
Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Xiaminou, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Xiaminou

    Xiaminou Member

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    Suggestions :
    #1: Allow personal anchors or spot loaders working only when you're online.
    #2: Reward claim blocks every hour.
    #3: Lower the price of claim blocks.
    #4: Ban watering can.
    #5: Allow more items to be put on the market OR add chest shops for large supplies.
    #6: Don't have a scheduled restart every hour.
    #7: Give power to the admins.

    #1: Allow claims in the mining world.
    #2: Allow Quarries in the deep dark, nether and promised land.
    #3: Allow nether pump in the nether.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We had them enabled for a time, but the TPS don´t allow them. You can get access to 9 chunks from chickenchunkloadern for the time your are online with premium tier4.
    You get claimblocks and money for voting and money for ontime. You can use money to buy more claimblocks at the shop at the spawn.
    We want people to vote for the server and claimblocks is the biggest part to vote for it. I don´t like to give ultimate solar panels for voting, like other servers do. I will look into this and see if we can lower them.
    I already would have banned it (10% cpu usage including the rotarycraft fans) but most players and staff are strictly against banning it. Btw. as far as I know, the next update will nerf it.
    We had it set to many more slots per player and people started complaining that the market is overflowding so we decreased them. The current available slots per player are 24, which number do you have in mind ?
    The restart is sheduled every two hours. The modpack leaks a lot of cpu usage over time. Setting it higher would resolve into 3-4 tps after 3-4 hours.
    Admins have power to do anything, access to anything. Co-Admins have access to everything ingame. I won´t give out access to the dedicated servers. We don´t use any interface and it is easy to do things wrong without unix commandline experience. Another point is security, I trust our Co-Admins but I have no idea on how secure their environments are and who else has access to it.

    Won´t happen, as we allow items which can bypass the griefprotection their and we already had a lot of players going into the farmworld and thinking it won´t get reset.
    Quarries should work in the deep dark, I´m not sure about nether and promised land.
    Enderthermic Pumps are allowed in the nether.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  3. Xiaminou

    Xiaminou Member

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    1:18 PM
    I'm sorry but loading 9 additionnal chunks while you're online isn't worth 50€. You might aswell buy 2 more copies of minecraft and use them to load chunks.
    I do understand the costs of running a server but this isn't the way. People donate because they want to help the server, items are just a small perk and shouldn't affect those who cannot donate. I think the server could handle 1 spot loader per player, which is enough if placed well.

    The main problem with this kind of reward, is that no matter how long you play per day, you'll get the same number of claimblocks. However people that player 10 hour a day will need more claims than people who play 1 hour, which is why claimblocks are usually rewarded per hour.
    People will NOT stop voting just because they have claimblocks every hour, extra money and claims is ALWAYS worth 30 seconds of your time, and random item is the right reward, servers that reward solar panels and such are just trash.
    Money could be use to buy claim blocks, however in the current state of the economy I doubt anyone would spend 1 MyMs for 1 claimblocks, it's just overpriced.

    So what if they're against it? you're the owner you get to decide. This has completly trashed the economy to a point where everyone has infinite resources without bothering to even try and do something else than magical crops. On a server this big economy has to be an important part if you want people to keep playing after a month.

    I can understand the problem of flooded market, isn't there a way to allow a number of different items, but as many items as you want for each type?

    i.e. : I can sell 16 different types of wools (16 slots) but I can see as many of each type as I want.

    If not, then as I said the easiest solution is probably chest shops for selling/purchasing in large quantities and have the /market set up as sort of an auction house.

    Yeah okay, minecraft sucks with CPU and RAM.

    Well I've talked to admins a couple of times about the subjects below (allowing us to place quarries/pumps) and apparently they were powerless. I don't know how the plugins work but they should at least be able to tweak them as needed.

    If it bypass GriefPrevention what guarantee is there that they don't bypass your other protection plugins? have this been tested? If people really want to grief, they will find a way. If players are stupid enough to think farmworld don't reset, just removing GP won't make them think otherwise, have a permanant message saying it resets every week or something.

    They don't, none of those worlds accept quarry, the only one that might is the farmworld. (I've been going on about this for a week but I guess nobody thought it was worth reporting to you...)

    Same as above, ender thermic pump cannot be placed in the nether your plugin prevents it.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It is not about the money. If you look at the shops overview you will see that it isn´t even listed there. The problem with chunkloaders ist this. If you only have one chunk you can load, you will put all your machines inside this chunk. It doesn´t realy matter how many chunks are loaded if nothing happens inside them. Its about the entities and tile entities (machines) which are loaded. If you build an anti afk machine you break rules and risk a ban of these accs.

