Long story short, I died, went to break my grave, broke it, clearlag reared its ugly head, now all my stuff is gone before I could get my stuff back. I'm not expecting any compensation, but can we get better indication of this plug-in doing its thing? It's kinda useless if its only job is ruining a few hours worth of mining...
If Im not mistaken, I think there is a 1 or 2 minute warning. I could be wrong though. Alas, I do agree, if there is not a warning there should be.
Sadly, yes, there can be no refunds. However can an @Administrator add a 1-2 min prior notice to the clearlagg sweep? Clearlagg is only on node 2 atm if I'm not mistaken.
ClearLag should not remove items, that was still from the world gen enabled I think. Should be disabled now.