Done Horizons map reset?

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by xEtnies, Jan 25, 2014.


Should the Horizons map be reset?

  1. Yes

    25 vote(s)
  2. No

    16 vote(s)
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  1. Atek_la

    Atek_la Member

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    12:32 PM
    Getting the same error.
  2. Sir_Face

    Sir_Face New Member

    Likes Received:
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    11:32 AM
    THAT'S what the spawn will look like!? o_O
  3. ssbbpeople

    ssbbpeople New Member

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    11:32 AM
    IT LOOKS BADASS... (Sorry for Language)

    You should add the Mini-Games Iron golem at the middle with the Markets surrounding it
    Sir_Face likes this.
  4. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    12:32 PM
    Nice! looks awesome . cant wait to see it
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    The minigame is on a other server, so not possible.
  6. ssbbpeople

    ssbbpeople New Member

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    11:32 AM
    Oh ok, when is the server gonna be back up?
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    The Horizons 1.0.10 is still up and the 1.0.12 will come sometime in the morning/midday of the 29th (GMT+1)
    (If we have no big issues)
    Sir_Face likes this.
  8. Atek_la

    Atek_la Member

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    12:32 PM
  9. phantumjosh

    phantumjosh New Member

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    10:32 AM
    Horizons Condensed Inventory Photos by phantumjosh | Photobucket

    This here is exactly why people can NEVER be allowed to save their inventories in mod packs.

    I have my ENTIRE AE system in here, (every drive there is full) as well as another 20 64k storage drives inside my AE system full, and I have strongbox chests in stronbox chests in here.

    If I wanted to I could grab everything in my inventory and put it in a single chest.

    In my AE system there are over 200 nether stars, 10-15 air sleds, 188 novas, amongst everything else I have, I've got all my power generation, storages, and ae stuff left in these chests, so within 30 minutes to an hour I could be set back up at the same spot I was last time.

    Now some of you might think, "oh that'd be great" But it really wouldn't, It'd allow someone to insta rush for limited materials and screw over everyone else, I'd have complete dominance over the market, and voila.

    This is why resets need to be 100% and not:

    "Let us keep an inventory to save the progress we just made"
    "Let us keep our MCMMO levels we worked really hard on them"
    "Let us keep everything so that we still have the same problems we had before the wipe"
    "Let's whine and complain about the same thing, in 18 different posts throughout a thread that is only 7 pages long, because it "hasn't been asked yet""

    I've been running servers since the day minecraft multiplayer was available, AND before minecraft. If you have to do a reset you wipe everything so that it's an even playing field for everyone, there's no issues if there are item ID changes, world changes, and there's no over abundance of some items that shouldn't be.

    One of the fastest ways to piss people off, is asking them to do something over and over and over again (kids I'm not talking about your parents asking you to do chores, that's a whole different story and you should go do them). Questions like, "save our mcmmo?" are, 'you' the players thinking what's best for you as a single client, and not for everyone as a whole.

    As a final note, sorry for coming off as an ass the past while, I should, and do know better, and again sorry if this post comes off pointed, but people need to learn that asking questions repeatedly, (especially if it's been ignored, or answered already) will not help you in school, with your parents, OR with any future careers/jobs you have; instead it'll probably get you:

    Yelled at
    Sent to the hall/principals office (if being a pest)
    Mocked (made fun of)
    Shunned (think homeless person living in a garbage dump and you'll get an idea).


    Stop asking people to do things for you, stop asking to join up with people that are already well developed, learn to enjoy playing feed the beast.

    Feed the beast is a consortium of modpacks designed to push people's creativity to the limits, to allow you to strive to do things on your own, or with friends. But the thing is, you have to TRY to do something.

    If you come on to the server, and continuously ask to join people, or ask for items, or ask how to do this, that, and this again; You will be laughed at. If you start whining, or crying about how mean people are being, or have been, or the fact they are not helping you; you will be laughed at, forever.

    This applies to the real world.
    If you cry because someone won't hold your hand through work. You will either need to find a new job, a new place to live, or a new S.O.(significant other) to live with. Learning how to problem solve on your own, how to work through things without requiring other people telling you what to do, is an INCREDIBLY valuable skill.

    On this same note I'm not telling you never to ask for help, just don't be the guy that only asks, and never plays. Use the resources available to you, Internet search engines, Wikipedias, manuals, changelogs, rules, forums, youtube etc.

    The internet is a huge resource at your fingertips, it's about time we started using it.

    TLDR: Step One: Scroll up, Step Two: Read.
    Sir_Face likes this.
  10. ssbbpeople

    ssbbpeople New Member

    Likes Received:
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    11:32 AM
    Dude nice speech
  11. phantumjosh

    phantumjosh New Member

    Likes Received:
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    10:32 AM
    Thanks :)
  12. xEtnies

    xEtnies New Member

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    12:32 PM
    Closing this thread as Horizons SHOULD be updated to .12 within the next few minutes.
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:32 PM
    New world is online. :)
    Aighato and The42ndDruid like this.
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