Done Claim from friend who hasn't been on in 2 weeks?

Discussion in 'Other' started by Photon_Wolfsky, Oct 3, 2019.

  1. Photon_Wolfsky

    Photon_Wolfsky Well-Known Member

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    5:36 AM
    I didn't know how to title this since the question isn't really easy to sum up.

    Basically, one of my friends in the Navy has been playing with me and another friend (who joined the Army - let me claim his part of the base to keep it from reverting). However, my friend in the Navy still plays, however, he's at a point in his Navy career that keeps him from playing for chunks of time. While he normally gets on 1 time a week for a good couple hours, his position easily keeps him from being on for much longer. At this time, it's reaching, if not already reached, the 2 week mark.

    So my real question is: will his claim be safe if I am in the same base and on his trust list, essentially keeping the chunks loaded? Since we started playing at the same time together, we pretty much have a joint base and his claims reverting would be pretty catastrophic. And I know he plans to get back on at some point once his current tasks slow down. Unfortunately, he didn't know the /absence command was a thing, and really, I don't think it would help for his situation since he could be gone longer than that time frame as well. So far his claim hasn't reverted, but I haven't kept exact count on how long it's been, just that it's roughly 2 weeks now.

    Note: The server is FTB Revelation
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2019
  2. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    8:36 AM
    You will have to inform staff of which server you both play on so that they can login and verify that you are on the trust list. Once they verify this information they will be able to transfer the claim to you so that nothing is lost. If this is still how the staff handles this type of situation.
    Just reply back with the server you are on so that staff are aware and await a reply.
  3. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    1:36 PM
    Going to tag the @Senior Moderator team to look into transfering the claim for you.
  4. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    7:36 AM
    Hello Photon_Wolfsky, I've gone ahead and transferred the claim over to you now. It won't be resetting any time soon so you're all good to go now.
  5. Photon_Wolfsky

    Photon_Wolfsky Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:36 AM
    Thank you for the help. Found out that my friend is potentially on his required Navy deployment so he might actually be gone for a good 7 months. That would definitely be a problem for his base and anything connected to it.

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