First: I been told that the flint shovel is the claiming tool in SevTech Ages, though it doesn't seem to tell you that in the description. Second: Is it hard to add the rule to the /rtp calculations to not teleport you if you will be immediately surrounded by several meters of water. E.g. the bottom of the ocean..sigh. T_T my stuff. Especially as /rtp is supposed to randomly teleport you to a safe location. Not exactly what i would call safe..even if the modpack didn't have sharks..
This stood out to me because someone over on the discord died to a faulty RTP as well. Maybe it does need a good looking into.
@SirWill Can we not add a tooltip on the shovel that says it is for claiming? Or a book in the starter kit? <minecraft:chest>.addTooltip("Storage, what can I say more?");
Just read up on it further. Apparently Recipes need to be loaded during INIT of Minecraft now so you cannot send recipes. Wish there was a way that it would still send the scripts but would only use tooltips and such not the recipes. Can we add a script to the MyM Launcher files that adds the tooltip and make it accessible to Administrators somehow? Maybe using a file sync system so they don't have access to the raw launcher files, but can still edit the scripts for tooltips? Maybe something like this
Would it be possible to put a written book into the starter kit for the server with some short instructions on how to claim land?
I mean maybe more than a passing thought Despite some people's opinion of me I do actually have good ideas every now and then