be seen on it. “Grey, I want you to gather the rest of your wolves. DerEchte, I want you to alert the rest of your gangsters. We need all the help we can get. Young Willow will accompany me to meet with some associates on the other side of the province, they may have insight into this. Mark my words, the doggo name will remain strong! I want you to rally support in the city! Let them know that doggo kind will not back down from this fight!”

    The group disbanded. The others left to attend to their respective roles. All but Elder Kay and the old man remained. Kay looked down at the man, “I hope I made you proud, my master.”

    The man, suddenly awake, looked up at him with tired eyes that had seen far too many things, “Elder Kay, my star pupil. You have done well all these years. It is most unfortunate that we could not catch up." He paused to regain what little strength he had left. "It is time for me to go. I can no longer fulfill my role here. It's up to you now. You must become the Eldest. Fulfill the prophecy. Goodbye, old friend.” The man burst into golden sand, and faded into oblivion.

    A new Eldest Doggo has taken the mantle on the heels of the coming war. As the mystery continues to unfold. What could any of it mean? Who are these associates of the doggo family? What is the meaning behind the mystery parchment? Answers will come as the shroud is slowly unveiled and the truth behind it all is revealed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2018
  3. Kaymax

    Kaymax Well-Known Member

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    The Eldest Doggo profecy shall be fulfilled.
  4. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    i love this thread
    Punane and chaseB2 like this.
  5. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    oh... please please... continue.. very nice story .. mysterious and so... i guessed it was about a cat halfway through.. cause it coudlnt be a man... and dogs are very dependant.. only cats can stay a few days without their slave :))
    but the story is very very beautiful <3
    Punane and chaseB2 like this.
  6. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Best thread on the internet
  7. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    [10] Midnight Sea

    All names are made up and any names that happen to match others is purely coincidental.

    The night was dark and the sea was restless our small vessel bobbing gently across the waves.

    When suddenly our radio burst into life a woman’s voice said, “This is the 31st fleet of the royal navy we advise that you change your course by 15 degrees southwards to avoid collision with us, we thank you for your cooperation.”

    We looked at each other and we both looked back at the radio. My friend picked it up and spoke back to the ship “This is not possible, with our current cargo turning 15 degrees northward would be an impossibility”

    As we waited patiently for an answer we could hear thunder outside our small vessel. The radio burst into life once more, this time the person on the other end sounded more authoritative. “This is Captain Adam Leroy Jones, Commander of the HMS Galeforce cruiser, we are the second largest warship of the British fleet, I command you to change your course by 15 degrees southward if you do not comply we will be forced to take necessary action to ensure the safety of this aircraft carrier.”

    We took a minute to take in the situation, my friend told me “you know why we can’t head north by 15 degrees it will delay us too long to get you to where you need to be, especially in your injured state.”

    I nodded “I know, but what other choice do we have but to obey them.”

    My friend took up the radio once more and spoke. “We are only a crew of two, one of us is severely injured and we need to get to Falcon island for medical care, we have a small ship that we borrowed from a friend back on the mainland. We cannot change course!”

    Once again, the Captain spoke “This is your last chance, turn 15 degrees northward or we will have to take action!” Before we could figure out what that meant we heard sirens from the ship. My friend looked over at me and saw a blue glow in my eyes and me readying for action. he stated, “Is this really our only course of action?”

    I spoke “If they won’t let us pass then we have to”. My friend stated, “But doing this will only exacerbate your wounds!”. My friend picked up the radio and stated down the mic “We cannot”

    The captain spoke back “So be it”

    We heard an artillery cannon being fired at us from the ship. I stepped outside onto the deck of the ship readied my weary wings and took flight hovering a few meters above the ship. The rain was much stronger now. The rain seeping through my clothes soaking every part of me I knew my wings could not take much of this weather especially in the state I was in. With my enhanced vision I could see that the captain was saying something, I couldn’t make it all out but it was something along the lines of “What the hell is that? focus fire on the flying object” I heard anti-air guns being revved up but before they were ready the ship shot another shell at me, I managed to dodge the shell, but barely.

