I've done a bit of searching around the forums, and it seems there was an issue of "fair play" regarding mini-maps and different mini-maps. From what it seems is if the pack doesn't already have it, it's a no. And they seem to have a baseline rule that they don't add anything the mod authors did not intend to be in the pack to the server as well.
We do have some mods whitelisted, such as journey map, which can be used. So for example, on Regrowth, the modpack does not come with a map, but you can install and use journey map if you wanted.
Oh, that's quite interesting. Would you happen have a link to the currently whitelist mods for each modpack?
Almost everything is whitelisted except hacks like X-ray. The client side mods like maps and tabby chat and any mods on our launcher are all whitelisted. If you find one that is not whitelisted, you can always suggest it to be whitelisted and we almost always do. Yep
That’s one I’m unfamiliar with. Based on a quick google search, it sounds client side. You could try to log in our servers with it and see if it doesn’t let you.