Hey when I'm going to the nether (nether spawn minimap coords. 0,0,76) i don't have the permission to do anything ie. eating, mining, picking up stuff. There seems to be a permission problem... . Best regards, dAsRoNeY
Hey when I died literally 3 blocks outside of my portal on the way back to my island (death due to lag) I discovered that I'm not allowed to pick my items up! If this is on purpose at least make it so that dropping items upon death in this region is set to off. That being said, I'd like my items back. I'm fairly new and worked very hard for them. They are all still beside my portal waiting to despawn... I can't even go back to the nether until this is resolved so please, anyone, help. My island member, remixette1243, could not pick them up either. I hope no one else can.
I was there and was not able to pick the items up can a @Co-Administrator or @Administrator look into this? sounds like an permissions issue coords of the base with portal is -22681 4042 53 on AG1
Will load up AG shortly Only item found is a TiCon pickaxe. Sorry, but it seems like most of it all has despawned
If my items despawned it was either because you were there too long or took them. GG on fixing the problem.
Due to islands are now spawning portals outside the border, all nether portals have been linked to the "spawn" on nether. That was set a few days ago. All players that entered the nether thus loaded the chunks where the items were on the ground, adding to the time before they despawned. I could only find the TiCon pickaxe, which I placed in your inventory. I picked it up almost immediately as I teleported to the nether. I understand you are frustrated, but I loaded up agrarian, even though I do not play it, as soon as I saw the post, to help you. It could've been longer before any other co-admin/admin saw your post, and loaded agrarian, so please be glad that I at least managed to save one of the lost items. Pickup in the nether spawn should now be allowed, so no further incident may happen.
Yes SirWilli. Booker, I'm happy it was addressed and fixed quickly but was/am frustrated that I didn't get my things back. That's all. Over all I'm very happy with the server and its community.
Cheap items unless you're as new as I am to the server. Like my enchanted horse armor is my best weapon atm lol.
Here's a tip: Make a flint knife blade, bonemeal crossbar, and a stick. Make a dagger out of that, and it'll be stronger than that horse armor.