Implemented Request: Bring Back Translocators [Project Ozone 3]

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ItsTyrone, Aug 22, 2020.

  1. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

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    3:06 AM
    Now that tiquality is up and running, and seems to be doing a good job of maintaining ~20 tps on PO3 Kappa Mode, could we bring back translocators? They're especially important when compressing singularities, and I have to imagine the work-arounds to them being removed are probably more harmful to the server tickrate than the translocators were to begin with (ex: completely surrounding an energy condenser in EIO conduits with speed upgrades on every side piped into the quantum compressors).

    I'm not sure how much of an impact having the translocators removed had to begin with - tiquality has dramatically improved the performance, whereas the translocators being removed seemed to have minimal impact, if any. I think the server is stable to the point where where we could probably handle having translocators again, particularly since tiquality would throttle the tps for players who over-used them.
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:06 AM
    @ItsTyrone You are forgetting about Item Laser Relays. they be pretty darn fast as well. Did you try them before?
  3. TataSimonyan

    TataSimonyan Active Member

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    i agree translocators are really easy to set up and really cheap for what they do. I vote to add them back into the server. Or atleast have a small control group. Last time I played i remember admin saying removing them causes more problems.
  4. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Just out of curiosity, how would players feel about a limit on the number you can use? We could easily set a multiblock limit and restrict people to say 4 total (2 sets) or something like that.

    I think the major issue with them is probably when people have tons of them - which is easy to do. If you were limited to say 2 sets then you could still make use of their speed on two important setups, but couldn't overburden the server with 50 of them.

    With that said, the translocators never really showed on Profiler and such. So whatever issues they did cause was deeper/behind-the-scenes. @SirWill made these changes so we'll need his input on this.
  5. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Aido just pointed out it was a memory issue not a tps issue. Well, that's basically a death sentence for anything around here. Memory issues are time bombs that eventually bring a server to it's knees. Doubt Translocators will be coming back until that issue is fixed. :(
  6. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

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    3:06 AM
    Unfortunate, but that makes sense. Thank you for the clarification - time to give item lasers a shot, I guess!
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    11:06 AM
    Am i the only one who thought of PEW PEW sounds and maybe star wars blaster fire? The word Lasers and Shot in 1 sentence, that would have been plausible :D
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    It wasn't a memory issue, they transfer a lot of items in a short amount of time which slows down the server.
    I don't see a reason not to try it but it will most likely slow down all your machines if you use it.
    LadyRen13 likes this.

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