    The forward anti-air guns were ready now and they started to fire I only had enough time to conjure a blue force shield in front of me, I knew I couldn’t keep this up forever, my shield was already showing signs of wear. So, I took one hand off the casting of the shield to cast a blue ball of light I aimed it in such a way so that it would split and hit all the AA guns. I threw it and it did exactly that it took out all the frontal AA guns. Before I could congratulate myself an artillery shell directly hit my shield, it shattered and the force of the explosion took me out the sky, I landed upon the top of the stern of our ship. I hurt, I could barely stand, my wings were already not in good shape when I started this, now one was broken and I could not keep it aloft anymore. This means I was grounded for the time being which was not great, since the Hms Galeforce was bearing down upon me. From what I could see of their ship they were reading for another salvo of artillery. I put my hands to the center of my chest, if I was to save me and my friend I was going to have to use my remaining energy on one last focused attack. The energy built up around my hands in a light blue ball of energy the rain fizzled out as it hit it. I shouted so that everyone could hear, “I will not die today at the bottom of the briny depths, from the actions you have taken this night!” I focused my aim on the bow of their ship and with a loud “ARGH” I let loose the devastating beam towards their ship, the sea curving away from the force of the beam. I held it for as long as I could. I collapsed upon the floor the last thing I saw before I blacked out was their ship sinking beneath the waves, and just before my eyes closed my friend rushed out carried me indoors and spoke “I told you to not do that, but I thank you for saving our lives.” I smiled and passed out.

    (Well i'm glad that has not hit some kind of character limit or anything)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2018
  8. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    is that person who is doing artwork of these still doing them, they were amazing :D
    chaseB2 likes this.
  9. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    omg yes :D
    chaseB2 and SanndyTheManndy like this.
  10. Punane

    Punane Well-Known Member

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    I feel like I have unleashed a terrifying monster who possesses people and makes them write stories with unexpected twists that suddenly turn the whole thing around. It went from "I should remove this post" to "oh, I did not expect this at all, that's okay. I guess..."
  11. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Tbh i enjoyed writing stories beforehand and had no real people to share them with but when i saw your post about wanting to create a thing like this, i jumped at the chance. it's all rather odd that was the first time in a long time i checked the "new" tab on the forums, usually i just come one to see if anyone has taken the hill. just think if i hadn't seen this post i still wouldn't be able to share my stories with people that appreciate them
    chaseB2, SanndyTheManndy and Punane like this.
  12. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    i love them . :D :D i love these short stories <3
    chaseB2 and Punane like this.
  13. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    I'm glad to see everyone has been enjoying this so far. It's always exciting to see a new member join the fun with their unique style of writing. Keep up the great writer you guys and the huge support for both myself and the rest of the writers here. :) I'll have my next story out in about four days time, fingers crossed I can come up with skmesomet by then :p
    BanananaBread, Punane and brandonlk like this.
  14. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    im not the cookie monster.. im a book worm :D i feed on good stories :D and i realy realy realy loved the idea of short stories and the privilege you guys, who wrote stories, gave us , the humble readers <3 ..
    i am checking pretty often this thread as its my favorite one ':D
    cant wait to see what else you wrote, you guys <3 ....
    also chase , im sure you have something very nice and very very enjoyable
    chaseB2 and Punane like this.
  15. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    whoa :O ..superb..
    Punane likes this.
  16. FuzzyHarpyBug

    FuzzyHarpyBug A little bit Fuzzy

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    6:25 PM
    I am alone in my last moments. The crippling amounts of energy flooding through and around me, day and night, from all corners of the earth, are more than I can bear. When I completed my research and performed the ritual all those years ago I should have known. I should have known…

    They say everything is clearest when looking back. They also say magic is a story, a myth, just tales born of wishful thinking and the desire for something more. For a very long time now, they’ve be right. Not for much longer now, I can’t hold on, my grip on these titanic forces is slipping ever faster.

    Even as I sit here willing these words into the stone of my self-imposed prison the world wavers around me, the walls and floor ripple away from me as the basic laws of the universe are bent to the point of breaking, I see dark shadows flying outward from myself flitting through the barriers that I no longer have the control to maintain. I know the error of my ways and have paid the price a thousand times over, and still it is not enough. I sought dominion over all things and oh the pain of achieving what I looked for.

    In the same moment I accomplished my goal, I knew the mistake my arrogance had drawn me into. And now, now the world will have what it longs for, what it remembers only in the vaguest terms and what I stole from it. It will have it all back but it will not be the same, for in the same moment I called all energies into my own soul from all corners of the earth I learned the truth about our world and what I had just done to it.