    I´m not saying this out of thoughts. We had it the other way before and votes increased a lot. I see that a lot of people don´t understand why we "punish" palyers which play a long time a day. Well I don´t like the fact that you need to play have the day to keep up with others. Thats why we set the rewards higher for the first hours. As this way you have more money per ontime. Another fact is that players which invest hours a day on the server typical cause the server the most power. I know this sounds not fair to loyal players, but it is a fact I´m not hiding. This fact would be different if it would be a private server or small one which is looking for a lot more players. But this modpack does not realy allow a lag free environment with +20 players. What do you think would be a good price for the claimblocks ? (a lot of players are buying them)

    Sure but if like everyone is against it and staff goes out and solves half of the issue by removing magic crops farms which are overstated I´m happy with the short term solution as I know they get nerfed soon. You are the first one talking about banning them besides me.

    This is not possible atm. and we already requested it. If you like you can ask again in the comments or send the autor a private message and maybe he will move it up on his todo list:
    GlobalMarket - Bukkit

    I changed it to 3 hours for now. Lets see if it can handle it, if not we go back to 2 hours.

    These changes or requests are always best put onto the forums, so they don´t get forgotten and the right people get them. Allowing quarries in other worlds is a decision I would like to be part of.

    There are no other protection plugins the farming worlds, thats why they are allowed their. Griefing at the time we had hardcoremode on was like impossible or at least we had not even one grief case where the victim protected his stuff right. The hardcore mode is now disabled and there might be 2-3 items left which are able to grief. But as soon as someone finds them we will find them, too.
    It is a big deal about building in the farming world. We get multiple requests daily like: "I can´t claim", "Claiming doesn´t work", "Griefprevention is broken"... Well you are in the farming world.
    But besides that, I think the real question from me should be, why do you miss claiming in the farmingworlds, for what would you like to use it ?

    Seems like a lot of players don´t care about it or don´t contact me. I will look into this. Btw. I enabled the quarrie plus a week ago in the deep dark. I thought that was the only issue.

    There are players using Enderthermic Pumps in the nether. But I let me verify it.
  5. Xiaminou

    Xiaminou Member

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    The reason I want a protection in the farmworld is for my quarry, since there is no way to chunkload, wherever I place my quarry I'll also need power generation and item storage, therefore I need to make sure no one can touch my setup. The truth is, I don't this what's the big deal, I mean you can claim in the nether, the end, promised land, deep dark, and all of those reset too.
    Most player must use magical crops, I however find it overpowered and refuse to use it. I don't know about the quarry plus, I haven't gotten to that yet.
    I don't know, every time I've tried to place one it says it's banned. Same as the quarry I reported it to the admins.
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Ok, make sure that you place everything inside the chunk of the Quarry you can use F9 for a grid. This whole chunk is loaded all the time. Now use a tesseract for the energy and attach it directly to the quarry, inside the chunk. You can now protect all the blocks with a simple sign where you put [private] into the first line line, don´t forge the brackets. Yes it is not hard to bypass the sign protection, but you can´t realy hurt the player with it and we can ban the players which can´t resist to take it.

    It is not inteded that you can claim in the nether... I will look into all of this today evening.[DOUBLEPOST=1393000259,1392998592][/DOUBLEPOST]Just verfied with a test acc which has the same permissions as every user.

    Nether - Quarry - QuarryPlus - Enderthermic Pump -> works
    DeepDark - Quarry - QuarryPlus -> works
    TwilightForest - Quarry - QuarryPlus -> works
    PromisdLand -> does not work and is inteded as I´m happy if this world isn´t loaded
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2014
  7. Xiaminou

    Xiaminou Member

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    Well, I mustn't be every user then, because I've tested it once again, same result, not working.

    Edit : I got someone to help me, placing an Ender Thermic Pump works for them, however they were not able to place a Quarry Plus in the deep dark
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  8. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Id like to jump in on nr.5. Is there a way to allow for multiple stacks of one item to list ? The market interface allready combines multiple offers of the same item to one listing, so it stays tidy. It would just be nice to sell 10*Stack X and have 1 slot taken for it rather then 10.
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    1:18 PM
    We requested this from the dev of the plugin, but as it looks like its at the end of his todo list. :(

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