Can the server please enabled RedNet 1238:2 1238:3 cable. It is use to convert EU to RF to MJ....ect. The only know bugs with this cable were from Advanced Genetics which is not in this pack.... Thanks
My rednet energy cables where removed with a sign "they crash the server"... dont know more but thats enough for me
lol, what do you expect? They are broken and bugged since they got added to the mod. We never had them on any server enabled as they allways crashed the server.
Willi, do we know exactly what mod items cause this? The only one i was aware of was with Advanced Genetics.
No, I can't remmember but it wasn't advanced genetics. Maybe @caithleen knows where it was connected. But if the crash is fixed there is still the performance issue with the rednet energy cables.
i and ather people nead sam whay to convert power and the power converters are nomore in the mod pack
Honestly I think it adds a level of complexity which is the idea of the modpack. We are actually installing new power setup to handle the change but it's not a huge deal. Unless I am mistaken you only need EU for mid-to-end game stuff.
I just remembered an old school way. Electical engines from Forestry. You can put EU in and RF/ MJ comes out. You will want to upgrade it for max efficiency
Old school? What about alternating redstone to power a machine? Simple answer... No. It's nice when you can convert one power into another, but each mod adds it's own power production, converters for sake of converting at a cost of resources on the server is a nogo.
On DW20 you can hook EU to RF and it automatically converts since it has the mod Enet bridge: [WIP|1.7.10] EnetBridge 1.4 - Pending Addons - IC² Forum I hope TDT gets this mod