I dont experience them myself, but people are asking me, why they get the message "a fatal error has occured conection terminated" if they change a world. They go to spawn, and try to go to the farmworld. Also my teammate is telling me, that after she died and after she is trying to change the world it is kicking her out. I want to report the problem and at the same time inform the players about this problem.
I experienced this my self during the world generation time where I did change the dimension frequently. Whenever I teleported back to the main world with /spawn it kicked me with the same message. I could not find anything out, it does not even show something up on the server console besides the normal "player lost connection"
Both is not happening on me. So its not easy for me, to say what is happening. I am doing it in the interest of the other players. But its quite obvious that people get kicked for something. If there is no chat, then you could see it the whole time. So this thing here is not really rare to see here.
My bad, i didnt see this thread. Is this a TDT only crash? Here is what i get when i log in, a few sec after im fine