    Now after listening to the lives and dreams of millions throughout the long ages I have to wonder if I made the right decision to hold on as long as I have. This hideous power has seeped into every facet of my being and into all the other energies I called to myself that day, corrupting, mutilating, leaving nothing but a dark twisted shadow of the beauty that once was.

    That one small flaw, that break into the void, ever in balance with and apart from the rest of the universe until my actions brought all things together as one. At the time I did not care to discern the separate natures of the energies I controlled, so long as it would add to my total strength, and the darker things I called to myself unknowingly have fed and grown so now even my dreams of them have leaked into the world spreading new stories and nightmares.

    The state my own soul has been left in after these eons, struggling for containment, is now unrecognizable. It is just a trick of fate that has let me maintain my control this long. Now my torment is nearing its end. If there is anyone, if there are any unknown powers out there at all, help this world. I can’t hold on any longer. I can’t hold on... I can’t hold on...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2018
    Anne_Marry, Punane and brandonlk like this.
  17. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    You don't know how tempted i am to write a conjoined story to that :p
    Punane and FuzzyHarpyBug like this.
  18. FuzzyHarpyBug

    FuzzyHarpyBug A little bit Fuzzy

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    6:25 PM
    Do it!
  19. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Gimmie a lil' bit and i'll see what i can conjure up
    [doublepost=1529705592,1529697553][/doublepost]*This is a continuation of the last story by FuzzyHarpyBug*
    [11] Ethereal Orb
    I was walking away from the throne room when something made me stop in my tracks, something that made my feathers stand on end, something that gave me a painful headache like nothing else had before.
    Someone, or something was trying to contact me, the words were distorted and jumbled as if some force was trying to stop the message . I concentrated harder on the message, my feathers glowing the harder i concentrated. Until i saw an image of a man sitting in a pitch black room, the man was muttering inaudible words to himself. I approached closer the words were an ancient language i had not heard for a long time, the voice of the earth itself yet is seemed off somehow, as if the voice was not as pure as i has last heard it. The man spoke up "I need help the power i have unleashed upon myself and the world is too much to bare. the voice startled me and i stumbled back falling onto my tail feathers. I spoke to the man "I hear your plea for help, what is your current time and location?"
    The man said back "Earth, 22062018"
    I thought for a second and spoke "That is impossible i have monitored earth for aeons and nothing has happened thus far!" The image was wavering the mental connection between me and the unknown man was losing it's strength. The man spoke for the last time "Please i need your help, in my bid for power the darkness has taken over ---" Before he could finish a shattering sound was heard and a loud scream ensued and the connection was cut. I was now sat in the middle of the corridor, the scream of the man rattling through my head. Before i could fully come to my senses my loyal friend and advisor asked me "What is wrong?"
    I looked up at him and stated "We need to go to earth now, something is happening there, something that has affected the entire planet itself"
    (WRITER NOTE:Now if this was normal me i would leave the story here on a cliffhanger because that is what i am good at, but lets carry on shall we?)
    We both stood outside the far-seeker portal for Earth, these portals which can be only used by us avians, were constructed by the wise white feathered ones for fast travel and for keeping watch over the planet it was built for.
    We looked at each other, readying our wings for the travel ahead My friend perked up and said "Are you sure about what you saw?" I replied "i'm positive, Earth needs our help once again" We stepped into the old portal the rushing of wind in our feathers as we plummeted through the portal network towards Earth. Earth, being the first place we came from, had the oldest portal out of them all meaning the ride was not exactly smooth so we were jostled on our descent the air currents threatening to pull us outside of the stream. During the descent my friend asked "How did we ever use these before the stabilisation of the magiks that bind this together?"
    I stated back "With the skill of our own flying, many were lost to the stream, it build character"
    My friend rolled his eyes as he struggled to stay on track.
    We eventually approached our destination, i set the coordinates to right where we wanted to be. As we exited there was a lack of anything except for a glowing, floating cracked orb in the middle of the dark room. It appeared the shadows themselves were attacking the orb, with each pass the glow got dimmer.
    "What is that?" my friend asked. "you ask a lot of questions for a raven don't you. That my friend is the ethereal form of a body that has ascended past the point of being a solid object, it's quite fascinating really."
