Info PO3 rollback and update issues

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by HanoverFist69, Sep 21, 2022.

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  1. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    11:38 AM
    As many of you are aware, the recent Project Ozone 3 update removed Extra Cells and downgraded EnderIO. This caused a mountain of headaches and tons of lost items. So, we rolled back the server to the last update in order to give players a chance to remove these Extra Cells drives from their Applied Energistics networks.

    We will be updating to 3.4.9 on October 1st. Be sure you have transferred all items out of any Extra Cells drives (16384k) before this time. Any items lost during the update will not be refunded.
    BetaPetey likes this.
  2. Xehala23

    Xehala23 Well-Known Member

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    so much progress lost :C the big sadge
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Hmmm i hope this means i get my jetpack back. think i still had it before the update :D

    Sad for the rest though... i made sooo much progres... gotta do all that shpoop again...

    @HanoverFist69 is there any chance that we can say... wait for the next update and that you revert our bases to before this disaster? cuz i lost a heapload of progress that i do not wish to have to repeat... it's enough for me to stop playing altogether again, because this is really demotivating.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2022
  4. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

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    I definitely feel you there. I had gotten to transmutation table on Mythic (literally fully assembled, trying to figure out why the philo stone wasn't working in the recipe) right when the update hit, so you can imagine how much different my base was a day later with my whole storage system re-done with the transmutation chamber, tons of machines moves and interfaces and recipes re-done, got the wand of animation and set up that whole deal...

    Much as I hate to see my progress since the update rolled back, I'd much rather see that rollback happen than have people lose everything they had up to this point that was in extracells storage - this is definitely the right course of action and I am really glad to see the admins take this step to make sure players have a fair chance to retrieve their items.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2022
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  5. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Wish people would return to Po3k... ever since the rollback, i barely seen anyone online or play. Some people login, see the rollback, ragequit.
  6. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    Suddenly very glad I stayed away from Extra Cells because it always had problems and could be unreliable, causing lag and whatnot unless properly used or used in very specific ways. Is there a list of what the Ender IO downgrade is going to affect?
  7. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    i can tell you in part. They are at least removing the Data Conduits and Inventory Panel. So no more EnderIO early game inventory system. I used that a lot, so im a bit saddened they are taking that out. That being said though... it was slow as *bleep*. Crafting was easier, but returning items to the system or crafting many stacks of the same item was definitely slower then using chests or the AE2 system. Because of the removal of the inventory panel and data conduits, its also very likely the remote awareness upgrade is being removed, because that only works in tandem with the inventory panel. Not sure what else of EnderIO is being removed. I checked the patchnotes, but there wasnt much detail about which items specifically were being removed.

    The update will also remove "lens of the miner". Which currently gives progress-breaking ores from places you would normally not be able to go yet. For example it gives Desh ore. I havent even started galacticraft. But now i got ores from Keppler 22b, white gem ore, jupiter mercury ore, all that stuff and i havent even been off-planet yet. So while the update isnt here yet, better craft one and slap it on a pickaxe. The lens will still work after the update, but it will no longer be craftable. it is very powerful and will save you a lot of time in the long run.
    osirisgothra likes this.
  8. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    It figures!!! I just made a bunch of those inventory storage system warehouses, data cables, inventory panels, and remotes. I guess those will be useless now... man that sucks. Luckily, I am almost past the point of needing them. Still, l wanted to use them for lesser systems that needed less automation. I guess not anymore, though *sniff*!!!

    They should have had RS in this pack, that would have been a real nice early-to-mid game storage solution. It might not be as advanced as AE2, but it is pretty good when it comes to high volume systems with low lag. Also, it deals with fluids and items natively, so it doesn't need an extra mod for that.

    Unfortunately, if we are losing extra cells, that means no more AE fluids, right? Can't remember because I always steered clear of Extra Cells, but I think that's the only way IIRC...

    Also, just wondering, you can't get those ores you were talking about from the orechid or IF mining laser can you? I remember vaguely getting some exotic looking ores from orechid but don't remember which ones since I never really use them that much because they give me many ores I don't need. I kinda went super OP with the sieve setup so it takes care of all my basic materials and then some. Don't worry though, I didn't overstate or anything, the sieves are double overflow-protected. Plus, if there was an overflow, the system uses toast notification, so I'd know anywhere, anytime it happened. I don't run them offline because they provide so much while I'm on that I'd never need to. (Oops sorry I kinda went off on a tangent and then did a sermon there!! LOL).

