Implemented Unlocked Elemental Fires research.

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by obie115, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. obie115

    obie115 New Member

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    Local Time:
    11:58 AM
    I was told that the research for elemental fires caused and automatic kick/ban from the server, but i was told this after i was able to pay for the research. I created two different phials of the elemental fires of aqua. On first glance i released the fire in the over world next to my infusion alter thinks oh its just fire i might as well look at it and think of an idea to use this fire as decoration. I put out that fire in about 3-5 mins after it was placed. The next event that happened with the fire was when i look at the research again and realized that if i put it in the nether I would be able to have my own winter wonderland but upon releasing the fire in a suitable location the fire wouldn't spread. i asked the mod Princess_Adri i think why it would spread then now i'm submitting this forum post mainly because i was threatened by another mod if i didn't an "action" would be needed. 2015-04-05_04.11.08.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    2:58 PM
    you USED these? oh my god, always consult me before you try using these, do you know how many chunks you got rollbacked from this? jesus, they were banned for a reason
  3. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    8:58 PM
    The imbued fire got patched so they no longer spred as it could make a whole server into a nether like area
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    2:58 PM
    i remember the incident hansi, i was the first one to use it...
  5. AdrianVaughan

    AdrianVaughan Patron Tier 1

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    7:58 PM
    @chugga NO ONE has to consult you on anything and as hansi said its been patched now.
  6. RaZzorShine

    RaZzorShine Baka

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    8:58 PM
    I told him to make a thread but i didn't threaten you and I wasn't aware the half an hour before that talk that the fire spread was patched. It was an honest mistake.
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    2:58 PM
    ik, i did not know the spread was patched until RaZzorShine told me about it, and with thaumcraft i know what i'm doing more than most, as i have found bugs that are so easily breakable in the 4.1 version, it's rediculous

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