    My friend looked over with a confused look on his face. "Right i see, you never read that book i suggested did you Tsk, Basically It's that poor mans soul, he tried gaining power but too quickly. By doing so he let in every source of energy possible. To him any power is good power, but he did not anticipate the darkness of the world, usually the forces of light and dark are usually kept in check by nature itself. but this guy trying to absorb all the power of the world got rid of that barrier and after absorbing all the light energy from the world it gave the dark energy a place to fill, so it did, now it's consuming him bit by bit and the longer we stand here with me explaining what all this is because you did not read the book i suggested gives the darkness more time to consume not only him but by doing so the entire world, and that's not great, i do not need to tell you the importance of earth do i.
    "Right i see, so what do we do about this... corruption then" My friend asked worriedly.
    We have to free his physical body from his ethereal form which will release all the light and nature essence back into the world, but firstly we have to fight off these shadows"
    (WRITERS NOTE: Once again a nice cliff hanger, jeez i have been typing for a long time, but im'a carry on)
    The legions of shadows approached us slowly, the light ever ebbing from the mans soul i heard the piercing scream of him again, this time more vividly and i knew what was at stake.
    We both drew our swords made from a combination of avian metals and magiks, forged by the finest blacksmith of the great sky forge, mine however was passed down through generations of avians until it ended up as mine. The shimmering of the blades made the shadows waver, but they still mercilessly approached us. "it's as if the darkness recognises our blades"
    "Just mine" I said
    We ran towards the shadows there was no time for clever tactics based upon the battlefield terrain we had to push now before the orb shattered. We reached the front line of shadows and swung our swords down, the shadows dissipating effortlessly before our blades. We kept moving on forward, swinging as we go cutting down legions of shadows as we went. But it seemed no matter how many we cut down more would only fill their place. our progress was slow but we finally made it to the soul. My friend being sensible for once cast a dome light shield around us. He shouted "I cannot hold this for long, get on with what you need to do!"
    Now i could see the soul up close i could see that it was badly damaged and to cleanse it would take a few hours at best, We did not have a few hours, we had a few minutes at best. i decided to start the chant of cleansing anyways "As the old tales tell of a bird who could cleanse the world. I call upon your power to help cleanse this object of the darkness that surrounds it now." (I tried converting to Latin but it created some odd errors in translation so i did not bother)
    My friends light barrier broke, the chant was far from complete Shadows were coming towards us quickly,i had mere seconds to act. But that is when i saw that an engraving on my sword was glowing "For when the darkness's thirst needs to be quenched" i knew what the sword was for now. I raised it up above my head and plunged my sword deep into the orb. Time seemed to stand still, i could see everything that was going on, my friend unconscious from the effort of the barrier, the shadows mere meters away and the orb with my sword sticking out of it, and my feathers were glowing a bright radiant shining gold. I thought to myself "this is a myth, this only happens in stories" But before i could finish my thought everything exploded into a white light. i heard only one thing before i passed out "Thank you, stranger"
    I woke up, i was on the floor the once dark room was now a green cave, with an open entrance revealing the sky. Full and teeming with life, the orb was gone and in its place was a barely conscious injured man. I approached And he spoke softly "In my lust for power i forgot that balance must always be a thing, it must always be adhered to or everything will collapse in on itself. Before i could say anything, the man sighed and slowly turned to dust. I spoke softly "Alas the price for power is high, if you do it wrong then dire consequences await thee". My friend coughed and spluttered, i turned around to my surprise that he was lead on the ground. his face was as pale as the moon. I knelt beside him and he spoke "The explosion was too strong my will could not hold against it."
    "It is alright my friend, we will get you back through th-" my words were cut short when i realised he was missing a wing, in this state he could not go through the portal. He spoke, softer than before "Well i cannot do that friend, but do you think my actions deemed me worthy of a nest in the great tree in the sky?"
    A tear came to my eye "Ah you, always with the questions"
    He smiled and with a faint "Caw" he faded away into feathers, drifting towards the open sky.
    "You shall be missed good friend, shall your travels be ever safe and may you find a nest in the great tree in the sky"
    [doublepost=1529705629][/doublepost]A much different type of ending from me this time
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2018
  20. FuzzyHarpyBug

    FuzzyHarpyBug A little bit Fuzzy

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    6:25 PM
    You really went all out! o_O

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