Implemented Laser Drill Foci

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by Kyukiou, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Kyukiou

    Kyukiou Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    3:47 PM
    Well, before I encourage more fights in chat due to my "AMERICAN" English (Plural form of Focus is Foci over here) and simply wanted to know an answer to my problem/issue.

    If I put 6 Foci in the Drill, will the laser beam actually change color?
    I have ventured over to sites like Reddit and a few YouTube videos, and they don't explain about the colors.. I just feel I'm missing something here.

    Also, someone in chat said I was ignored, does that mean I'm muted in chat now? (No one seems to answer now since they said that.)

    And as of right now; (new edit 7:42am est) - Everytime I interract with the laser prechargers. I crash INSTANTLY.. So, I'm bringing up the client for the 4th time and hoping for the best...
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    3:47 PM
    1) Please post your crash-report
    2) The color of laser will not change, it changes the chances of ores depending on colors
    3) Unless a staff member said you were muted (you'd get a message when you try to chat) then only that player can't hear you anymore
    tonalom and _Cilo_ like this.
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:47 PM
    if someone in chat said your ignored.... that means you were annoying and the person most likely ignored any of your further comments.

    I take it you were spamming for help? Pride sometimes gets the best of us....
  4. Kyukiou

    Kyukiou Well-Known Member

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    3:47 PM

    1) My crash-report never showed up inside the launcher. The only thing that it did say when I did crash was something about Loading up English directory. It was just one line. I managed to get someone from the chat to come by and help me, unfortnuately he also did crash as well and when he came back the Laser Prechargers was already placed down, and in the process 3 of them was duped. (Duped items was thrown off the edge)

    2,3) - Thanks.

    I only asked once. I've read all the rules for the server. Usually if someone doesn't answer after I write my question I just assume no one knows and I try to ask the next day (assuming my problem still persists)

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