    I think I've talked off enough ears for one day, bye!
  9. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    yeah things like Lenses and Orechid tend to just pull randomly from the ore table. So its possible to get anything. Not much can be done though thats just how they work.
  10. ItsTyrone

    ItsTyrone Patron Tier 2

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    I believe the mod they replaced it with in the update has fluid cells, but I dont recall seeing mekanism gas cells. It also improves the pattern terminal to allow for 5x5 patterns for auto-crafting, which should make it work better for extended crafting - though I don't know why the pack author is so against just including packaged auto, which should just be bundled with extended crafting in my opinion.

    Interesting about them removing the EIO inventory panel - not sure why they would do that, but I will say I was glad to replace it as soon as I could in Mythic. It had a nasty habit of just refusing to connect until I broke and replaced it, falling off for no reason, and at one point just disappeared entirely when I put it back on the conduit it was connected to. It always just felt so jank, and not up to the quality of just about everything else in EIO.
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    7:38 PM
    so... @HanoverFist69 and @Aidoneus ... when is the update gonna happen then? Its been 1st of october for a week now and still no update. We want 5x5 crafting automation ;)
  12. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    Aido hasn’t been well lately which is why there has been a delay with updating the pack again. It’ll be updated when Aido is better and has the time.
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  13. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    11:38 AM
    Glad I reloaded, I was about to type the exact same thing.
    BetaPetey likes this.
  14. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    So you are saying Aidoneus is a better admin than Hanover? Cuz that implies Hanover cannot do the stuff Aido does. And yes i understand Aido is having some health issues, but ya know, there's 2 admins on this network... or so im led to believe ;)
  15. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Yes, we do have 2 admins, however, there are many things that are done by both of them together, and sometimes even with SirWill. As far as i am aware, updates are one of the things that require both to be present.
  16. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Wait a minute... so Aido is on leave due to some serious health issues which i will not reveal to the general public. cuz thats private and i wish him the bestestest luck on a speedy recovery, but we all know how that sometimes goes...

    So with aido technically out of the picture... That leaves us with 1 functioning admin (and the elusive SirWill).

    Since we need 2 admins to do updates... why does mym not have a 3rd or at least backup admin for cases like this? The player base is now being punished for your decisions to not attract an extra admin.

    Again, im not trying to put -any- blame on Aidoneus. I have the utmost respect for him, cuz he is one of the few admins that have been in this network which i still truly respect as a person and as a mym-staffer. Hanover is on that list as well by the way ;)

    But you need more admins it seems... Yes i know this is a volunteer thing and yes those people have their own lives, but... that excuse is getting old. You have been told this before im certain and someone has chosen to continuously ignore this.

    If this were to happen in an actual business, like a restaurant or a retail business, that would be a major issue. but here its just being ignored.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
  17. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    11:38 AM
    Several things here.

    For one, it takes a lot of training to become an Admin. It is a long process, and it can’t be rushed.

    We have had 2 Admins quit due to irl reasons in the last 16 months, one less than 4 months ago. As I said, training, as well as the initial selection, takes time.

    I’m not sure why you assume this. The staff team has several separate communication platforms, none of which players have access to. We almost always have staff being trained for promotions. Staff change details aren’t announced publicly, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t doing anything.

    In short, the update will be done when the Admins have time. I’m going to be closing this thread, feel free to check the announcements channel on discord, or keep up with the forums, for when the pack is updated. Any questions can be opened up in a post on the Talk to the Staff section, and problems can be directed to the Support Forums.
  18. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    For anyone who doesn't follow the announcements forum:
  19. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Yeah, we've been actively working on getting more admins, etc. But both our lifes are a bit chaotic right now, as are other things, so its been slow going. I finally got my Mom's issues mostly sorted so I can be more active now. I'll be trying ot get everything caught up and get with Aido this week to see if we can get updates, etc done.
    SovereignEternal likes this.
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