Done Getting wrongfully muted

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by aduda12, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. aduda12

    aduda12 New Member

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    11:39 AM
    Twice today I've been wrongfully muted by Aighato. The first time happened after I was having a discussion with other players about why Genes aren't allowed to be given/traded. (During the discussion, a bug happened that made chat double post anything people said, and Aighato said that it was spam to discuss during that bug). After that bug was fixed, I asked if we were allowed to discuss things again, and got muted. Later today, he started enforcing a rule of "no swearing", which is nowhere in the server rules. Me and a few others noticed this, and asked about it. He said he had made the rule, and when I asked "Since when do you create the rules?" he muted me for 30 seconds, after that, I said "Just wow" in chat, then he muted me for 30 mins, because apparently he meant the 30 seconds to be 30 minutes. Is this really how mods are supposed to act? Or does he get a free pass?
  2. Aighato

    Aighato New Member

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    9:39 AM
    The bug had happened before it, you were contesting a moderator about such a thing happened, you didn't get muted then though, you did get muted for continuing to speak about something a moderator asked you to stop speaking about. And I've enforced the "No swearing" rule my entire time I've been on the server, as I myself was told this rule by another Moderator, and I didn't mean to mute you for 30 seconds, meant for it to be a 30 minute mute the first time, and enforcing rules is how mods are supposed to act, and a player is supposed to act accordingly to a moderator. You've been going against everything I've said this entire day, thus you will be muted if not banned for going against the Law of a Moderator.
    jg1203 likes this.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:39 PM
    Hey @aduda12,

    you might think that I´m just covering up for the mod and I won´t refute it, but I´m responsible for them and their actions. I don´t know what happend and only read your post (heared your side of the story) atm. What I see is that he only did his job and tried to make the best out of the chat bug. Which was my fault and you should blame me. It was kinda annoying for everyone. I don´t know what else he was doing atm, too. If I´m busy with something and I get disturbed by something I don´t need at that moment I act very strict and sometimes too strict. So maybe he was a bit stressed and had other problems and a user who is asking (even if it is meant lovely) may give it the rest and the reactions are strict.

    To be honest I don´t care about the past only about the future as we can´t undo things and we have to live with our actions from the past. (My opinion.) So, please think about the situation again in 1-2 days and @Aighato too. Just give it some time and think about it with some space. Noone is perfect and the life is not a plane path. ;)

    About the rules, well we kept them realy small and I still think that staff members should be respected. If you realy want to discuss about this I will add the rules of our unhinged server which would require every user read about 20 pages and would resolve in bans for small things like 1x1 wholes, destroying the nature next to a claim or building things that look aweful.

    The time is the magical instrument. You can do the same thing and get away with it and maybe even get a lovely reply. And to another time you see how someone gets pissed of by it and reacts that way.

    I hope you understand my statement and can think about it with some space. :)

    Edit: I wrote this before I read Aighatos comment. To add a small thing I think you went very good with Aighato. I muted a player for 2 hours for not listening to my warn (he only got one warn), today.
  4. aduda12

    aduda12 New Member

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    11:39 AM
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:39 PM
    @aduda12 what do you expect to achieve ?
  6. aduda12

    aduda12 New Member

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    11:39 AM
    Some clarification on the rules, as well as learning if the mods are allowed to create rules. Also, to get unmuted, and know if the mods are allowed to take action at anyone that criticizes them or their actions at any time. I was having a civil chat, both times, and both times he took my criticism as disrespect, muted me for it, and I find that to be akin to censorship. I want to know if that kind of behavior is allowed by the mod staff.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:39 PM
    We all are doing this in our freetime and don´t get payed for it. (Most of the money we get from the shop goes into the dedicated servers, software like this forum, security like a ssl certificate,...) We don´t offer any support officialy. This is no democratic. We are very helpful and open for criticism if it is delivered in a respectful nice way. If you can´t accept how this works here, we don´t force you to stay, on the contrary I whish good luck finding a server which fits your needs as both sides won´t get happy with it.

    Chopping up every word we say doesn´t testify a way of looking for a solution. (basic psychology)

    This discussion is closed. I´m open to reopen it in 2 days and with an intention of finding a solution/improvement by your side.
  8. KingSZ

    KingSZ Well-Known Member

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    4:39 PM
    "No swearing" is common sense. There is no need to add these to the rules... not to speak of creating a new rule for this.
    Aighato likes this.

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