Hello everyone, it is that time again to retire some server to make room for some new shiny ones. These servers are not getting much traffic, and not many players play on them. The servers below will be shutdown on November 3rd, 2023 Affected Servers These are the servers that will be shutdown: Revelation Projectozone 3 Normal Mode Crash Landing B-Team World Downloads: To download your world, follow this to use our world downloader ~Director Aidoneus
It feels surreal seeing B-Team and Crash Landing go down, they were around for so long. I can't speak for B-Team, but Crash Landing will be missed. PS: Maybe a new Crash Landing type pack could be developed?
But we have *always* had Crash Landing! To kill that off would be to … I wonder if that was even my gateway to MYM, even before Galactic Science.
Well, perhaps another Crash Landing type pack could be developed? It's a good concept that could be expanded upon, would just need the right people willing to actually do it. Closest we ever got to a remake for it was Forever Stranded.
A month ago Eternal was shutdown, I asked and was told that Revelation is not going to be shutdown or wiped. Crackpack, Eternal, Revelation - you can't just kill off all kitchen sink modpacks and offer Vault Hunters instead - this is not the same and its not for everyone.
DW20 moreso than Abe, but yeah there are still plenty of options. And ATM is basically just a kitchen sink pack with an endgame, sooo you have plenty to choose from.
Thanks XoCynner, I will check these out. Starting over again in such a short period of time is frustrating.
Wait we're getting rid of Crash Landing and Attack of The B-Team FINALLY. Sad to see PO3N go cause in my opinion or at least back when I played it was way more popular than Mythic
Oh i get it ! its okay to be frustrated. Just think youll be starting over on some fresh new versions and packs of minecraft !! And closing these old servers makes room for us to continue to keep up with the new versions and packs.
I am seriously surprised to see that B-Team has been popular and hated by staff well-loved by players for this long. Farewell, B-Team. You will not be missed by me.