The Story of A Weird Horse (Base On A True Story)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by ssbbpeople, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. ssbbpeople

    ssbbpeople New Member

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    5:39 AM
    I should say donkey instead of horse but gather around children to hear a story about an average minecraft player.

    It was the 29th of January 2014 i was just getting done with my house placing some pine next to brick
    then my chests tool stations crafting tables furnaces etc...

    I then spawned in a Horse with my new Horse Egg from the starter kit the server gave us, place down 3
    fences spawned got the Horse with my lead i right-clicked the Horse then right-clicked the 3 fences in the middle of it.

    After all of that good jiz, i decided to go and find a RogueLikeDungeon and i found one not to long from my home its a pretty big one to i got about 2 stacks of iron and 11 diamonds from that dungeon. I then did /home to go home and get my Horse to go to it once more but my horse was off his lead.

    Now the weird stuff hapens... I checked to see why the Horse was un-fenced but there was no clue or anything left behing, after that he just ran and ran on his bottom 2 legs while i was chasing him, i chased him back tothe dungeon then he went inside the dungeon which basically got him killed and lost. So while being sad that my horse was gona i did /home and guess what, hes back!

    I thought of it as a vision if i put the horse on the fence with the lead then he will run away, i turned out not doing that and he didnt run away.

    This is a true story based of a true minecraft player.

    Ssbbpeople Out!
    tonalom, newabcd, Slind and 2 others like this.
  2. ssbbpeople

    ssbbpeople New Member

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    5:39 AM
    I can post more stories if you guys want
    newabcd likes this.
  3. newabcd

    newabcd Well-Known Member

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    11:39 AM
    post more storys ssbb[DOUBLEPOST=1392937949,1392933801][/DOUBLEPOST]
    make more storys
  4. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    6:39 AM
  5. GeorgeBoy14

    GeorgeBoy14 Well-Known Member

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    1:39 PM
    Nice story.

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