Implemented Obelisk from thaumcraft farmworld

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by chugga_fan, Jan 7, 2015.


farmworld for obelisks?

  1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8 vote(s)
  2. NU!

    1 vote(s)
  3. maybe so

    0 vote(s)
  1. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    the elderitch obelisks from thaumcraft are needed for TC progression and you can't get kami, or a primodial pearl, meaning you can't progress in thaumcraft
  2. Fousicek

    Fousicek Well-Known Member

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    what do you mean that you cant get kami ? i think obelisk are not neded for kami, if i am not mistaken.
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I don't think they are required.
    Also chugga. how many did you raid?

    Worse case we can add recipes from the elderich eyes and other items to progress.... if needed
  4. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Go to sleep, chugga, and next time you post please make sense. What are you trying to say, or ask? There's no question here, there's not even any statement other than "This is necessary." Are you asking they get added, reset, what?
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    1:43 AM
    that breaks progression >:/ or we can have the spawneggs in shop for the obelisks[DOUBLEPOST=1420670076,1420669951][/DOUBLEPOST]
    sure are, you need primodial pearl to get the research in elderitch tab, oh and i raided basically the only 2 untouched elderitch altars, in any world[DOUBLEPOST=1420670203][/DOUBLEPOST]btw there's one elderitch research that YOU MUST VISIT THE ELDERITCH LANDS TO GET, no other way, infact there are TWO of these
  6. xXFriXonXx

    xXFriXonXx New Member

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    If I remember correctly there is no spawnegg for an Obelisk (you can build one in creative but I don't believe it will work.) The easiest thing to do is probably make a make shift portal and have a requirement threshold before people can use the portal. Kinda like there is/was for the nether,twillight, and end. (don't know if that's still around.)
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you need 100 vis from your wand, there's only 1 boss PER PORTAL, and azanor added a way you can spawn in the obelisks, and you need the crimson rites book and the elderitch tab unlocked
  8. xXFriXonXx

    xXFriXonXx New Member

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    Ah I was unaware of Azanor doing this. And the Requirements could (judging from the Vis having be used to make the portal) be a Crimson Rites Book, and a Full Set (Yes FULL Set) of the Void Thaumaturge Armor (or Equivalent in the Eldrich Tab, Since it's only craftable.) would yield 1 Obelisk Spawnegg.
    I think that would possibly be a good Price for one. It's Expencive to get, and It'll require you to fill out the Eldrich Tab to an extent to get it.
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you need 100 vis, vis discount's don't effect it, and jesus CRHIST THATS TOO ()*&&)*( EXPENSIVE, and you need to USE THE BOOK AND RESEARCH A TABOO RESEARCH to get it, don't even make it craftable, let the people who can use them (me atm) use them for the same price they normally would, some vis and 4 elderitch eyes, and vis is infinite, and elderitch eyes are infinite, and a farmworld reset for these is a PERFECTLY viable option
  10. xXFriXonXx

    xXFriXonXx New Member

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    It was a Hypothetical Price. And you forget Thaumcraft can be VERY Heavy on the resources you need. And you Aquire the Book through a Drop. So there's a grind, which fits Thaumcraft. And I know you need 100 Vis to open the Portal. So that 100 Vis would be toward opening the portal along with the Eldrich Eyes. As for the Armor I suggested, this is flexible. However, I do think it should probably be something decently far in the Eldrich Tab to be priced, It could easily be the Fortress Armor or such. But It shouldn't be easy to acquire like that, that's just plain and simple. As for the research, Taboo? that's nothing to be fretting about Chugga. You're going to get warp no matter what you do so Taboo Warp is nothing.

    Now that I look at it Fortress armor isn't even in the Eldrich Tab. It should probably be the Void Armor then.
  11. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you. want. this. thing. to. be. worth. 10000000000000000 myms, please reconsider that, and NOTHING in thaumcraft is expensive, name ONE ITEM in vanilla thaumcraft that is TRUELY expensive
  12. xXFriXonXx

    xXFriXonXx New Member

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    I did say can be I didn't say it is, it depends on how you use Thaumcraft with other things/mods/ideas. But that is particularly why I suggested the Void Thaumaturge Armor instead of the Fortress/Void Armor, it makes the spawnegg more reasonably priced. Also I was curious but there doesn't seem to be a spawn egg in Thaumcraft for the Obelisk in the Direwolf20 1.0.3 Pack (not even the Recommend.)

    As for the MyMs idea, I'm not staff anymore so that I can't call on. You'd have to ask Slind or Willy or a Current Staff Member. But in my opinion its better to have Item Prices on these types of things rather than Currency Prices, it makes it where someone can't decide they're going into Thaumcraft and they already have 'X' MyMs so all they have to do is Research and they can go to the Eldrich Dimension. It makes it where you HAVE to actually do things in Thaumcraft to progress to the Eldrich Dimension, not just research.
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    thats not updated to the current version, and the elderitch dimension research is HARD TO GET, and you're REQUIRED to get a LARGE AMMOUNT of warp to be able to get it, and you MUST have this researched to get kami, MUST, so you're REQUIRED to do LOTS in TC to get to the elderitch dimension
  14. xXFriXonXx

    xXFriXonXx New Member

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    The Current Recommended is 1.0.2, it'll most likely have to wait till 1.0.4 or something to get this feature. And just because it requires a large amount of warp doesn't mean it should be practically free. There a price on everything. That being said, What do you believe to be a better Price? Because MyMs isn't a good idea for a price, there's no proof you've done enough to be worthy of the portal (that's subjective but none the less). As for a price, in Thaumcraft Items, what would be a fair price would you think then?
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    dude, look, if you're making it that expensive i'll just use my 2 primodial pearls to make $$$$$$ because it'd be too ridiculous to get one yourself, which is COUNTER productive, and you need to craft a bunch of warp research items in TDT to be able to get this tab AND the 2nd part of the unlock (elderitch revealation) to be able to THINK about getting this, which is 2/3 the sanity checker, an INSANE ammount that if you 100% the TDT book atm you still won't get it, then you have to get a wand which can hold 100 vis, requiring at LEAST a silverwood wand of any type, and have INSANE armor because those bosses heal FAST, and are immune to RIDICULOUS ammounts of damage, so the farmworld idea is THE BEST idea, especially since the farmworld already kinda needs a reset (too many places i've found 100% e-quarried areas) and allows for new thaumoturgeists to progress, because i raided all the unbroken (thanks ()*__ who broke about 20 of them) and unclaimed ones (1 of them) all the rest are either CLAIMED, or BROKEN, and the price of opening it is still insane, and MANY OP researches stem from the primodial pearl, here's a picture of the elderitch obelisk realted researches
  16. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    If i remember correctly if you enter the dimension and defeat the boss it does give you a item to make a better and more cool crucible right
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    alchemical furnace and better nodes, this thing is INSANELY hard to get, and is infinitely usable, and i had to do this with MULTIPLE people to face the boss, near impossible to find that tablet
  18. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Btw chugga i saw one episode of direwolf and can you tell me if the feature of feeding hungry nodes so they gain aspect exist now hehe
  19. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    they do in DW20 and TDT, have been for awhile, on TDT i upgaded mine, so now me and @JamesOrr81 have a hyper node in the making, my plan is to get 10k CV once transduced, aka 1 ichor wand every second, requiring 120 billion of each vis type before transducing
    julio1237878 likes this.
  20. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    10:43 PM
    Awesome thanx ;)

    Edit: Good luck with that

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