Decided Against Bigger space for islands

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by TheRedWasp, Oct 29, 2020.

  1. TheRedWasp

    TheRedWasp Active Member

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    12:34 PM
    so what im on about is either make a system where we get more land progressivley on our islands in our retrospective packs im in infinity evolved skyblokc dont know if its the same elsewhere but yeh either a system where ya get more space to work with as you stay for longer or just at the get go which would be prefffered is making it a 600 by 600 or even higher than that so it gives a better range for people give them more freedom to build bigger and better islands i hope you take my suggestion into consideration!

    Thanks TheRedWasp
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    1:34 PM
    Are you insane? the current limit of 256x256 is a square block surface of 65536 blocks and you wanna go bigger? You know this is a multiplayer environment right? You're not supposed to go big... Others want to play with decent TPS as well. If you want to build big, you should probably just go creative in SP and go wild. You can still upload screenshots of what you made, you just wont be impacting everyone else with your build.
    sp33draft, Kazeodori and Fortunata like this.
  3. TheRedWasp

    TheRedWasp Active Member

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    how could it impact eveyrone else thats not big in my eyes and i dont see how im suposed to do that with my friend? we cant build anything together because theres no where to build it only here pal, tps? do ya mean fps? because i havent had problems with builds being big in other worlds, i dont get the hate all im asking is for more space to build doesnt mean im gonna run more machines or more stuff thats gonna be lag inducing just means bigger builds weith contained things.
  4. TheRedWasp

    TheRedWasp Active Member

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    but i aint gonna win against a patron person and i knew this would be a problem in the first place with people either ignoring this or just straight up nitpicking stuff on the idea.
  5. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    Red tbh im not sure they should. Its more than enough space for anyone and if u do run out of space make layers to ur island
  6. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    Did you mean to close your ticket? If you want, you can reply to that and we can continue in private.
  7. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    My only real issue with this Red is while it may not affect you in sp or other servers. MyM uses a completely different system. To expand an island very well could bring the server to it's knees by simply having too many blocks in an area. (Ive personally killed a server using a stick. It's possible)

    Server environment is a bit different compared to single player environment. Personally I like the idea but I dont really know if it would be possible from a server standpoint on resources. An admin would know better than me ultimately but I dont see it being implemented myself regardless of how much id like to see it happen (i had one build i needed a 856x856 island to make happen. Couldnt get it)
    sp33draft likes this.
  8. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    Wait. Wait wait wait wait.
    This is a 16x16 chunk area.

    600x600 blocks is 37.5 x 37.5 chunks.

    Okay, do you even read what you're saying? Almost every base I do alone is a 5x5 chunk area. That's 6,400 square blocks horizontal. Most of my stuff is in a 3x3 chunk area, with the border of a 5x5 area being used for a nice fence or things that I don't need often. 2,304 square block area.
    If I'm teamed up with Matryoshika, same amount of space. With 2 people. And we still have insane amounts of room that we don't use.

    Are you really just building everything flat? Because that's the only reason I can even think of for wanting such a ridiculous amount of space.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  9. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    7:34 AM
    I am curious as to what you are wanting to build? Do you perhaps have pictures of previous build that required this much space?

    :) This is rich coming from you. All the luv good sir.
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Right now I am playing a skyblock on a server, where every player gets his own dimension, but even there I have only increased my usual 5x5 to a 6x6 because of slightly different chunkloading. If you want to build something massive, that also works on MyM, if you go to a landbased pack. I think my Regrowth claim was like 150k blocks, although I never finished the build. But it is possible if you get the claimblocks together. Although that was probably already overstating, but since the server wasn't that full and me the one paying for it at the time, I claimed the right to get that much land (and was in a world corner where I did not bother anyone). I assume there are people on Infinity normal mode who laugh about a 150k blocks claim anyway.

    Now the issue here is not really about lag as many suggest. If he wants to build that large he is not going to spam redundant machines everywhere, we are most likely talking about some fancy cosmetic build. But that would not really affect TPs in most cases. Does not change the fact that MyM's skyblock system does not allow for bigger areas and increasing the given areas seems pointless since I have never seen anyone actually use it.

    Not surprised.

    Kazeodori and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Patron does not give me any more value than you as a non-paying member. Patron's donate because they want or can. The perks are a fun extra, but it does not make my vote more important than yours. Also theres no hate. Please dont be so negative.
    Kazeodori likes this.
  12. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    I dont really feel the luv to be honest. Was a rather mean thing to say out of the blue like that Booker.
  13. TheRedWasp

    TheRedWasp Active Member

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    12:34 PM
    its just felt that way before thats all no hate, all it is i just wanted to make a cool build, ive reduced the size a little now its fine now :p you can close this thread if ya like, i havent got pictures of other builds but ive never really finished something so thats why i wanted to do this build on modded xD because it gives me more motivation on this! xD
  14. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    No hate included, we were only concerned about server matter idk fow milion of Block builded by some can affect server but if you implement many machines/micro blocks in ur build thats different story
  15. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    7:34 AM
    Truly I apologize then, and am sorry.
    Kazeodori likes this.
  16. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    8:34 AM
    Hello redwasp.

    After talking with our admin team they have said its currently impossible to add this as a feature.

    Its not that we wouldnt if we could we simply cant due to plugin issues as they dont tend to react well to being told there is more data to add to a player.

    So unfortunately this is a no. Thanks for your suggestion.
    InsaniumIV and LunaBlossoms like this.

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