A player accidentely spawned a rubber tree that is over 500 blocks in diameter. It crashed the server repeatedly for over an hour. This was done with the Sacred Rubber Sapling ID 1008:1. I recommend all players refrain from planting this on any 1.7.10 server. I vote we ban it from Modsauce. Here are some screenshots of the tree
Yes please. Me and a friend lost everything thanks to falling into the void during all of this. Not ot mention the crashes for an hour.
Wow, that is a big tree Yea its not needed for anything, there is a reasonably big rubber tree also that is much easier to cut down and is smaller than the redwood trees
o.o' ..Glad you posted this, as I recently got one of these saplings myself. Jesus, I bet King kong would have a blast there..
i call dibs.....lol Is this in the overworld? I think it would be best to World edit this Away......lol If not Rubber for days.... i mean years... lol
It's probably a good idea for no one to load the chunks if possible where the tree is to avoid further crashes and less lag. Obviously it will be loaded by whoever is editing it out , but other players would be best to avoid it
i really dont understand how the player that placed this DIDNT know what it was. I dont know any players that dont know about this tree.
LOL, I placed one too, I thought it was the other larger rubbertree, the one you can cut down in 10 min or so. I placed one of them, cut it down, placed the next, and wow I got a surprise. mine was samll tho, it fit into a 3 chunk x 3 chunk, and I could plow thru it without much lag
Reminds me of the one I found on B-Team, so I don't know if it's all that laggy since it was left up on B-Team, even with the entire center trunk carved away via harvesters. Don't swing at it with a Lumber Axe or similar, or the server will have a nice long crash with a minor rollback.
This was a small one, long ago in Monster I think we had one that was in a 900 chunk area. Took me close to 6 hours with WE to remove it.
uhh i used to have one on dw20, somehow i lost it, but apparently you can ban the placement of said saplings, chaos said he banned the placement of them after i accidentally placed the only one on all of dw20 for about 2 secs and crhymez it's said sacered rubber sapling and under it it says, warning: pakratt's world ship