Accepted GT New Horizons 1.7 pack suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by CanadaBunny, Oct 18, 2020.


Do you wish to see GT New Horizons added to MyM?

Poll closed Oct 25, 2020.
  1. Yes

    21 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  1. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    12:22 AM
    I'm already against more expert packs on the server unless it's to replace another expert pack, but that playtime is absolutely insane, and I can see it discouraging most players.
    For a further examples on that playtime, it would take 202.5 days of playing 16 hours a day to finish the pack. I know players on the server have dedication, but that seems excessive.
  2. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    9:22 AM
    I mean you can team up, then it would be faster. My point was more towards staff and a certain commitment or guarantee on their part that the server has a certain lifetime. Player numbers will drop quite fast. And we have seen servers go down after half a year because people did not join.
  3. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    12:22 AM
    My hope for GT New Horizons is that it will find a permanent place among the 1.7 servers. We could use a long-term pack for those that can only play older packs. Right now players can burn through the legacy packs fairly fast and have nothing left to do but replay Infinity til the end of time. Infinity Normal + Infinity Expert + GT horizons (plus 1.6.4 packs) should keep the legacy players busy for quite awhile - plus a Gregtech pack offers something vastly different than the other packs.

    It should have no problem attracting players and keeping some sort of player base. Its also very stable and well-maintained. I don't see any reason this pack couldn't survive forever on the MyM network.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    That sounds about right, I've been at it for quite sometime in my limited down time and I have to say it can be punishing at times, especially as a single player. Somethings might be accelerated with a friend, and even with two players you are down to a reasonable two years to finish Sandy!
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    12:22 AM
    Due to the way my life is right now, I can (Note my choice of words, it doesn't mean I will) sink ~8-10 hours a day into a given pack; However, with that being said, as others have pointed at it would still take a year of playtime for someone dropping 16 hours a day doing absolutely nothing but grinding out the next machine to finish the modpack. I got dedication, but DAMN, that's a bit excessive, no?
    So with that being said, I voted no, as I don't see too many people having this much time to drop, but I suppose my vote doesn't make much of a difference against the clear landslide victory the votes seem to show. But I'd say if you see only ~3 people on at any given time a few months after the server comes out, it may very well be best to drop it. But I'll hold out hopes it actually succeeds :) I'd be interested in hearing the horror stories people would tell.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
  6. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    12:22 AM
    Oh, and if DeepCage starts playing that pack, just know it's going to crash far more often than normal :p They'll find a way to crash it in due time. I believe that wholeheartedly lol.
  7. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    9:22 AM
    I think I saw somewhere that he doesn't like gt, I could be wrong, but me talking about him already gives his ego more attention than he deserves.

    I think it is important to not always look at those people who put in 40+ and have no life. (not talking about DC here, more in general), I know that some of them are stable community members and even some mods fall into the category. I have been there myself so I am not going to trash talk that livestyle for whatever reason it exists. But i find it important that they are not considered as the normal type of player. A normal and healthy player is someone who puts in maybe 10-15 hours into mc per week and even that could already be considered too much, but whatever. But then uses the majority of the time for job, family etc. That should be the norm, not the 24/7 player.

    I like hanovers post about the stable 1.7 packs. I miss packs on his list, and no I am not even talking about regrowth but more about infinity skyblock. But as long as the intent is there to keep one infinity expert alive I am good with that.
    Lachim_Heigrim likes this.
  8. alphaest

    alphaest Patron Tier 2

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    10:22 AM
    What do people who put 40+ h/week into a game play? Infinity expert is done in a month or two, other simpler packs are done in a week or two. Play the idle game "stoneblock2" and wait for infinitys?
    In my opinion this is the pack for them. A steady progress over a long period of time until you do hit infinity production and go into idle mode after half a year.
    Having seen other GT server I think having over 3 constantly online (~20+ active) players a month into the pack would be a healthy sign.
    Sannukun and IsHayden like this.
  9. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    12:22 AM
    Maybe not my first choice, but right now I need a breeaak from GT. I can only go through it so many times.
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    9:22 AM
    Cool cool, if this stays as a long term pack and non-24/7 gamers have a chance to play it without the need to rush it, then I think this will be a good addon for MyM. GTNH basically is the expert of all expert packs at this point with a still active dev community, and the pack sums up everything good about 1.7.
    Unless you hate Gregtech, then you are screwed. :D
  11. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:22 AM
    YEAH! Finnally! You steal my Divine Journey pack from me so i needed more expart pack!
    I dont like 1.12 so i was left with nothing!
    Good days will come to MyM with this pack.

    I was supposed to make my project on AS2....
  12. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    3:22 AM
    I have never done gregtech but don’t Haidet as much as other people. Is this a good pack I do love 1.7 packs over 1.12 and I am looking for a change after playing infinity over and over again. Also is this going to be a long-term server like infinity expert mode.
    LordEreh likes this.
  13. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    If you love building multiblocks and having to craft a lot of items just to get a single machine you'll love Gregtech, Gregtech is basically aimed at making Industrial Craft a lot more grindy
  14. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    12:22 AM
    Gregtech is what happens when someone looks at expert packs and is like "hey, that's not hard enough." except it's been around longer
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  15. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    9:22 AM
    What does this 'expert' actually mean? My perception of the pack is that it's mostly grindy. There is some waiting involved as you might need to collect large amount of resources then take multiple steps to process them. Occasionally, you need to use brain and NEI instead of blindly following quest book if you want to avoid unnecessary grind. But none of that requires any special level of expertise.

    Since he pack is not hardcore (which is a pity because it would add another layer of realism to it) there's also no risk of permanent loss. Risk of permanent loss does require certain level of expertise - for example finding balance between risk and reward in certain stage of the progress.

    I have also not noticed any hidden risks in the pack. Mobs don't dig and there are no tough bosses actively attempting to destroy your base as in Atonement, BloodNBones or Crash Landing (as in its single-player edition, not the fun edition here on MyM where mobs auto-despawn and are docile due to low tick rate).

    There's also no aspect of planning needed like in TerraFirma-based packs. Whether seasons or expeditions for resources, or preparing for possibility of death and loss of tools.

    Also if the packs comes with the usual teleportation commands (/rt, /spawn, /back) it's going to be several levels easier. You can rapidly explore, relocate or decrease travel time. In local world none of this would be available unless cheating in creative.

    So does the 'expert level' mean simple that one needs to get familiar with mods that are not run of the mill in FTB packs?
  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The traditional "expert" normally means grinding until you want to scream. This pack is grindy and requires a lot of thought and active planning if you're going to finish it.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  17. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:22 AM
    It is "expert" but its a greg tech twist which means many people are gonna cry themselves to death, but me a man who has nearly half completed omnifactory, i think ill be good at this
  18. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:22 AM
    but overall "expert" isnt always grindy i see expert as just a more challenging pack that requires a lot of brain power, This one'll be a little harder than usual but you can always automate stuff to stop having to need to redo it every time
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  19. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    2:22 AM
    Basically yes.

    GregTech is grindy. As in make 1k parts to build a machine to build 1k more parts to build another machine to make a part for another machine and on and on and on.

    Not for everyone but for those of us that like long term play this is great vs something like infinity expert or regrowth that take a month or so till complete. Also the ore processing, if it is pure GT, will drive many people insane.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  20. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    9:22 AM
    I hope it doesn't get washed down on MyM. And when I say washed down I mean that literally. Proper GT machines explode when they stand in rain.
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.

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