Low TPS and our plans

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    the TPS on the Monster Server are realy bad since beginning and you are not the only one concerned about it.

    The low tps from start up were very odd for me as I couldn´t think of what is that different between before the reset and after. But today I figured out one major source of lag.

    The bloodmagic mod sets the movement speed of every player to 0.1 every tick which is realy inefficient. As maybe only every 10-20th players uses bloodmagics sigils and doing this every 20th tick would be enough. This would reduce the cpu usage of the function by about 20.000%. Here is a small screenshot from the profiler, as you see it takes 40% of the cpu time at top:

    As Bloodmagic is opensource we will try to solve this issue. If we fail, bloodmagic gets removed.
    This way we hopefully solve the most major lag issue.

    Quarries & extra Server
    Another source are quarries, which are ok atm, but still take a lot of resources.

    As we already have a bungeecord setup, it would be possible to attach another monster server to it which would only handle the farming worlds or an extra quarry world. This way the quarries would not slow down the main server.
    The problem about this is, that things like tesseracts and enderchests don´t work via. different servers. Another even bigger problem is that sharing the inventory doesn´t work the way it is done with bukkit servers. If we would do it like on a bukkit server items like tinkers constructs tools would break as the nbt data gets lost. I have two solutions in mind, one simple and one advanced. I need to make further testings with the simple solution before I can say it works without duping and loosing the inventory. The advanced would take some time of developement.

    Supporter Server ?
    I know that it is very frustrating if you give money to support the server and they can´t perform magic to solve tps issues. Well we will solve the issue with bloodmagic either with solving the issue or removing the mod and building a quarry server. If the tps are still very bad and the transfering of the inventory works, we could attach an extra server where only people with tierx have access too. (But I don´t like splitting the community.) Tell me your thoughts about it. ;)

    Overstating Players
    We have some players which are overstating and play like in singleplayer. We tell you in the rules that you should not overstate else we may undo your work. To run a smooth big modded minecraft servers it is not possible for players to build like hell and to the limits. The whole community suffers from it. This is not a singleplayer world, where you can do everything as you like. To sum it up, according to the current lag issue, we will undo some of the high cpu usage work without asking for permission or giving a warning!

    I think I covered all bases for now and hope you understood everything, if not please ask and let us know what you think about it. ;)
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We patched bloodmagic a few minutes ago and the tps are on 20, instead of 12 with +20 players.[DOUBLEPOST=1391629350,1391554594][/DOUBLEPOST]Update, according to the inventory sync. It only works half way. Bungeecord is sending the player too fast or without the bukkits logout even to the new server which is a problem. We will look into the advanced way hopefully come up with a good working solution.[DOUBLEPOST=1391971312][/DOUBLEPOST]As the inventory sync will take some time and we need a long term solution we will solve some of the issues by banning cpu intensive and extremly unbalanced items. That means:
    • minecraft hopper (1-4%)
    • minecraft spawner (1-8%)
    • barrels
    • autonomous activator (2-8%)
    • chunkloader
    • enderio conduits (I think we can switch back to thermal expansion conduits as the cpu leak seems to be fixed.) (4-8%)
    • (rotarycraft fans) (2-6%) (just too many)
    • (railcraft tanks)
    • (adv. genetics) (wolfenstein told me that this mod drives thaumcraft crazy with its player update per gen per tick, I´m not sure if it is)
    I´m not sure about the blocks/mods in the brackets yet. More even worse mods which are hard/not possible to ban are thaumcraft, machinemuse-powerarmour and adv. genetics. These mods set the player speed and other things each server tick and leak cpu usage over time. Sometimes only the player speed reading and setting of these mods every tick takes up to 80% of the cpu usage. Bloodmagic was even worse than thaumcraft and machinemuse which we could solve. But these 3 mods are closed source.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I think we can better live with this banned items as with low tps and for many items is a alternative in the modpack :)
    bolsward1 likes this.
  4. MrBadAtThis

    MrBadAtThis New Member

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    It's unfortunate that the autonomous activators are being removed. When is your plan of action on this so I can change my farms accordingly
  5. Surader

    Surader Active Member

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    it doesnt mean they are being removed mrbadatThis i think if we focus on getting rid of a few of them we will be able to keep some bases have over 30+ activators which if we can cut them in half it makes things alot smoother for the server as a whole cutting down rotary craft fans instead of using 20+ fans use 1 per every 3 rows which is what they harvest in would cut the cpu usage down things that i can help players with is cutting down how much they use and making it more efficient i want to keep item bans as low as possible if there is a fix i will find a way
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    true but it is also an over powered resource production. I´m sure that this is not intended by the magic crops devs. Further more lets bees look like useless, and with a proper bee set up you get endless resources, too.[DOUBLEPOST=1392017779,1392017425][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I will add an broadcast for it today and give you 3-5 days. I want to have it done before next weekend
  7. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    Just a heads up on the activator + watering can + magical crops farming, RJTema the author of Ex.Utilities has made it so that watering cans will no longer be automatable as of Monster 1.0.10 so once the modpack is updated people will have to stop using them anyway!

    Please do give plenty of warning before ypu update though as BetterStorage isn't gonna be in next version so people will need time to get stuff out of chests/lockers..
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I created a broadcast as notification.
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Yeah, thats why I did not announce any item bans, as I want to wait until after the update.
  10. Ariel135

    Ariel135 New Member

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    How did you patched Blood Magic?
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    bytecode edit.

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