
Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by jg1203, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. jg1203

    jg1203 New Member

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    Local Time:
    2:19 AM
    If this is already considered to be part of the rules, then my bad. But can we make it so we can swear, like "f*ck" if you just died in lava and lost some stuff. But just not directed at other players? I feel like people will feel more free that way.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:19 AM
    I wan´t to keep the rules as short as possible and don´t feel good about adding a whole new sentence to explain it. But as long as you don´t overstate with swearing you should get away with it. Just keep an open ear about warnings from staff.
  3. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    4:19 AM
    I work in customer service and I will let a customer swear about the issue or the carrier, but once that is direct toward me or another Sup, I warn them. Do it three times, i'll hangup.
  4. Arachnyd

    Arachnyd New Member

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    3:19 AM
    Let me preface this by saying that I'm an ex-Marine and I am accustomed to swearing, but, I rarely do so myself.

    Swearing in person spontaneously is quite different from swearing online. When one swears he does so for one of two purposes: Drawing attention (the above described instance is one of these), or, Being offensive. If your purpose is to draw attention, then, by swearing in General Chat you get the attention that you want at the risk of offending many others.

    Online, you must decide three different times to be offensive: 1) you have to think it; 2) you have to type it; 3) you have to hit return. You've decided three separate times that you don't care if you offend the people around you.

    There truly isn't any reason to swear online unless you INTEND to offend the people around you.

    Arachnyd[DOUBLEPOST=1399157151,1395623422][/DOUBLEPOST]Please Sticky this.

    Tecknosa, kimkilee, KaiDgg and 4 others like this.
  5. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    3:19 AM

    If you want to retype this in an original thread we should sticky that instead. this post is hidden at the bottom of a page and the OP isn't staff so it won't resound as well with players.

    Thank you sir!

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