Done Someone destroyed space station

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by ThatPurpleDino, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. ThatPurpleDino

    ThatPurpleDino Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:58 AM
    Good afternoon! Someone completely destroyed my space station "Millennial Falcon". In the end, now if you fly to the station, you can lose your rocket, as it falls and burns into the atmosphere. I specially made space station for general access to fly in and admire the building. Who did not like it? Please punish the scoundrel and if possible return the building.
  2. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    12:58 AM
    Hi there ThatPurpleDino! I apologize for the late reply - has this been taken care of yet? If not and you still need help, can you give me the coordinates of where this falcon was so that I can log in and take a look at it? Thanks!
  3. ThatPurpleDino

    ThatPurpleDino Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:58 AM
    The Falcon was on my Earth orbital station at coordinates 0.0. To get there you need to take off on any rocket. Select the Earth then choose the orbital station "Millennium Falcon" (it is generally available to all players). But I immediately warn you that the rocket will be lost, as the griefer broke the platform where the chest with the parashchut lands.
  4. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:58 AM
    Hi there ThatPurpleDino,

    I followed the steps you mentioned, however I did not see "Millennium Falcon" on the orbital station list. I'm going to request instead that you go in game to this station if possible, and submit a ticket through /is create so that we can get the dimension name. That way we can take care of whomever stole from you!

    Since this requires a ticket through the system, I'm going to go ahead and mark this as done here.

  5. ThatPurpleDino

    ThatPurpleDino Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:58 AM
    Hello. I created the island with a ticket /is create
  6. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    12:58 AM
    Wait you created an island? Ingame ticket command is /ticket create in order to submit a ticket while in game, and it will give you a link to click.

    Is your home base alright and you are able to teleport home, or do you have a new island?
  7. ThatPurpleDino

    ThatPurpleDino Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:58 AM
    My island has long disappeared, but there is a tardis where I live. When creating the island again my tardis is not lost and things are saved in it, so I'm not worried about creating an island.
    Now I have created a ticket on my orbital station via /ticket create

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  8. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    12:58 AM
    Okay, it's giving you a weird error and not creating the ticket. How about we try this - can you go to the Falcon, where the rocket was destroyed, and type /whereami ? It should tell you a certain dimension or whatnot. If it does work and gives you information, can you screen cap that?
  9. ThatPurpleDino

    ThatPurpleDino Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:58 AM
    here is the screen) DIM_SPACESTATION5218

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    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
  10. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:58 AM
    Hello ThatPurpleDino,

    As we discussed in-game I was able to find a culprit and the yhave been punished accordingly. Unfortunately I was unable to locate any of the stolen items, therefore the items that were lost in the incident fall under the no-refund policy. Hopefully this is not too much of an inconvenience. As the situation has been resolved I will go ahead and mark this thread as done.

    Have a lovely day/night,

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