That's a shame... I teleported maybe a hundred times looking for an unlooted village, and had to pass a few because they had, indeed, been looted.
There is no way all the villages are looted. On a pack like TDT and DW20 you could find unlooted villages for a few weeks... and those servers had/have 30-40 people Are you looking for a villager?
No, I'm not looking for a villager. I was looking for unlooted chests. I think people obtained the means to travel really quickly across the world and just looted every last village; the train stations were quite literally the only areas where anything of value was left, and mostly it was just the chest itself, not the machines.
Unfortunately it is quite time intense and has quite a strain on the server. If we would generate them on the live server, it would be unplayable with 1-2 tps. Even with generating them on another server it takes a day for an entire world and server crashes multiple times per hour. Most of this is due to the worldgen bug in 1.7.10 which isn't sorted due to cauldron not being maintained anymore (bukkit dmca drama).
Id just like to comment on the low TPS while generating land, i'm aware the map is preloaded however whenever people fly fast or several people travel the TPS in the overworld does drop from 18-20 to around 6-12.
Could possibly be the gregtech ores which are registered as tile ents. In case this increases the chunk load and unload time.
Are there any mods in resurrection that adds dimensions? For example, the spirit dim. (often a duplicate of the overworld) from Witchery is often untouched by many, for a long period. Now the question is once again, is Witchery or any other mod with similar dim. additions in resurrection? Sometimes you gotta go where few wanders
I do believe he wants the rollingmachine/steam dynamo, and loot from chests from the trainstations found often in a village.
Not just the trainstations, quick loot from any building that's still got any is helpful, given just how difficult the pack is, having GregTech as the core.
Would it not be better with a quarry in the farmworld, as gregtech is known to be very resource draining. Chest loot would not get you far
Admittedly, any armor, weapons, or ingots are pretty much useless, but since GT adds in the metals to giant veins, while you could theoretically find a lot, you have to get lucky and actually locate a vein, first; any machines you find prebuilt, in my opinion, save a lot of time.
Is botania in resurrection, or is that yet another mod not implemented yet? The loonium flower can give you dungeon chest drops, if you can supply the mana.
only machine you find all ready built is the rolling machine.... which is not hard to make( even with GT) Im not sure why your requesting a reset of a world few play on. This is one of the most untouched worlds there is on MyM