The Dark Trilogy 1.0.7 - A commentary

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by RabidCadaver, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. RabidCadaver

    RabidCadaver Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:18 PM
    So while I read through the update today, I came upon several things that gave me pause, and then I had to check out.

    Man, what a nerf to the tech path. Maybe it was too easy. I haven't really thought about it too much, so that's what this is going to be.

    I mean, he updated to the new thaumcraft. That was pretty sweet, other than re locking my ichor line. That sort of sucked.

    Then I got down to changes to the plastic sheeting recipe, and the basic capacitor recipe. Adding nuggets of midgame materials, like signalium and enderium.

    Not terribly expensive, if you've got it already. I can account for setting up some AE autocrafting with a liquicrafter and start to store some liquids so that I can automate the process. Also pulverize a whole ton of metals so I have them on hand, cause I'm all about ingots right now.

    Then there's the change to requiring IC2 battery-stuff for TE cells. Ah, Crap. I hated doing that for the base cell. Now I have to build an MFE to have it eaten by a resonant energy cell? Now it feels a bit like we're just gregging it up to say we added more steps.

    Also the big reactor fuel rate was changed to x8. which was slightly disastrous with the rednet being removed, cause my reactor went nuts and ate all the fuel I had st aside for it, or it bugged out. One or the other.

    Maybe I'm spoiled a bit by the progression in Agrarian skies, which was vastly more laid out as to what you were supposed to be doing to get to the next step. And then you were automating that step. There was a grind, but it made you appreciate the time you spent manually sifting things, and growing trees by hand, and so on before you ended up with an AE fed cluster of 20 sifters feeding into a vaccumhopper attached to an ME interface autosifting the gravel sand and dust that you were producing with an array of pulverizers fed by your host of igneous extruders spitting out cobble like it's going out of style. Also any time you're hungry, you so much as glance at your AE network and it spits out a bacon double mushroom cheeseburger, finely crafted from your tofu farm.

    But it all started with you punching a tree and nearly starving to death. OR starving to death. >.>

    I'm not saying that I'm not going to be able to just set up autocrafting a bit better on my AE network to take care of this and get back to the easy life. It's just, c'mon man. Adding complication for the sake of adding complication is rough. If I wanted things to be Daedalean, I'd play a pack with Gregtech.

    Just my ten cents. Set to rattle in a cup.
  2. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:18 PM
    I don't mind the slight "Greginess" to the technology side of things, but all of a sudden the Magic side of things seems too easy by comparison. 'Course, the only magic I really understand at all is Thaumcraft, but still...

    Say, think they could add in progression to the magic side of things to get you to use a larger variety of magic mods? (Other than that, maybe I should stop using the base that a professional built and try progressing myself, to see how it goes)
    RabidCadaver likes this.
  3. Moorian

    Moorian Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:18 PM
    It seems that big reactors also glitch out... my complete yellorium in the fuelrods got deleted wich means that maybe everytime the chunk gets loaded over 6-9 stacks of yellorite ingots go into the reactor.
    And the genetics stuff is still broken. (genepool & isolator)
  4. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:18 PM
    Does the reactor cross a chunk boundary? If it does, known issue. I had 1.2k of Yellorium blocks eaten due to it.
  5. Moorian

    Moorian Well-Known Member

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    10:18 PM
    No it worked before the update and the reactor is in one chunk
  6. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:18 PM
    On the genepool/isolator issue, what is the problem?

    Energy malfunctions, or DNA not being able to be inserted?

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