Done EnderIO ME Conduit broken

Discussion in 'The Dark Trilogy' started by _Ashenfall_, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. _Ashenfall_

    _Ashenfall_ Well-Known Member

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    7:26 PM
    Yesterday was a good day. We made a lot of progress on making the base look better. One of my main goals was to hide the wiring guts, and thanks to EnderIO and its magical conduit stacking capabilities I was able to shove lots of my conduits into hidden channels and have a highly functional base that looks cool as well! When I logged off late last night, everything was tested and functional.

    That was yesterday.

    Today was terrible. Besides the market issue I mentioned in another thread, I started having problems with EnderIO ME conduit. When I laid it out yesterday, it connected perfectly and my busses and interfaces lit right up. Channels and AE power were passing along the conduits as expected. When I logged in this morning, I discovered that my inscriber banks and crafting storage arrays were not functional. I ripped a bunch of stuff apart and probed connections with my network tool. Per Ctacuk's suggestions I replaced segments of my network with EIO Dense ME Conduit. Each time the (unstable) server would restart, I would lose connectivity again. After extensive troubleshooting, I have condensed the issues into two main problems (that did not exist yesterday):

    1. When the server restarts, EIO ME Conduit connections to dense cable and/or ME Controller blocks break as in the following screenshot:


    Consequently, the channels/devices connected to the EIO Conduit fail to come online. The easiest way I've found to fix this is to remove the end of the AE Dense cable and replace. Unfortunately, this means I have to rip apart at least three sections of facade and replace these connections every time the server crashes or restarts.

    2. When placing EIO ME conduits next to AE cable or devices, many times the AE cable or devices "break" and become entities. As an example, if I were to break the defective end on the EIO cable shown in the above screenshot, when I attempt to replace it the AE dense cable beneath it would break. If I try to place EIO ME conduit nect to an interface, it breaks the interface and all the patters pop everywhere. It makes repair very annoying. Essentially I have to place all EIO ME conduit, then place the AE devices next to them (in that order).

    As I stated before, this was not a problem yesterday. I don't know if there was an "update" applied to EIO or AE last night, but if there was I beg you to change it back to the previous version.


  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:26 AM
    Hm, we only updated our item ban plugin yesterday. Which shouldn't affect the conduits.

    Have you tried to reload the chunks in your base?
  3. _Ashenfall_

    _Ashenfall_ Well-Known Member

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    No. I hadn't considered the chunkloader to be the issue... I'll do some testing tomorrow and report back. Thanks Willi![DOUBLEPOST=1419552961,1419455016][/DOUBLEPOST]I tested the chunkloader theory and came up empty.

    Server reset around 7:00 PM EDT today. After the restart, conduit connections were broken as described above. I pulled out the chunkloader and went to spawn for a few minutes. Came back and the conduits were still disconnected.
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:26 AM
    Then I have no idea :/
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:26 PM
    I'll investigate after Xmas
  6. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    7:26 PM
    I've witnessed it as well (since you know...Ash is in my base). So far turning up empty as to why it's happening but I'll also be researching.
  7. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    12:26 AM
    Not sure if this has anything to do with the reason but in the most recent update there is this Bug fix
  8. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    4:26 PM
    Sounds like the conduit may still look disconnected, but will still work.
  9. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    7:26 PM
    No that is for a visual glitch. I can confirm it does not function as it takes our crafting system offline in 3 places. However I see several bugs regarding security terminals causing issues. Ash let's remove our Security Terminal or add default user with build permissions.

    #1354 - It appears that two side-by-side ME cables will always be connected even if they are disconnected with a wrench.
  10. _Ashenfall_

    _Ashenfall_ Well-Known Member

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    This instance appears to have been one of the security terminal bugs. Once permissions were added for the default user (basically making the terminal useless), the issue has not been happening.
  11. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    SilentStar likes this.
  12. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    ME cables can be seperated with glas fibers. As shown in algorythmxs tutorial (Channels - Applied Energistics
  13. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    This is a bug with how EnderIO ME pipes work. When the chunk is reloaded they "rebuild", since they are not a player with registered perms on security terminal they aren't allowed to reconnect to network. Glass fibers are if you want to pass ME "power" but not channels between cable runs.
  14. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Seriously, you shouldnt use the ME from enderio with ae2, they still lack too much functions and dont clearly follow the intended design in some ways. I know they are nice and compact but youre better off with smart and dense cables.
  15. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    We use it to minimize cable clutter. They support 8 and 32 channel cables. So same as the rest and the adding "default" build permissions fixes the issues until a real fix is in place.

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