Implemented issues with Sync

Discussion in 'Crash Landing' started by Wispcraft, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. Wispcraft

    Wispcraft MC Accounts: grand_trizmo, grand_triz, Wispcraft

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    7:01 AM
    So i was playing on C2 working on my sweet base that i share with DrMacguyver and Nerixus. I was working on excavation the central part of our map to make space for our new Main building. So here I am digging. and a Slime kills me and it kicks me instantly to the hub. "GAME OVER". I had 2 Clones, well... 1 clone for sure, and a second that would be ready very soon. i know that i had the clone because i had died earlier and was sitting in a closed in box near the clone watching it building and once it hit 100% i went back to work.
    I would please like to have you look at this and see if you can get our island back, if not i dont think we would come back because we just lost everything we have been working on for over a month and we just had the base mob spawn proof. except for the new area i was digging, and also the whole island was flattened with a giant wall of decorative cobblestone. and countless resources. We were basically endgame,but were just working on building the coolest looking base ever.
    Please Help Quick.
  2. Wispcraft

    Wispcraft MC Accounts: grand_trizmo, grand_triz, Wispcraft

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    7:01 AM
    bump @Founder[DOUBLEPOST=1417387843,1417216625][/DOUBLEPOST]bump @Founder
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2014
  3. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    Hey, I just wanna mention two things:
    1. To @ mention someone doesn't help get it sorted out.
    2. We don't refund anything due our strict no refund policy.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    2:01 PM
    Unfortunately are the shells do not work 100%.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  5. Wispcraft

    Wispcraft MC Accounts: grand_trizmo, grand_triz, Wispcraft

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    7:01 AM
    alright ill be sure to not play here again because
    although there is a no refund polocy ive seen refunds given on many occasions
    and also no attempts have been taken to resolve the issues or action i mentioned last time that would fix lots of the problems
    Thanks and Goodbye
    -Trizmo / Wispcraft / Firmer_Emu
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We can't fix the issues which are coming from the Sync mod. If it is to buggy for you on multiplayer then please play this modpack in singleplayer. We don't force you to play a singleplayer modpack on our server. We took days of time and did our best to get this singleplayer modpack on a public server.
  7. Wispcraft

    Wispcraft MC Accounts: grand_trizmo, grand_triz, Wispcraft

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    7:01 AM
    yes, but you guys have also given refunds to other players that were sync,but why not us? is it because the others that got refunds didnt come right out and say it was a sync issue? or is it because you cant be bothered.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    For me a refund is something else than restoring the region form the backup. As restoring a ship is quite time consuming I really wanna see that these players care about it. I was going to offer to restore it but after #5 I didn't feel like putting any more time into the issue. I'm sorry that it played out bad for you.
    If you really like we can try to restore it from a backup. For this I would need a good timestamp on when the island was still there, that the rollback isn't too far back. Furthermore I need you to create a new ship on the same server and let me know the coordinates. I will than try to copy the island out of the old region file into the new one.

    island/ship/region -> all the same in this matter
  9. Wispcraft

    Wispcraft MC Accounts: grand_trizmo, grand_triz, Wispcraft

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    7:01 AM
    I appreciate the help Slind. I knew i could count on someone to atleast try to help.
    I lost the island some time on Novemeber 26th
    Although im not too picky if it was rolled back to the 25th or 24th.
    I Really appreciate this and i will make it up to you somehow. And as for #5 it was a rash descision because i had just lost days and days of work all in a matter of seconds.

    I just made a new island on C2 +15000 -12600
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    are you sure you did create it on C2? I can't find anything at this location and there is no relation from your player data to an island
  11. Wispcraft

    Wispcraft MC Accounts: grand_trizmo, grand_triz, Wispcraft

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    7:01 AM
    oh the island might have been registered to drmacguyver or nerixus
    (that location was for the new base) If you find it it will be a large castle like base, giant walls all the way around with a big round hole in the very middle.

    my latest death was at 10508 14091 if that helps, i cant remember if i played after and died or not, but im pretty sure thats where it was
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    ohh, I already found the last base but due to the fact that you are not registered with the new island I thought it belongs to someone else, especially as they did already build a bit.
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Island should be back. When you or your mates spawn within a wall, please immediately disconnect and inform me in order to avoid dying.
    Please do also replace all clones/shells.
  14. Wispcraft

    Wispcraft MC Accounts: grand_trizmo, grand_triz, Wispcraft

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    7:01 AM
    you put it at the new location?
    C2 +15000 -12600
    I just logged in and it wasn't there.
    The new island is registered to "Grand_Trizmo" my other account
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    2:01 PM
    uhh, sorry, I did copy it into the wrong world directory. It should be there now.

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