Tekxit 3 Tekxit aims to provide the experience of both Hexxit and Tekkit at the same time, updated to Minecraft 1.12.2; Tekxit 3 allows you to travel to new worlds and create awesome machines just like in Tekkit but have the exploration experience of Hexxit at the same time! Tekxit 3 LE (Official) 1.12.2 - Technic Platform
Might be better to wait for 3.14, if it's being considered? Important Update from the Creator of Tekxit : Tekxit
Important Update from the Creator of Tekxit : Tekxit "Hi there! I know that asking for a timeframe is tricky given that you're waiting on another mod, and you don't necessarily know how much work it's going to take even after that, but is there any kind of time scale you have in mind for releasing the restructured Tekxit 3? Like, weeks? 3/6/9/12 months? Tekxit developer After CQR is released in Beta, likely less than a month for it to be fully polished. Total timescale SHOULD be less than 6 months, hoping for closer to 3-4 months." And then MYM has to do their evaluations and testing so could be a year for tekxit 3.14
I mean, thats fine. Wouldn't want to release a server for a pack that's gonna be DOA. It'd be better to have patience, wait and launch the server with the new version when it's done. People will be looking for a place to play it, which would be the perfect opportunity to attract some new players. I myself will wait patiently. I'd absolutely love to play it, definitely a good suggestion i'd say.