Implemented Bedrock dimension banned? Really?

Discussion in 'Monster' started by MaxUumen, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. MaxUumen

    MaxUumen New Member

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    9:31 AM
    So, all this time and resources put into getting there and you simply block it off?
    Whats the reasoning behind this ban? I don't see how bedrock dimension is any more OP than all the other powerful mods. Go ahead and ban MFR laser drill, Rotary extractor and many other ways of getting more resources than beginners can get with their iron pick. It's not like we are selling all those resources for cheap value or giving it away for free. If you would look at what I have mined there, you would see that it's mainly the gems that make nice-looking building blocks and not all the nether iridium ore or any other crap that I have no use for. Sure, I can go to farmland and start running through it's ground. It will also give me tons and tons crap that I have no use for or I would simply spill it on the ground creating more lag. Not to mention all the lag from liquid updates it will cause. Next you ban the awakened pick, I can almost see that coming already. I haven't seen any discussion with players about the decision. Sure, You don't have to ask permission for any change/ban. You don't have to explain us anything if you choose so, but all this is just a huge joke to me.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I would like to hear what other players think about it...
  3. Aighato

    Aighato New Member

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    It needs to be banned because we can uncraft bedrock into bedrock dust from RotaryCraft
  4. Surader

    Surader Active Member

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    and the laser drill requires a ton of energy to use not to mention the rate it gives ores is very slow nice comparison
  5. Pergale

    Pergale New Member

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    Well actually, banning the bedrock dimension doesn't solve that at all. The pick can still mine bedrock, and it exists in plenty of places besides just it's own little world. Wouldn't it make more sense to ban the bedrock block itself? Considering to even obtain it it needs to be Silk Touched(Meaning you kind of have to go out of your way to get it), it's massive griefing potential(If you place a block you can't re-break it), and the previous uncrafting recipe you brought up, in addition to it having no actual gameplay use for the average player, leads it to be the issue rather than the pickaxe itself.

    Considering the work that goes into getting that far into Thaumcraft, the fact that we by both server regulation and general common sense don't sell TTKami items(And I personally tell everyone who asks me for a tome of knowledge sharing to go suck on some scribing tools), and the fact that it's just such an elegant, lag-free alternative to quarrying the farmworld into swiss cheese, the only thing banning the place does is kick players who've worked to get up to it in the teeth. The only people who really need to lug around blocks of bedrock should be mods or admin anyway.
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    7:31 AM
    The uncrafting recipe for bedrock blocks could be blacklisted in twilight forest config could it not?

    Also much like with power armor we could simply restrict possession of bedrock blocks to tier 1 so people who haven't put some actual money into the server won't be able to use them for griefing in any way.

    Not saying I care about whether the dimension is disabled or not as I cba with thaumcraft this time around, but as I understand it, the effort needed to access the bedrock dimension is harder and requires more effort than making a deep dark portal, and aside from the uncrafting issue not significantly more useful in terms of available resources...
  7. Aighato

    Aighato New Member

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    1:31 AM
    Kk, so the idea was to ban the posession of bedrock itself, as it's not used in any recipes and players owning bedrock is a recipe for disaster and a great way to admins to work non-stop because of players misclicking with it xD
  8. xXFriXonXx

    xXFriXonXx New Member

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    3:31 AM
    Banning the possession of bedrock would be more efficient in this case. As for the 'bedrock' dimension whether it stays banned or not the excessive rant was a bit much, If you had a problem with it, I think it would have been a lot more of a civilized question than the tantrum that you seem to have had about it. We ban things because there is a problem with what it does to either the server, client, or economy of the server, hence the bedrock dimension was banned because of the easily accessible amount of bedrock dust that can be required, not because the dimension is overpowered (though it highly is) for it's amount of materials. If we were to ban the possession of bedrock to the player I think that that problem would be solved. However who are we to know that people who get far enough in thaumcraft wouldn't just let other people who don't 'deserve' to be there through to acquire many ores, so to fix that I believe to have it to where only certain ranks of ontime players can be allowed to go there.
    chaosblad3 likes this.

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